10 Terrific Tips for Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip
Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip is a great and funny adventure platformer, where you play as the titular Terry on his quest to drive a car into space. Achieving this goal is simple enough: collect Turbo Junk, install Turbo Boosts, and bam, you have your ticket to the stars! However, even with this simpleness, the game does hide some fun features and even abilities beyond the “main” objective, especially if you’re aiming for that sweet, sweet 100% completion. Fear not, however, as I’ve collected 10 useful tips and tricks to help you make the most of your journey fulfilling Terry’s dreams!
1. Look and Listen
If you ever feel lost, Oiger has your back!
I touched upon this point in the review, but it is such an important point to note that I bring it up again: pay attention! While the world of Tiny Terry is pretty vibrant and filled with sights and sounds (thankfully integrated scent sensors aren't a thing yet), it still uses a fair bit of sight and sound to guide the player to points of interest. For example, the many insects and creatures of the city make their own unique honks and whistles, allowing players to differentiate if it's something new rustling in the bushes, or if something new is nearby! Additionally, one of the missions requires the player to seek out wind chimes by the soft tinkles they make and the wind coalescing at certain locations. If nothing else, some NPCs roaming the city have golden wallets worth a whopping 15 money ripe for the taking, though we’ll get back to that in a bit.
2. Explore
You’ll get a good look at Terry’s neighbourhood while collecting the required Junk for the main quest, however, the game has a lot of fun little things to find if you take the time to have an honest look around. Did you know you can find the city’s source of power in the sewers or that there’s a giant monster roaming the seas? A big part of Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip is discovering these fun little details, at least in my opinion, so missing them is a shame. Lastly, if you are going for that 100% completion, you will need to comb each and every corner.
3. Collect junk
Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip has a lot of stuff in it, ranging from the plot-necessary Turbo Trash and items to bugs, hats, and food, all found either in the many buildings of the city or out in the wild. While you may be tempted to leave everything else be and focus on getting what's needed, I do recommend collecting at least one of each item around and adopting a hoarder’s mindset. Why, you may ask? Simple, as stated in the earlier segment, exploring the many areas of the map can result in some fun finds and what better motivator than collecting? You may also find that some items, especially weapons, are available to find for free instead of buying them from the store! Also, the item texts are often funny and most items are useful in at least some part of the game, making you glad you picked up that hooting snail five hours back.
4. Collect Junk
Remember kids, don't jump into strange people's cars even if they offer Turbo Junk
The game has two main resources: Turbo Junk and Money, both of which can be found floating around or by either wrecking boxes or digging up the ground. As such, it’s not overly difficult to collect more than you need, which may lead you to the same mistake I made: “eh, I’ll get it later”. This isn’t a massive problem, as you can always come back later to collect whatever you skipped, but here's the thing: you need to collect every bit of Turbo Junk and need a fair bit of money to get the final 100% achievement for the game. Thankfully, there are items which help out in this, such as the (quite expensive) Junk-Detecting hat. Getting into the habit of collecting every piece of Junk you see may save you from future headaches looking for those last three pieces! Oh, and even though you get enough Boost to exit the atmosphere with about half of the available Junk, you can still keep adding more, up to a whopping 200% power!
5. Do the missions
This may seem like an obvious one, as they are the main way of getting resources quickly. However, what you may not realise is that the game hides a few abilities behind these missions! For example, completing the mission related to the giant stone mushrooms will unlock the ability to find secret vents on the map, which leads to even more Junk! Some missions are also required to compete with others, so if you feel confused about what to do for one, consider completing something else! They’re also funny.
6. Money, Money, Money
Ok, so Turbo Junk is super important. But what about Money? Well, it has its uses, though they are slightly less apparent and tied to the main quest. There are a few missions that require you to spend a bit, but otherwise, you mainly use your well-earned cash on lovely hats and tools from the Junk Shop. However, two things require you to save up quite a fair bit: wiping the city's debt and buying the Junk Detector, with both requiring closer to a thousand Money per pop. While you can find cash underground and by smashing some boxes, this will net you single bills at a time, which is agonisingly slow. If you find yourself in need of money, and fast, there are three pretty great things you can do in tandem.
Target Aquired, just play it cool Terry
First off, the best way to get money in the game is to bring… uh, “found” cars to your friend Jatkleuter near the Binnerot apartments. Here you can give them to your friend, so his dad can sell them, giving you both a part of the commission. Now, the trick is to look for a specific car that looks especially fancy. You’ll know it when you see it! Bring that back and boom, you have a cool 150 Money. While looking for the expensive car of legend™, you should also keep an eye out for golden wallets and your rival, Ricky. The wallets are very easily spotted, being literally glued to a person's back, so if you spot one, get swinging and get an easy 15 Money! What, injury? Nah, they’ll be fine, just have them walk it off. Your rival, Ricky, will also challenge you to bumper car battles, in which you go head-to-head trying to destroy the other’s vehicle. At first, these matches will net you Junk, but after a few wins, you’ll start getting cash!
7. Violence is an answer
Beyond the fact that you can indeed hit most people with your trusty pipe, bat, or wrench, Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip has a few instances where a bit of unprovoked violence may be more useful than not! For example, if you have your weapon out while jumping, you can do a swing at the apex to get a bit more air, opening up many locations to explore! You may also find that you can break things that weren’t obvious. See a cork on a pipe somewhere? Bonk it a few times and you’ll have a great shortcut to a higher altitude — hang-glider sold separately. Oh, and remember those bumper car battles I mentioned? You can actually park your car, get out, and simply beat your opponent's vehicle to next week! Be careful though, as he can and will run your beloved steed down given the chance.
8. Call Groni
This is a short and sweet one: Call Groni every now and again. Yes, you can indeed call the person you meet at the Job Application Center by using the phone in your inventory. Every time you call, you can chat, tell him about the things you’ve done and, most importantly, ask him about the ongoing missions you have! Sure, he may not always have the best advice, but he often gives you a hint on where to go next. Groni also has some interesting stuff to say regarding the plot and even explains some plot points in detail!
9. Talk to people
Many of the residents of Terry’s neighbourhood will gladly send you on an errand after a single talk. However, there are cases where you’ll need to keep interacting with them to either unlock a new mission or complete an active one. It may sound simple, but make sure to talk to everyone a few times extra, just in case! You may even get an achievement.
10. Some areas have a “completed” checkmark
This is something I wish I had known much earlier. Some of the areas, such as your home and the pet shop, where you can go into a building, have a little box in the top right corner that informs you if you have gained the associated item, be it Turbo Junk or other rewards. If it has a check, it’s done. If not, you need to still do something, be it finish up the quest or find out how to activate it.
And there you have it! I hope these hints help you finish this hilarious adventure without losing too many hairs or going into financial ruin. Did I miss something, do you have any great tips, or did you find something hilarious I didn’t mention here or in the review? Let us know in the comments!