10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Played Temtem
I'm reaching my 40 hours on Temtem now, and although I've absolutely loved the game, there are a few things I wish I had known before I started my account. If you're interested in making your own, check these out first to avoid any mistakes!
#1 — You can change your Tem's name later!
It happens that you name your Temtem something and they grow out of it, or you make a typo, and suddenly the awesome name you chose got ruined. Don't fret, though! You'll be able to change it once you reach the town of Neoedo in Cipanku; just head over to the Citizen's Bureau Central Offices! Friendly warning, though — you'll need to pay 2k in-game currency to change the name of your Temtem if you're the original owner, but if you're not, the price is quite steep at 20k. So, still, be careful about names if you don't want to pay up!
#2 — You cannot reset your account until 10 days after
This doesn't sound like too much of a hassle until you accidentally choose a male body instead of a female, like me! So keep this in mind when making your account because if you do something wrong, you'll have to wait 10 whole days before you can change it!
#3 — Be careful when making your character
Although Crema was wonderful at keeping in mind that people have different pronouns, once you choose the body's gender, you cannot change it back. At least at the time of writing this article! Everything else can be changed — from pronouns to hair to clothes. Perhaps one day, they'll add it; I have faith!
#4 — Don't grind the pass too soon
In Temtem, there's a battle pass you can buy that will give you all kinds of cosmetic items (like clothes and furniture) when you level up. I love this type of pass, as it doesn't influence gameplay and lets me support the developers I like. That being said, don't focus too much on trying to level it up in the early game because it isn't until you reach the second city that it'll actually start to gain a bit more XP. Keep in mind that you need to complete the main campaign before you can fully take advantage of battle pass-advancing missions!
#5 — SVs are important!
This one might seem a bit obvious, but for someone coming from Pokémon (like me), you might think it's only important if you're going to play competitively. This is false, as if you don't get a good set of SVs, your Temtem might encounter issues like running out of Stamina too soon or not doing much damage! It's easy to check which ones are low, medium, high, and perfect, so don't worry that you might miss them!
#6 — You can see side quests on the mini-map
For the first few hours in Temtem, I spoke to every NPC I came across because I feared that one of them might give me something cool or important, and I would miss it, like in Pokémon. Thankfully, I found out pretty early on! You can even see them from outside of buildings.
#7 — Don't spend your money
Although it might be TEM-pting (hah!) to use your money on revives and heals, I suggest you don't do it often, especially after you receive the Phial of Temessence. With this potion, you'll be able to revive and heal your entire team, and all you have to do to refill it is go to a healing station! Although it's a one-time use (per refill), I recommend you get used to using it and leave the potions and revives as a last resort. The reason it's important that you save your money is that it will be vital if you'd like to buy some Temtem from others in the future, buy a house, or purchase furniture or clothes.
#8 — Don't release Temtem
I recommend you keep as many tems unreleased as possible because not only will you be able to sell the ones with good SVs that you might not care for on the market, but also because there is a shop where you can get some pretty useful items as a prize for the number of tems you released that week. If you have them stored, you can check what prizes they have and release the amount required!
#9 — Don't restart to get a good starter
If you're coming from Pokémon and you're used to restarting the game a dozen times until you get the starter with the right stats, I have good (or bad?) news for you: that's not possible to do in Temtem. The stats and gender are all preset, so there's no point in trying to escape your fate!
#10 — Co-op might cause an over-level
If you're going to be playing with a friend, be wary that your tems might begin to over-level because of the co-op XP! This isn't a bad thing at all, just something to keep in mind if you're not into it. On the bright side, Temtem makes it very easy to just switch out for a new party anyway.
That's it for all the things I wished I knew! I really love this game and hope that it continues getting as much love and support as it has. If you find anything else you think might help someone, don't hesitate to let us know in the comments below!