5 Adorable Monsters I want to see in Monster Hunter World
Like my previous article, I thought I’d share some more of my Monster Hunter tales. This time about the more adorable Monsters, in the loosest sense. If I’d known I’d write this ahead of time, I’d have swap Astalos for Mizutsune in that previous article. Just because Mizutsune, and its signature long purple fox body, is hard to not see in a weirdly adorable light. But, despite being opposite ends of the spectrum. I have to say that Astalos is peturbly cute, albeit more because of fan-art I’ve seen. But I digress. Now to the tales!
What’s not to love about it? It’s a bear, nice round-boi, and is practically your training partner for the beginning of your hunts. If there’s one Monster I’d want to buy as a plush it would be this one, especially because of its scruffy hair. But in terms of a tale, it would have to be its Redhelm cousin. First off, who doesn’t love a good redhead? Being an absolute punk, the Redhelm variant and its punk rock armour screams adorable in a “that’s so cool” kinda way. From its deafening roar, that will literally launch your Hunter into a wall and knock it silly, to its deathly claws that will launch fish out of water. It ain’t no Winnie the Pooh to snicker at. Mind’s Eye you, I don’t think I’ve carted from it unless I wore the paper thin Gunner armour.
Honey monster who'll pilfer your own pockets
Where do I begin? Its electrifying personality? The fact it turns into Hatsune Miku with its Deviant variant? It fires lasers, has an ec-static soundtrack, armour that glows, and was the first of the Fated Four I ripped a new one. Honestly, despite its brief appearance it left its mark on me. I’m not going to say insects are cute, or that dragonflies are adorable when looking at their horrifying faces, like the face of a butterfly. But, when it’s combined with a Wyvern and will go toe-to-toe (or would it be claw-to-claw?) with the King of the Skies Rathalos. That weird face has a slight adorable nature. It also helps when you go onto Tumblr, where you see lots of abnormally cute pictures of it. But if there’s one encounter that I’ll remember as the one that got away, it would have to be wearing Deviljho armour and wielding Kushala Daora’s dual blades. It’s Hyper variant was a tough dance to follow, from its blinding flashes of green and insane zap-cannons. No matter how many times I adept-dodged its furious storm and retaliated in kind, my static ridden hunter, with her -25 Thunder resistance, didn’t fare well. With a thunderous clap of a Hyper-Electric-fused-wing slam, my health went from 100 to 0 the blink of an eye.
Okay, this is one of those Monsters where you raise an eyebrow to whoever claims it is “cute” or “adorable”. But if you ignore the fact its skin is a weird raw blue-ish and is secreting toxic ooze, the Monster’s overall design and shape isn’t “that” jarring. Give it some fuzz for skin, not HD Flesh graphics like Monster Hunter Online, and you have a Flying Wyvern that’s largely kinda adorable. Honestly, it was either this or Barioth. And unlike Barioth, I actually have a reason to farm Gigginox for its Pale Extract (ahem). Although Barioth is at least more cuddly by default, and has a soundtrack. So maybe, just maybe, in a macabre stockholm-y sense I find it “adorable”. The silence it makes just worsens the encounter, until it decides to shatter ice with its skin-retching scream.
I feel like there’s a strong Ice element theme going on here, but alas what adorable Monster Hunter list couldn’t include the Christmas (overgrown) bunny Lagombi. Shaped like Azuros, its core defining mechanic is the fact it will bobsleigh towards you and throw snowballs at you. It’d be a relatively easy fight if it didn’t inflict the Snowman status, which hinders your movement and if you combine its bobsleigh attack. You probably won’t cart from it, unless you meet the Snow Lord variant, then it’s snowball central. Imagine Goku’s Spirit Bomb, and that’s kinda what this “pint-sized” Monster will do. The Snowman problems are worse and to make it worse, its lardy arse will make mini earthquakes and cause it to drift Fast and the Furious style into you. So unless you’re next to a loading point, snowman-ed, and less than half health, you’ll be Tokyo Carting yourself back to base.
I'll take two sleepy Tiggys please.
Finally something not Ice element related, although that doesn’t stop Tiggy from being the rule of cool. It’s name combines Tiger and T-rex, if anyone was the king of mean, Tiggy takes front and center stage. From its stripy pattern like skin and incredible raw power, it is a dominant apex predator for a reason. But what truly makes this an adorable Monster is that it’s adorkable as hell. The thing loves meat so much that in an arena village quest in Monster Hunter Generations Out of the Frying Pan, it stopped fighting me and ate meat whilst Nargacuga tried to skin me alive. Plus in the final showdown with two minutes left on the clock, I adept dodged a barrel bomb L+ doing an adept greatsword strike and killing it with a slither of health left after running out of potions of all kinds. But what makes it truly adorkable is that it will trap itself in a wall with its jaw after doing its Tiggy charge, even the dragon-breath-spewing-pickle-with-legs Deviljho doesn’t compete with that type of hunger.
The only Monster I had to omit from this list is Barufaruku (Valphalk), the jet engine of an Elder Dragon, purely because Monster Hunter XX isn’t released legitimately in the West unless you grey-port it through the Switch or 3DS. But come on, that silver dragon looks adorable in the sense of the cutest dragon possible. But there you have it, my five most adorable Monsters I want to see return in Monster Hunter World. Obviously I’ve stretched the status quo of adorable, but when most Monsters are scaly pricks your choice is limited unless you count small prey. Do you think I’m wrong with my picks? Comment below and argue who’s the most adorable Monster in Monster Hunter.