7 Tips & Tricks for Expeditions: Rome
Expeditions: Rome is a strategy game in which players will have to manage tons of things to make sure that everything goes smoothly in their conquests. That being said, I made some mistakes that I paid for — especially at the end of the first campaign. So here is everything I learned about Expeditions: Rome to help you get started on your journey!
1 - Only militia and civilians return your attack point
This is taught to you by the game through the hint menu. However, I didn't completely understand what it meant since I was so overwhelmed by everything that was being thrown my way.
Whenever you hover over a character in combat, you will be able to see their stats, and amongst them, their class. The options are Heavy, Light, Support, Bandit, Militia, and Civilians. Although the game's tips screen tells you that only Militia and Civilians return your point, that isn't completely true, for those with the Bandit class will also return it for free.
2 - Make sure you use your support as the first in the turn always
I don't know how obvious this tip is, given that I don't play a lot of strategy games, but there is little reason not to use your support's abilities first whenever you're in combat.
This is because not only do their attacks usually benefit the whole party, such as increasing their movement speed with Logistics or increasing attack power with War Horn, but they will also be able to use abilities that have armour tear. The only scenario in which the support shouldn't go first is whenever they are used to restore an ability point, or when they have equipped the Rod of Asclepius for the extra healing provided by it.
Bonus: Additionally, don’t be afraid to fight with your support. Their attacks are incredibly useful, and some of them are capable of attacking from several hexes away with the abilities acquired from their weapons.
3 - You can change to the off-hand weapons with Q
I never saw this anywhere in the tips menu, I had to delve into the options to find it, but you can change to your character's off-hand weapon with Q.
This is useful because every character has the Aid ability to stop some debuffs on your allies, along with stabilizing the praetorians that have fallen in combat to prevent more massive injuries from occurring. This also works whenever your character is disarmed, as you can equip two different sets of weapons to be able to work around this whenever fighting enemies that disarm often. That being said, Syneros has an off-hand ability that heals the character, so make sure to leave his (and most support's) off-hand as bare hands to be able to use the supportive abilities provided by it.
4 - Don't trust comparison arrows
Whenever your character has a weapon equipped, you will be able to see in the inventory how much better or worse each piece of equipment is in comparison to the currently equipped one by a green or a red arrow. Although this can come in handy to know which equipment has the highest strength in terms of raw damage/resistances, this actually doesn't take into account the item's rarity, nor the passives provided by legendary weapons.
In my case, the game was offering for me to change my Eurytus’ Bow in exchange for a normal bow because it dealt one more damage, completely ignoring the legendary passive that it has.
5 - Do the good repeatable missions when available
Some repeatable legion missions in the sectors allow you to get some things at disgustingly good deals, which is a perfect way to build up your resources in the game. For instance, the one I was most fond of was the one which has 10–20 slaves at the price of 50–100 denarii, a disgustingly low price for slaves.
Since these are legion quests, you should be able to send your legion to do them whilst traversing the world to get resources sprawled in the world to save time.
6 - You can move more, at the cost of your action point
Characters have a set amount of hexes they can move whilst also being able to attack. These are indicated by green dots on the hexes. Anything past, all of the yellow hexes present will cost your action point to be able to further traverse the lands. This is also not such a bad idea, whenever needing to traverse a large distance with some of the characters; sometimes, a tactical retreat or tactical positioning is more important than the attack you can do with that point.
7 - Get early praetorians, one of each class
Ideally, these praetorians will have some of the most important perks available so that you don't have to change them later on. To know which these are, check out my article talking about them.
The reason you want to have praetorians with good perks, one of each class, from an early level, is because you are going to be fighting some battles without your main team. Your loyal companions won't always be able to be led by you, nor can they always be together; one such case being the pacification missions. On instances in which you won't be able to have your main team, you'll want to be able to have praetorians with the perks you most like, which is why you'll want to get them early.
If you get praetorians later on in the game, the higher their level, the more random skills will be selected in the skill tree, which means you won't be able to use them to work for the abilities you most like.
Those are the first seven tips for Expeditions: Rome! Since these are longer than the average tips to be able to go more in-depth, I decided to split them into two for easier reading capabilities. See you next time!
Björn Möbius - 01:42pm, 13th February 2022
Kann mir bitte wer sage wo und wie ich so leinen komme?