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A New Way To Revitalise Gaming And Clear Your Backlog — PlayTracker

A New Way To Revitalise Gaming And Clear Your Backlog — PlayTracker

I'm always looking for new and exciting ways to complete games. From soulslike titles, self-imposed challenges, and vowing to complete games 100% (or at least pretend to try to), I've tried everything to ensure that I'm absorbing as much as I can from any game I play. One of the latest and most enjoyable entries to this long list of attempts at making gaming as fun as possible is a website called PlayTracker.

As suggested to me by one of my friends, I entered reasonably sceptical — the premise was sold to me as a site that gives you random achievements to complete from either a global list or a personal one generated from your profile. I often try to get the games I most like out of the way first (in-between replays of my all-time favourites because I have to play God of War (2018) at least once a year), and even projects I've had intended to resume since a year ago in GameGrin have become stagnated by other work I have to do... and God of War replays.

God of War Freya forest Kratos carrying boar boy Atreus 2018

So, the idea of having to pick up random games to play haphazardly to complete the monthly quests not only sounded detrimental to my replays, but it also threatened to lower my average completion rate that I've been slowly nursing throughout 2023 (one day I'll join the prestigious 50%+ gamers). Still, I'm not one to reject anything, so I decided that when I found the time, I would give PlayTracker a shot — I'm glad I did.

Starting up in February and having stuck to it for two months strong now, it has helped me visit games in my library that I swore I'd "one day get to", a lie many a gamer with a substantial number of games has told themselves at one point or another. Similarly to — though perhaps not as personalised as — Steam Play Next, PlayTracker throws random games your way, and it's surprisingly fun how often I've managed to re-discover some games in my library. With 677 games (a laughable number for dedicated game collectors but a staggering amount for a lowly beginner like me), it's easy to forget what you have in your library or even why you once wanted to play it in the first place. 

PlayTracker screenshot2

At the end of arduous achievement-hunting, PlayTracker gives you a key that will be one of the quests for the upcoming month, making it easier for you to complete your three achievements again. Although the free game isn't the selling factor for me — again, I have 677 games; I have no idea how I'm going to get through all of them — it's fun getting something new that I know I'll be playing the following month for one of its achievements.

I heavily suggest you give PlayTracker a try yourself! It's shown me some great titles I'd forgotten about and given me a lot of joy throughout the last two months, so I only hope to spread the word. And if you are going to try PlayTracker, make sure you follow me to get my friend quest every month — maybe I'll be your saving grace when you're only one achievement away from finishing.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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Spooky_0ne - 07:13pm, 2nd April 2023

I love PlayTracker so much! I don't know how I would've found my love for Alan Wake otherwise, especially after my rocky start! 

Artura Dawn
Artura Dawn - 09:14pm, 3rd April 2023 Author

I agree! It's such a great website. I'm practically done with April's quests, unfortunately ????

Tsuki - 06:10pm, 6th April 2023

Ooh! So happy to see this featured. Been using it for years and a huge update is coming soon so perfect timing.

Artura Dawn
Artura Dawn - 06:12pm, 6th April 2023 Author

It's so great! The more I use it, the more I like it. There were way too many games I promised I'd one day play that I totally, absolutely, definitely was not going to anytime soon... Thank you so much for the comment!
