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Arcane Season 1 Recap — Everything You Need to Know to Start Season 2

Arcane Season 1 Recap — Everything You Need to Know to Start Season 2

Riot Games' highly anticipated second season for Arcane is finally coming... and it's going to be the end of the show in its entirety. Considering it's been three years since the release of the first season already, a bit of a recap might be worth it. So, having recently rewatched everything, here's what you need to know in Arcane's season one and topics likely to be addressed in the second season.

We'll be touching the conclusion of the stories of the characters (or groups of characters) individually, as the large cast of 12 different characters has inter-connected and individual stories to address.

Spoilers ahead.

What Happened with Powder/Jinx and Vi?

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Of course, the first set of characters we're going to talk about are the protagonists. At the start of the show, Powder and Violet, under Vander, the previous "ruler" of Undercity (which was Zaun before being independent from Piltover) are out doing "runs" to steal things from topside in order to sell them in the Undercity.

After stealing the precious Hextech that Jayce was working on (and causing a lot of commotion with an explosion), Piltover takes an interest in the thefts, and Vander takes the fall for his group of young miscreants. Though Vander was set to be arrested by the Sheriff at the time (Grayson), Silco instead had a Shimmer-infused Deckard attack (and kill) the Sheriff, kidnap Vander, and pretty much traumatise anyone that was watching and in the vicinity (which included young Vi and Ekko).

In an attempt to save Vander from Silco's imprisonment, Vi and the others — Mylo and Claggor — head out to save him from the criminal mastermind. Leaving young Powder behind due to her erratic nature and habit of making a mess out of everything, they head out to save Vander and narrowly succeed... until Powder arrives with her signature cymbal-banging monkey and unstable Hextech crystals, blowing everything up.

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This leads to the death of Mylo and Claggor, while Vi's stuck under rubble, and Vander uses Shimmer to fight against Deckard, save Vi, and then dies from his injuries. After finding out that it was Powder who caused the explosion, Vi slaps her and calls her a Jinx (a nickname given to her by Mylo due to the previous mission they'd set out on) and walks off. During her brief period of crying, Silco finds Powder and takes her in as his own; while Vi tries to save her, Marcus (a corrupt Piltover guard who made a deal with Silco to have Vander captured in exchange for gold) stops her from going.

Vi is imprisoned and beaten in Stillwater prison for years while Jinx becomes Silco's henchman (henchwoman?). They both think the other is dead, until an investigation begins from Piltover about a stolen stabilised Hextech Gemstone taken to the Undercity by none other than Jinx. This leads to Caitlyn freeing Vi from Stillwater, and they both head underground to learn about the change in the Undercity, now ruled by Silco.

Now in Undercity, Vi and Jinx learn about each other's survival and find one another when Jinx lights a flare she received from Vi at a young age that she was supposed to light to get found by her. The Firelights, a group of fighters who prevent Shimmer from making it to Topside, interrupt their meeting, trying to steal the Hextech Gemstone from Jinx, while Jinx, Caitlyn, and Vi fight them back, though the Firelights are successful and kidnap Vi and Caitlyn, leaving Jinx alone.

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Jinx and Vi's next encounter would be at the Bridge of Progress, where Jinx watches from afar as Vi crosses the road to Piltover. Unsure whether she's being abandoned and replaced by Caitlyn, she gives Vi the opportunity to make it right, and though Vi turns around and heads in search of her younger sister, a shot at the bridge has her running back.

Now sure of what Mylo’s voice in her head is saying — that Caitlyn has replaced her — Jinx explodes the bridge using mechanical butterflies and fights against Ekko, where she's lethally wounded by her own explosive. Silco finds her half-dying and takes her to Singed, who gives her Shimmer and brings her back to health.

Meanwhile, Vi flees with Caitlyn to Piltover, thinking they have the Hextech Gemstone. Realising they no longer have it, they make their case to the Council, though the councillors are quick to dismiss their claims that Silco was the evil mastermind, having previously done research on him. What they didn't know, however, is that the now-Sheriff Marcus had been working with him and lied to Piltover for years. Jayce suggests going to war, and uses his creation to make Vi's gloves (previously mining gauntlets) and his signature hammer.

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Vi heads to Undercity with Jayce to destroy Silco's factories of Shimmer, where she kills a bunch of Shimmer-crazed guards (and many who are children). After Jayce decides to pull back from the fight, deciding war isn't what he wanted, Vi continues to The Last Drop (the tavern owned by the rulers of Undercity, previously Vander’s and now Silco’s) and fights against Sevika, ripping her mechanical arm off and being captured by Jinx after an arduous fight.

This is where Vi wakes up at a table, where Jinx has Silco and Caitlyn tied, and she asks Vi to kill Caitlyn to prove her loyalty to her. When Vi falters, and instead tries to bring back Powder from Jinx, Silco takes the opportunity to calm her down, calling her perfect the way she is — Caitlyn uses the commotion to set herself free from her bounds. Now, using the power of Shimmer, Jinx takes the Gatling gun from Caitlyn and shoots Silco, killing him. His final words to her were that he was never going to give her up.

Jinx takes her rocket, loads it with the Hextech Gemstone she stole, and shoots at Piltover with Super Mega Death Rocket!, her ultimate. Moments before the explosion is the end of the season.

What Happened with Caitlyn?

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Caitlyn Kiramman is the daughter of a councillor. She wishes to be part of the Piltover Enforcers and focuses her efforts at a young age to acquire her goal — learning to use a rifle, she completes a tournament against Sheriff Grayson and wins an award, though she fears her parents bought that victory for her.

Now, at an older age, Caitlyn has accomplished her goal of becoming a Piltover Enforcer. Her mother, Councillor Cassandra Kiramman, uses her power to keep her close to the Council and protect her from real cases. Though she's set at the post outside of the Kiramman tent ahead of the Day of Progress, she hears commotion as Undercity tries to smuggle Shimmer into the topside, and she heads to investigate the scene of the crime. Shortly thereafter, a tent catches fire and kills six Piltover Enforcers, and Caitlyn sees Jinx leaving the scene.

Knowing that there was a survivor in the wreckage, she goes to Stillwater to find the prisoner, where she finds out that his jaw was dislocated by another prisoner: Vi. She uses a document issued by Councillor Jayce to set herself free and goes to the Undercity to follow the traces of Jinx and find the stolen Hextech Gemstone.

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In Undercity, she bonds with Vi and learns a lot about the state in which the city's lower half has been living. She accompanies Vi throughout her journey as she finds Jinx, though an interruption by the Firelights sees the two kidnapped and taken to their hideout, where she learns about the state of the city, and how it's being ruled by Silco and his Shimmer.

Now with the Hextech Gemstone in hand, she petitions Ekko to allow her to take it to topside and explain it to the councillor, where Ekko asks to accompany her and present it himself. On their journey, they arrive at a blockade in the Bridge of Progress, where Sheriff Marcus finds out that she knows a lot about Silco's power (which would reveal him as a corrupt Enforcer), and he shoots Ekko, pointing the gun at Caitlyn. Before he gets to shoot, however, the bridge explodes, and Caitlyn escapes after Sheriff Marcus dies in front of her.

She returns home with Vi by her side, where her mother heals her of her injuries and she demands an audience in front of the councillors. Given the opportunity, she presents her case, and is promptly dismissed from most of her findings due to a previous investigation that had been done into Silco by the corrupt Sheriff. Disappointed, Vi leaves to the Undercity, and Caitlyn gets captured after a shower by Jinx.

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The final scene sees Caitlyn, Vi, and Silco all tied in chairs at a dinner table, where Jinx asks Vi to kill Caitlyn to prove her loyalty. During a commotion, Caitlyn frees herself and takes Jinx's Gatling gun, pointing it at her, though Vi pleads that she lets her sister live. Jinx puts her gun down and uses seemingly new powers from her recent encounter with Shimmer to take the Gatling gun away from Caitlyn, which she uses to kill Silco. Vi carries Caitlyn out of the wreckage, where they see Jinx's Super Mega Death Rocket! heading straight for the Council, where her mother is in a meeting.

What Happened with Jayce?

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Ever since a young age, Jayce has been fascinated with magic after a wizard saves his life. He dedicates his life to bring magic to common folk who cannot wield it, and his research leads him to the creation of Hextech, a makeshift version of magic that he utilises to bring Piltover to a new age of prosperity. The first episodes sees him tinkering with the magic behind the back of the magic-fearing founder of Piltover, Heimerdinger, though an undeniable breakthrough sees his technology accepted by the Council.

Now having empowered Piltover with Hextech, the City of Progress becomes a hub for all things trading. Jayce, being the centre of the progression that has brought the city so far, is given the opportunity to be the spokesperson for the event (an honour previously held only for Heimerdinger), and he desires to showcase his advancements into making Hextech Gemstones accessible for everyone. He shows it off to Heimerdinger, showcasing mining gauntlets that would help miners utilise super strength and expedite their process, as well as a carving laser.

The Revered Inventor tells Jayce and Viktor that their technology is impressive, but that it has about a decade more in the workshop before it should be showcased to the world. Fearing what it could do if weaponised, he warns them against revealing the technology, and against Viktor's best wishes, Jayce obliges.

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The constant interference of Heimerdinger for progress, however, sees Councillor Mel Medarda begin a vote where Jayce begiven the opportunity to become a councillor overseeing all things Hextech. The vote passes after Heimerdinger seconds the motion, and Jayce becomes Councillor Jayce Tallis, who sets off to safeguard his technology from misuse. This upsets the other councillors, as they have been engaging in illegal activities (such as trade), which leads Mel to coach Jayce in the ways of politics, making alliances with all of the other councillors for the sake of Hextech's future.

The investigations lead Jayce to blockading Piltover, issuing a command to Sheriff Marcus to close the Bridge of Progress and force all coming in to be searched for their belongings to ensure that they are not carriers of the stolen Hextech Gemstone. This barricade bridges a gap between his already fractured relationship with Viktor, as he begins to distrust Undercity dwellers.

As Mel Medarda's mother, Ambessa Medarda, arrives with interest regarding the growing war between topside and bottom at Piltover, she urges Jayce to weaponise Hextech, something that neither he nor Viktor wanted for their technology, which was meant to better the lives of others.

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Caitlyn and Vi arrive from Undercity with information regarding the Hextech Gemstone and Silco. Now aware of the corruption that the Piltover Enforcers and the Sheriff had, Jayce urges the Council to wage war against the bottom side by destroying Silco's Shimmer factories to weaken his grip on the city, though the Council decides against his decision, instead opting to try to converse with the criminal overlord.

Upset by this, Jayce goes to the forge, where he finds Vi urging him to accompany her to a factory and destroy it. Here, Jayce creates his signature Hextech Hammer and accompanied by Vi and a few Enforcers, they head to the Undercity and destroy a factory, where Jayce kills one of the crazed workers: a young kid.

Distraught by his actions, Jayce decides to halt the war and leaves back to Piltover, where he invites Silco to parley about the future of the city. Deciding that he wouldn't like to see the aftermath of a war where Piltover decimates Undercity, he offers Silco the independence that he always wanted: the Country of Zaun. The terms he laid out were that Silco halt all of his Shimmer factories and hand over Jinx to be punished for her crimes.

Silco leaves, seemingly in agreeance, and Jayce presents the idea of an independent Zaun to the Council, where he achieves a unanimous agreement. This is, however, when Jinx's Super Mega Death Rocket! hits the Council and the season ends.

What Happened with Viktor?

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Trigger warning: mention of suicide attempt, terminal illness, self-harm, and animal abuse.

Growing up in the Undercity, Viktor escaped as a young boy and make it to the topside, where he managed to become Founder Heimerdinger's assistant. Though, his exposure to the toxins from the Undercity didn't leave him without a mark: a terminal illness.

He partners up with Jayce Tallis in the invention and creation of Hextech, magic that common folk would be able to use. Hoping that this could better the lives of many — having been born with a limp in his right leg — and perhaps even his own life, Hextech becomes his passion, and he devotes his life to understanding the runes and harnessing the power.

Together with Jayce, they created something for Piltover's bicentennial Progress Day: Hextech Gemstones that can be given to everyone. Though this doesn't quite get close to the arcane, it allows them to power items — such as mining gloves — to ease the lives of common folks, such as miners. After showcasing this to Heimerdinger, however, the magic-fearing founder turns down their advances, telling them they have a few decades of testing to ensure it isn't weaponised — time Viktor doesn't have to spare. The pair make plans to showcase the invention at Jayce's Progress Day speech, though the Hextech Wonderboy opts to follow Heimerdinger's advice and refuses to showcase it.

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At the end of Progress Day, Jinx manages to swipe one of the Hextech Gemstones for herself and take it to the Undercity, where Jayce suggests that all Hextech operations be halted until they can recover it and ensure the safety of the city (in fairness to Jayce, he wasn't aware that Hextech might be the only way to save Viktor at the time, as he wasn't diagnosed terminal). The selfless act leads to Jayce being promoted to councillor, which worries Viktor will lead him away from his duties to Hextech.

Though Jayce assures Viktor that they both will complete their Hextech research after he finishes his duties to the Council, Viktor's illness soon overcomes him, causing him to have an attack where he bleeds near Hextech, and it gives him a vision. The vision showcases mages utilising the runes to adapt the magic, which gives him the idea that they could create an adaptable Hextech that could function like a real mage, not being limited by pre-determined runes at the moment of creation.

Utilising this vision, Viktor creates the very first Hex Core, which includes an adaptive rune matrix that allows it to evolve. Additional to that, however, interaction between the Hex Core and organic matter makes it augment the physiology of the host, which gives Viktor the idea that Hex Core will be able to save him, but only if he is able to control it from breaking apart the organic matter (which he hasn't quite been able to succeed). His overworking leads to his condition overreacting, and Viktor passes out, receiving his terminal diagnosis.

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After leaving the hospital, Jayce and Viktor focus their efforts on upgrading the Hex Core, though Viktor is pessimistic about their chances of completing it before he dies. Jayce suggests that they show it to Heimerdinger, in hopes of him having some insight that might speed up their research, but when the Founder sees the Hex Core, he insists that it be destroyed... or he'd have it destroyed regardless. This is where Jayce goes to the Council and has Heimerdinger's position revoked, giving him a "well-earned retirement" and ensuring that their Hextech research may continue.

Meanwhile, Viktor heads to the Undercity to meet Singed. Originally having met him as a kid, he saw Singed's experimenting on a Waverider he named Rio, who had a rare mutation that he deemed beneficial for his research. While young Viktor originally thought his goal to be noble, he saw what Singed did to the Waverider, as he forced it to stay alive through unnatural means and having tubes sticking out of the animal, he left disgusted.Though, present-day Viktor returned to his old mentor, acknowledging that he now understood the reason why Singed was doing what he did, and seeking his assistance in making a breakthrough with his Hex Core.

Singed urges Viktor to use Shimmer and experiment on himself, though he warns him that in doing so, he would be violating the ethos of Piltover's scientific community, and he would be shunned, costing him the love of his friends and his legacy as a whole. Though Viktor is sure that Jayce would understand his motives, he stumbles upon the barricade set in motion by Jayce, and in seeing his distrust and fear of the Undercity, Viktor realises he's alone in his research moving forward.

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Using the Shimmer he acquired from the Undercity, Viktor injects and carves himself with runes to give in to the Hex Core. In doing so, he transmutates his crippled leg into a fully-functional robotic one, letting go of his cane and running. With new-found confidence, Viktor seeks to continue giving in to the Hex Core, though he quickly finds out that he's out of Shimmer, and decides to proceed anyway.

The Hex Core takes a grip of Viktor's hand, quickly consuming him before Sky Young (a scientist who has a crush on Viktor) walks in to give him research she believed might help. She finds him struggling against the Hex Core, and in an attempt to save his life by pulling him away, the Hex Core consumes her life energy and transmutes Viktor's hand into a metallic variation. Distraught by what his invention did, the inventor tries to bring himself to destroy it, though he can't bring himself to break the one thing that might save him from death.

He leaves with a box full of Sky's ashes and spreads them over the ravine where they used to play as kids. Before leaving, however, Viktor hesitates and stands at the edge, ready to jump off, before Jayce appears and inadvertently stops him from taking the leap. Viktor pleads that Jayce destroy the Hex Core, as he was unable to do so, and they both contemplate giving Undercity independence and allowing it to turn into the Country of Zaun, where Viktor accompanies Jayce to a Council meeting to get the vote of the other councillors. As Jayce and Viktor secure a unanimous vote to ensure the independence of Zaun, Jinx's Super Mega Death Rocket! hits the meeting room.

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This section concludes the main characters: Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Jayce, and Viktor. However, there are still a few other pivotal personalities that affect the story of Arcane, and though their stories affect far less, those who want to be fully up-to-date on what's happening will likely want to read ahead. Here, we'll talk about the smaller effects others had and how their stories ended, beginning with...

What Happened With Mel and Ambessa Medarda?

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Mel is daughter of Ambessa Medarda, a warlord from Noxus who exiled her to Piltover for being too soft-willed. In reality, Ambessa reveals that she couldn't handle Mel's disapproval of her merciless actions, and it was what led to her exile, as Noxus views strength above all else.

In Piltover, Mel secures a seat amongst the Council, and she becomes a pivotal member of the story as she coaches Jayce to become an important member and eventually ensures he becomes the eighth seat, breaking previous Piltover traditions. She claimed her seat to oversee the business interest in the city, and she abhors the views and ideologies that her mother carries.

As Jayce unveils Hextech (and Mel's the only one who gives him the benefit of the doubt), she coaches Jayce to become the councillor he needed to be in order to ensure the future of Hextech. She backs his every decision, and they both go on to have a relationship.

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Eventually, the civil war in Piltover leads to Hextech being brought up as a potential weapon, where Ambessa Medarda takes interest and arrives at the city. Mel learns about the death of her brother, Kino, and Ambessa mentions that there is a threat bigger than her, and the only way for her to overcome it would be with weaponised Hextech. Ambessa urges Jayce to wage war against the Undercity, which leads to the creation of Jayce's hammer (and the first official Hextech weapon, as the mining gloves that Vi uses were originally intended to be for labour work).

Mel attends the Council meeting where Jayce and Viktor pitch the independence of Zaun, and she is in the direct impact zone of Jinx's Super Mega Death Rocket!. She'll likely be unveiled as a casualty in the second season's opening scenes.

What Happened with Heimerdinger?

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Heimerdinger is a 200-year-old Yordle who founded Piltover. The City of Progress was meant to move away from the warmongering mages who were raging across Runeterra, and it was his vision to ensure that the city would be a safe haven from all things magic, though not nearly as strict as Demacia's stand against it.

The founder has a seat in the Council of Clans, as he oversees the decisions and is the main opposer to Jayce and Viktor's advancements regarding Hextech technology. Afraid of the potential threats that these gemstones could bring, he consistently questions the safety of their inventions. Though, undeniable evidence of Jayce's project leads to the creation of Hex Gates, and the prosperity of Piltover as a trading hub for the entirety of Runeterra.

He continues to oppose their projects as they create Hextech Gemstones, seeing them used as potential tools of war (which is later proved as Vi utilises the mining gauntlets as a weapon to fight against Silco's gang in the Shimmer factory). Jayce and Viktor seek Heimerdinger's counsel regarding the Hex Core that could save Viktor's life, though Heimerdinger threatens the two inventors, seeing the potentially catastrophic effect that the self-aware Hex Core could bring. He says he'll have it destroyed one way or another, and this has him removed from the Council, as Jayce tells the outer councillors that he is antiquated and he deserves a retirement.

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Heimerdinger sets out to the Undercity to see if he is able to assist, realising that he knows nothing about the counterpart to his city. He explores the criminal underground, aimless now that he is no longer a councillor, where he stumbles upon an injured Ekko, who leads him to the home of the Firelights.

What Happened with Ekko?

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Young Ekko makes a brief appearance throughout the first act of Arcane, though he doesn't play a major role in this section. He worked for Benzo at the pawn shop and would listen in to the private conversations he would have, later relaying it to Vander's gang of mini miscreants — Vi, Powder, Mylo, and Claggor. Though he never joined in on any of the heists, he was consideredas part of the group.

Ekko is left without anyone to call family after Silco captures Vander. The Shimmer-crazed Deckard kills Benzo (which Ekko witnesses), and he's the one that sets Vi free before she heads out to try to rescue Vander, which is the event that leads to Vi going to prison, Powder joining Silco, and Mylo and Claggor's demise.

Though we don't know much about how he survived once Undercity fell to Silco, he becomes the leader of the group The Firelights, where he takes in strays from Undercity — from Shimmer addicts to victims — and rehabilitates them in his community. He stops Shimmer exports to Topside with his crew, and this is how he eventually comes across Vi and Caitlyn, where he risks his life returning the Hextech Gemstone to Topside so that the Council could see the dangers that Silco poses. He fights against Jinx in the Bridge of Progress (in easily the coolest fight in the entire first season) before she blows herself up with a bomb, spraining his ankle. Heimerdinger finds him under the bridge and helps him back to his camp.

What Happened with Silco and Sevika?

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For the sake of wholeness, I wanted to add a little bit about Silco. Though we know that he dies at the end of the season, there are still opportunities and possibilities for him to make an appearance in season two; notably, with Jinx seeing Mylo, it's likely she might start hearing Silco, too.

The events that matter more follow after Vi fails to recover Vander and Silco becomes the ruler of Undercity. With his newfound power, he manipulates and demeans the Chem Barons, who consistently question his capability to rule and bring independence to Undercity. With Sevika at his side, he brings down the opposing factions, as her loyalty to him keeps him in power against those who would see him killed and dethroned.

He is called to a parley with Jayce, who gives him the opportunity to speak about Zaun as an independent force outside of Piltover, and Silco makes a few demands. The steep list of requests doesn't faze Councillor Jayce, though he asks for an equally tall order: for Silco to hand in his adoptive daughter, Jinx, to pay for her crimes. By following the demands set by the Council, Silco could acquire his life-long dream of Zaun receiving its own regime, though he heads to Undercity to ponder his decision.

Speaking aloud to a fountain built in honour of Vander, he talks about the undoing of daughters. The struggle between achieving his goal or losing Jinx leads him to a stalemate, as before he gets to make an actual decision, he gets kidnapped by Jinx (who was listening behind the fountain). He gets taken to a dark room where Vi and Caitlyn are also tied, where Jinx asks Vi to kill Caitlyn to prove her loyalty.

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Jinx begins having a breakdown when Vi starts trying to make her see eye-to-eye and return to being "Powder", though Silco interrupts, calling her perfect the way she is. Though Jinx kills Silco in the end with her Gatling gun that she takes from Caitlyn, his final words confirm that he never intended to hand her over to Piltover for the agreement.

I've bunched Sevika into this, as the most pivotal thing that happens is her loyalty to Silco throughout the season. The final time we see Sevika is when she fights against Vi, who rips off her mechanical arm; though she seems to be dead, she goes back to Silco's office and smokes a cigarette. She will likely be playing a role throughout the second season despite her otherwise smaller role as Silco's strongest grunt, as her ending scene indicated that Riot Games wasn't done with her.

These are all of the major stories that transpired throughout the show! You should be prepared to head into Arcane season 2 when it releases on the 9th of November.

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Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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