Deus Ex Diaries Part Eleven
This is my ongoing exploration of the Deus Ex Universe, in preparation for when Mankind Divided arrives later this year. Whether you’re a newcomer or an old-goer, I hope to make this something you can read along with and enjoy. We continue on with Deus Ex.
Tracer Tong had told me to infiltrate VersaLife and steal the key to creating more laser swords. Having done that and united the Triads, Tracer then sent me back into VersaLife to steal the key to the Grey Death and Ambrosia. However, Daedalus has told me to destroy the device creating the virus -- but it didn’t elaborate on whether that would stop me from helping Tracer. Inside the facility, in the sewers, I had just found the way out: but it was guarded…
Except that it wasn’t -- the pacing I’d heard was on another level. Annoyed at myself, I snuck around the corner only to see a giant mech guarding the end of the long corridor. I decided to break out the big gun: by which I mean literally a rocket launcher.
The exploding mech drew the attention of the soldier behind it, and he gave chase as a door rose up blocking me down my end, and him up his. Strangely, the button to deactivate it was on the door, on my side, and so I sliced the hell out of that guy moments later.
I may have hidden at some point...
Despite the blaring alarm, it was quickly ignored by other soldiers who hadn’t bothered to climb the stairs to check what was going on. I hacked the security console and turned off all of the cameras, then headed down. I got the drop on the soldier but drew up short when I saw two large mechs at the end of the corridor.
For whatever reason, they ignored me as I slaughtered the nearby scientist and hacked the console he was stood at. It was to upload the virus schematics that I was after, which I did and made my way to the next area to find the Universal Constructor that Daedalus had told me to destroy.
I came across another computer and, upon hacking it I unlocked some upgrade canisters in another room! I stole them and quickly gave myself some upgrades -- especially to lung capacity. I had a feeling I was going to need it, as well as the rebreather I nicked from Tracer Tong’s laboratory.
I went into a shaft and came out into the Universal Constructor -- though Daedalus helpfully came through to me saying that it was “housed in this facility”. If it wasn’t for the huge machine taking up the entire room, I may have walked past it without his help…
Yet another subtle thing inside this MJ12 facility...
Down at the bottom of the shaft (yes, it was a really big machine) I located the control panel I had been told about. Before I could use it, however, who should appear but Maggie Chen! I hadn’t seen her since her apartment when she sent me to break into the police station -- a tactic that JC commented on as being idiotic. She then challenged me to a sword fight, with her own laser sword!
Sadly, couldn't loot her laser sword
With her dead in two swipes, I turned my attention to the control panel. I input the command and lots of things started happening. Some little… things that looked like robotic scorpions came out of some holes on the other side of the machine and went for me, as I was told that my only option was down through the bottom of the machine!
Seconds after typing in the destruction code
I leapt down and found a hole to swim out of -- and did so. I activated my augmentation and readied the re-breather as I spotted a creature swimming about. I readied my laser sword and slashed as I went, killing the creature as I made my escape!
Still have no idea what it was - I was running low on air!
I had to use the rebreather, as even with my new augmentation I soon ran low on air. But in only a couple of minutes I was out and free! The return to Tracer was uneventful, but once there he began to tell me all about the Illuminati.
Well, more about how the guy who owned the tanker, which was apparently full of the Grey Death virus, one Stanton Dowd, apparently a higher up in the Illuminati. There was a connection that Tracer wanted me to check out, so sent me back to New York, specifically Hell’s Kitchen (yes, again), to see Harley Filben, a guy I’d actually met a couple of times as an informant to UNATCO.
Once back in the big apple courtesy of Jock the drunk pilot and the stolen black helicopter, I was told that the streets were under martial law, and that I was breaking curfew. Daedalus then chose to contact me, and through a very broken transmission assure me that the streets were clear. I headed down from the top of the Ton Hotel, and to the Underworld bar, where Filben was, avoiding a cop in the process: the streets were assuredly not clear...
I'm certain he's going to plough us right into a building before the end...
Filben was eager to tell me where I could contact Dowd, as well as the fact that he actually worked for the NSF -- oh, and totally also for the Illuminati. This guy was spinning so many plates that he was spinning a kitchen… Also, the reporter I met on my first visit to the bar was actually an undercover UNATCO agent, and I should go to the Free Clinic and kill him.
Never one to turn down an offer to murder someone, I went to the clinic and laser sworded him as he tried to run.
He deserved it
Him down, I went to meet with Dowd. Who was having a shootout with the police and UNATCO troops… I joined in with my laser sword and then spoke to him. I learned that he currently had the Grey Death and that he knew how to scuttle the super freighter that was holding the virus, probably in its diesel tanks. And that I should go and see Smuggler for some explosives. Figuring I’d need them, I headed over there just as Jock warned me that there were MJ12 troops nearby.
I went down to find Smuggler had rebooted his security system, meaning I had to hack my way in again. Once there, for whatever reason Tracer told me that Smuggler was probably home as he currently had a net presence. I spoke to Smuggler and explained what was going on, and he offered me six LAMs for a bunch of money which I didn’t have.
With that a bust, I looked at the schematics that Dowd had given me. I had three LAMs and needed at least five… Tricky.
As I left in the lift, Jock reminded me of the MJ12 troops. As I exited the building I saw a swarm of them headed my way. For once I decided against mass murder and ran for the Ton Hotel to make an escape. Jock was back on the roof (apparently he’d gone and come back), ready to take me to the Brooklyn Naval Shipyards...