Developer Interview: Squeakross: Home Squeak Home
I recently got an opportunity to interview the team behind the upcoming Squeakross: Home Squeak Home; I was quite excited about this because this charming title caught my eye during the last Wholesome Direct! If you haven't heard of it, this adorable rodent-themed game is all about finishing Picross (nonograms to some people!) puzzles to unlock furniture and decorate. One of the most adorable aspects is being able to customise the little mouse as well as their home! Now, without further ado, let's get into the interview.
Feel free to introduce yourselves and tell us a bit about the game!
Hey all! We're Luka and Alex, the two devs behind Squeakross: Home Squeak Home! We started our respective videogame careers around 10 years ago and always wanted to create our own games. We started The Spirit and the Mouse as a side project and showcased it in the first Wholesome Games Direct in 2020. Seeing everyone's reactions gave us the boost to turn our indie dream into a reality! After our game was well-received, we continued our indie game journey. Now we are making our second game, Squeakross: Home Squeak Home, a totally different game still themed around rodents.
How did the idea of mixing nonograms and decoration come to be?
After we finished console ports for our first game, Alex wanted to try to do a The-Spirit-and-the-Mouse-themed nonogram just for fun to try our hand at self-publishing. After replaying recent Picross games, I discovered that while I loved them, I felt like I was missing an incentive that would push me to finish puzzles. I love decorating houses in videogames and thought it could be a great fit. Having furniture as rewards for a nonogram sounded like a great idea because we could use [its] visuals as the puzzle while making the reward tangible!
Considering Alblune released The Spirit and The Mouse, I have to ask: why mice (I love it!)?
HAHAHA! We currently have three gerbils at home (we had many more in the past), and we love them very much. Rodents are so tiny and fragile but also very smart and resilient. Seeing the world from their perspective was one of the reasons why we made the main character for The Spirit and the Mouse a rodent. We see many cats, frogs, and dogs in games but not many rodents. We wanted to bring more cute mice and rats into the front stage, share our love for them and connect with other rodent lovers!
Games that amalgamate nonograms with other features are quite rare; what can you tell us about the process behind making one?
One of the first things we made was a tool to generate a nonogram from a 3D model instead of a pixel art image. Then, nailing the transition between the 2D image and 3D model was very important for us to make the player understand where the reward came from!
Because we love building worlds and funny stories, it was important for us to have a basic narrative to link the nonograms and decoration aspect: you get a free house from a program called Home Squeak Home. The CEO Nini, a mouse that obsesses over nonograms, welcomes you into your empty home and proposes a deal: if you can solve Squeakrosses, you get the real furniture for free at home! That's a deal you can't refuse, right?
As a big fan of Squeakross' concept, I was wondering if there are any plans to release DLC or content updates?
We do not have anything specific right now, but we have a big list of things we would like to do after release. We would love to update the game regularly after release if we can!
How has the idea for the game changed throughout its development?
Alex: Not much. We had a good idea of what it would be from the start. Since we are using already existing game concepts, it made it easier to pin down the design ideas. We get some ideas from the community (Discord), like QOL features or customisation options, that we end up implementing.
Luka: We started with the idea of making a classic nonogram game, and Squeakross evolved into an accessible, beginner-friendly experience! The game has many unique features not present in typical nonogram titles, making it more approachable. Each player can toggle those options on/off, so nonogram veterans can play the hard difficulty as well!
What is the most unique part about making a game centred around rodents?
The rodent pet owners community! They are not used to having their pets represented in games. Since The Spirit and the Mouse was released, we have had many people message us to let us know playing the game helped them through the grief of losing a pet or made them cry. It always makes us happy to see people being able to connect with their pets, all thanks to our games.
Considering The Spirit and The Mouse is such a different game altogether, has the team been able to use the prior title's experience to make Squeakross?
Definitely! We learned a lot about publishing, marketing, and business with The Spirit and the Mouse. We are reusing a lot of that experience for Squeakross. There is little overlap between the two games, but that keeps it fun!
What went behind the decision to choose nonograms?
First, we love them! Second, we feel that the accessibility of nonogram games can be improved. Most of them follow the same rules that Picross laid out years ago. While I love those games, I find them a bit rigid sometimes.
This cosy title would fit nicely with mobile and Nintendo Switch; are there any plans for porting in the future?
We have plans for console versions in the future, but we cannot announce anything yet! Squeakross would be great on the Switch, for sure!
What unexpected challenges has the team encountered during development?
The biggest one I can think of is the housing system. When we showcased our first trailer, people joined the Discord server and asked if they could have colour variations for the furniture. It was one of the features we purposefully cut to keep the scope in check. However, after seeing how everyone would ask for it at release, we realised we had to do it. Our system was not built for this at all, but we found a way to implement it anyway. This was a big technical challenge!
Lastly, if there's anything I haven't touched on that you'd like me to mention, feel free to add it here!
Yes! You can join us on our Discord. We have a very cool community of rodent fans!
Bonus Questions!
What is your favourite name for rodents?
Luka: This is a hard one. I feel like food names always work for me, haha. It's just so cute. One of our current gerbils is named Citron. It means lemon in French, and she's adorable!
Alex: Food also. My favourite is Miel, which means honey in French, the name of one of our late gerbils (RIP King)!
What accessory do you think players would use on you if you were their rodent character?
Luka: Probably just tons of cheese accessories. I love cheese so much!
Alex: A clown hat.
I loved learning about everything happening behind the scenes with Squeakross; Luka and Alex's energy and excitement are contagious! It was one of the most wholesome interviews I've had thus far. I genuinely appreciate the opportunity and hope you enjoyed the interview, too!
Make sure to wishlist or check out Squeakross: Home Squeak Home on Steam if this sounds like a good time to you! And if you'd like to keep up-to-date with the latest news, follow Alex and Luka on their X account right here or join their rodent-loving Discord community!