Diary of an NPC - Entry Seven
You play the main character in every game - the plot revolves around your every moment in the game like as unto a god. Of course, this means you ignore what's going on with the people around who you're controlling. The people who drive around, go in and out of stores and generally live their lives. But did you realise there are a limited number of so-called NPCs? To do their jobs in all of these games, especially the heavily-populated ones, they need to be able to come and go as they please. These people don’t think it’s odd to go from deep space to a land of dinosaurs in the space of a week - it’s their way of life. In this series, we follow one of these people - Nigel Philip Charles. His home crushed due to the terrorist group AVALANCHE, he left Midgar to journey to the land of Ferelden...
Day of Arrival
I docked at Kirkwall today, place was swamped with these big, ugly things called Qunari. Well, the men are ugly, I wonder what the females look like! Probably just as ugly, but with boobs! Not that they look like the kind of people I’d want to spend time with...
Spent the night in Lowtown - because most of my money was in my house in Midgar. A place called The Hanged Man. Cheap, but I don’t think I can drink here every night, even with the hot pirate chick who is always at the bar. But with a name like Hanged Man, there’s obviously nobody here who would want to chat. Unless it’s chatting about suicide…
It took a little looking, but I found a place I like, in Hightown. The Blooming Rose - one of the bigger buildings in the district. Nowhere near the church (called the Chantry) as you’d expect - it’s where I’d put it. Very friendly staff working there, the ladies and the men. Always asking if I’m alright, checking to see if I want to lay down in one of the rooms… If I could afford a night in that place, I’d not have a room in Lowtown! I bet it’s really expensive.
Been getting friendly with an elf called Jethann the last couple of days. Weird thing, though, he keeps having to go to work, only to come back about an hour later. Happens a few times a night, if I stay long enough. I think he told me what he does, but I didn’t really hear him - so now it’d be weird if I asked him.
Got asked if I would like to go on an expedition, today. To someplace called The Deep Roads, where the dwarves live or something. This dwarf Bartrand asked me to go, but I heard there’s monsters. “Not many” he assured me - “More than zero” I replied. I mean, it was for a lot of gold, but I make a perfectly good living doing odd jobs for people. And there’s no monsters in Kirkwall.
So Jethann gave me a shoulder massage earlier… It was good, but weird. I think, anyway. I asked him what it was for and he said not to worry, he just liked me. Also, I was sure when I first started going in, that the female staff were flirting with me. They’re still nice and everything, but nowhere near as friendly. Maybe they’re just afraid because of the murders… Oh, some people have been killed, or something. The Templars (Chantry guards) are looking for a mage to blame - finally have a reason to be glad I’m no magician.
Do I come across as gay? Jethann made a pass at me… Like, a very obvious one. As in - he specifically asked if I wanted to have sex with him. Also, he works as a hooker and The Blooming Rose is a brothel. I really couldn’t tell! Does that say I’m too innocent - or very stupid?
I left the city today… Some stuff happened with the Qunari and suddenly a mage blew up the Chantry! I was already out the gates by the time that happened, but man… What? I just didn’t want the Qunari to go on a rampage… And from what I heard from people escaping the city after me, the mages and Templars are killing each other in the streets! And I said there were no monsters in Kirkwall… I’m heading to space: there’s never any wars in space. I got a flyer from a guy, talking about joining Cerberus...