Freebie Feelers… Game of Thrones - A Telltale Series
Freebie Feelers is a series where we download the free monthly console-specific or newly released free-to-play games to test their worth.This series will contain some useful information as well as plenty of personal opinion. While these articles may not be reviews, we hope that you will be able to use them to help decide whether that free download is worth it.
What is it?
Based on the TV show Game of Thrones (which is based on the book series A Song of Fire & Ice), and taking place across season four, Telltale Games made an adventure game. You play as the members of the family Forrester as they try to survive the titular Game of Thrones.
You control one member of the family at a time, and have to use dialogue and quicktime events through six episodes. There are a few parts where you get to explore an area, but not many. In total, you’ll be playing for about 12 hours, and it’s full of moments featuring the characters you know from the show.
What did you think?
It’s currently available on PlayStation Plus, though you’ve had a chance to try the first episode for a while now. Honestly, I played the first episode before I had even seen the TV show. It’s what convinced me to give it a shot, as the first few episodes of season one are quite heavy.
The game itself is more of a movie than a game, with very few of your contributions mattering, but that’s just Telltale Games’ play style. If you’re interested in the show, then you will definitely get something out of it.
Is it worth downloading?
As mentioned, it’s full of Game of Thrones-related moments, and spoils certain big plot points if you’ve been trying to avoid spoilers. If you’re not interested in the franchise, you’ll get nothing here to convince you otherwise. However, fans can save £19.99 by downloading it and giving it a go this month. Telltale are already working on Game of Thrones - A Telltale Series Season Two, so you don’t have to worry about unresolved cliffhangers!