Freebie Feelers... Hue
Freebie Feelers is a series where we download the free monthly console-specific or newly released free-to-play games to test their worth. This series will contain some useful information as well as plenty of personal opinion. While these articles may not be reviews, we hope that you will be able to use them to help decide whether that free download is worth it.
Featured as an inclusive game for October on the Vita and PS4, Hue is the game that I will be checking out this time round.
What is it?
Like so many indie games of late, it’s a puzzle-platformer with a stylistic twist. You start off in a black and white world (like so many indie games of late) and you have to rescue your missing friend, who communicates only in the form of letter scattered around telling the plot slowly as you go. You know, like so many indie games of late...
The difference here is that you can colour that aforementioned monochrome world by collecting and activating different hues. These hues, when activated, will reveal secrets. For example, you can get past blue walls by activating the blue hue, making everything blue become part of the background. The same applies to revealing hitherto hidden platforms by changing the background to a colour that no longer obscures them.
What did you think?
I love this game. It’s a really well-crafted puzzle game that ticks all the boxes. It’s challenging enough to work the old neurons, but not obtusely so. It’s got a lovely ambient soundtrack running through the background, combined with the sparse visuals, this makes it a super relaxing game to play as well as being really enjoyable.
Is it worth downloading?
Quite honestly, I’d recommend this at full price. The market is flooded with stylised ambient platformers, and to find one that stands out like this is a great thing. If you have PlayStation Plus, then grab this before the end of October, you won’t regret it.