Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds - Repentance Sneak Peek
The world of Tyria seemed to breathe easy again as the approaching threat of the Titans was quelled by the heroes of the land. However, even though one ancient enemy was defeated, another danger from the past seemed to be behind much of the strife of late: the Mursaat.
In the latest story content update to Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds, titled Repentance, players will delve into the mysteries and secrets revolving around this long-forgotten culture, exploring their ancient ruins and finding out much-hidden knowledge. Being more impatient than a dog waiting for scraps, we were beyond delighted to be invited to a small sneak peek at what Repentance has to offer in addition to celebrating the franchise’s 20th anniversary!
Just look at this dapper Charr
In our session, we were given a sneak peek into two events while also being let loose to explore the new area of Bava Nisos. In the first event, we delved into the depths of the Valley of Agony — apparently the most dangerous area of Tyria — and faced off against wraiths of the past while also dealing with the Spectral Agony lingering in the air. It was a fun mission with some revelations and tense situations, which went very much over my plot-illiterate head, but we had fun nonetheless!
The second event was less of a raid or gigantic battle but an introduction to one of the core mechanics of Repentance: the Field Surveys. As the allied forces of Tyria slowly explore the Murkaat ruins, Field Surveys are needed to scout out possible problems, locations of interest, and to further progress into the large area.
How this works mechanically, we were told, was that players had three areas to explore: the Southern, Central, and Northern lanes. Each route has its own challenges and progression, while also having a distinct look and feel. On our tour, we delved into the Southern lane, which had a Castlevania-esque look and feel. With the help of some Admin magic, we made our way to the end, wherein we fought a tough battle featuring some fun environmental hazards and more Area of Effect abilities than my brain could handle.
As a final feature, we were told about the new Mastery added in Repentance, the Mursaat Mirrors. Found in each new area, these ancient devices allow players to reach previously locked-off areas while also gaining resources and learning about the mysterious precursor civilisation.
In terms of new items, Repentance brings with it a new set of both armour, the Truesight set, and weapons, the Scavenged Obsidian set. The weapon set is especially interesting, as it is made from materials gathered from the ruins and nearby locales! You can also gain the Salmon Knowledge backpiece, with imagery representing the three paths of the surveys. In the Wizard’s Vault, you can find the Wardknight armour set up for grabs, as well as the druidic Old Growth set of weapons. Oh, and they added a new chair that is fit for any enlightened soul, the Sage’s Throne. It hovers!
If the field surveys are not enough and you feel the need for a proper challenge, fear not, as Repentance has you covered. Eager players can now take on the Mount Balrior raid on the newly added Challenge mode.
A seat fit for a sage
And so ended our look into what’s in store for the adventurers of Tyria. Though brief, seeing what is to come always makes us want to dive back in and see how players will conquer these new challenges. If you’ve already played through the previous content of Janthir Wilds, the wait is finally over (for now), and if you’re new, it’s as good a time as any to hop in and create a character!