How My Boyfriend Ruined My Family
On my annual launch of The Sims 3, the same routine applies each time: create family, motherlode, motherlode, make out, try for baby. From this, you can obviously tell that the possibility of your characters being able to search the newspaper for first time jobs and climb the social scale doesn't really appeal to me. Decorating and fitting my characters mansion with the most expensive electronics is the peak of my Sims 3 experience, this was further heightened when I was confronted with the option to use my new selection of "high end loft stuff".
After an hour and a half of dedicated renovating (and a not-so-happy boyfriend left to fend for himself on The Walking Dead), it was time to progress on expanding the Bailey family. This didn't take long to put into action after my realisation that I'd forgotten to set my Sims age to "Young Adult" and that they would be turning to elders in just fourteen Sim days, which only accounts to five real life hours. A few evident occasions of morning sickness later, I received the heart-swelling notification that it was time to take my Sim to hospital.
I called my slightly bored and unenthusiastic boyfriend over to the computer to watch the emotional experience unravelling from outside the hospital (because of course we have to keep our characters privacy under lock by denying us vision inside the hospital), and soon enough my sim popped out with a baby girl after a somewhat unrealistic labour time of one minute.
Seeing the joy on my face when my Sim left the hospital with a baby of my desired gender, the boyfriend decided to whack his hand down on the keyboard and with a not-so-mutual decision, we had our baby's name, srg2346urdfg. (Luckily, EA must have had me in mind when integrating the option to change a character's name via the Town Hall.)
A few hours into the delight of being back home with the new-born, my Sim was already suffering from a lack of sleep due to Luna (newly renamed) having a social bar at a constant low. Hunting through each of Luna's social tabs, I made the shocking discovery that my boyfriend had set the child's only traits to "Insane" and "Loner", should have seen that one coming. Unfortunately, this was not something the trusty Town Hall could fix for me.
Being the most loving of parents, I made the decision to wait until my child aged up to give her the extra traits that would make her human again, the one good choice made without my incredibly helpful boyfriend. Hopefully this won't affect the judgement cast on her by fellow students she will encounter in The Sims 3 University, where this blog will continue.
Kaostic - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016
Great blog, Harrie. Even if it is just slagging me off :P
Beanz - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016
You don't appear to be rushing to create an image for this one Kris. Wonder why...
LeeWalkerGM - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016
This was brilliant >.< Completely reminded me of Anna + me. Pretty much word for word! 9.8/10!
Harrie - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Haha :) Thanks!
icaruschips - 03:14pm, 18th July 2016
I need the life-story of srg2346urdfg. It'd be compelling reading!