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How to Get All of the Achievements in Marvel Rivals — Tips, Tricks, and Guides

How to Get All of the Achievements in Marvel Rivals — Tips, Tricks, and Guides

NetEase's Marvel Rivals released in December of 2024, and since then, players have been loving it. Becoming home to over two million players, and receiving a glowing score in our own review, it's no doubt that many have loved it. As an achievement hunter, I set my sights pretty early on at gaining all of the achievements, and after finally having accomplished it, I've found a fair few tips on completing them!

We'll be going over each achievement and tips for them, whenever any are present!


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"Land a 3-player KO streak."

This is one of the first achievements you'll unlock, as 68.1% of the players have acquired it. There isn't much of a science to it, especially if you're early on in the game, as you should be able to land a fair few ultimates that'll get you the three kills needed.

You'll know when you've unlocked it when Galacta says "that's three", which is her quote for you getting three kills. It's worth noting that you need to land the final blows, and the reason I go so in-depth despite the simplicity of the achievement is simple: this will pop up a few more times throughout your achievement hunting. You need to get three kills (but not?) in seven different achievements of the 40. But more on that on the individual achievements themselves.

Thumbs Up

Mister Fantastic Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

There's no Mister Fantastic achievement, so I figured it was OK to use his thumbs up!

"Upvote 1 player."

This one has pretty much no science, and it's a shock that it's rarer than getting a three-player KO streak. To get it, all you need to do is give another player a thumbs up in the post-game section; you can opt to give it only to those you felt played well or everyone in your team. There are no additional thumbing-up achievements scattered in either the ACHIEVEMENTS section in-game or on Steam, so you should be fine with just the one.


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"Team up with a friend for a match."

This one is pretty straightforward, too. Considering Marvel Rivals is a free-to-play title, you can find a mate you'd like to join you in a match and play through it, but if you're having no such luck, you can also find a few friends in-game as well. Either add someone else through the post-game section or go to Ranked, where players will be looking for other good players to join them on their climb. This way, you'll get a few friend requests for your journey, even if you have no one to accompany you for this one!

Master of Modes

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"Complete 1 Arcade match."

Marvel Rivals releases a few Arcade modes for players to engage with. These differ from your usual Quick Play and Competitive, as they tend to be quicker and have new rules. I got mine from Jeff's in-game event in December 2024, but there's always an Arcade mode for you to play — just click CHANGE MODE in the PLAY menu and find one that's tagged ARCADE. At the time of writing, we have Conquest and Doom Match available.

You Do You

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"Use the customizable wheel once."

For this achievement, you have to change the customisation in your wheel. To do that, you'll need to head to the HEROES menu and select a specific character, and then you can go to COSMETICS and select either the EMOTES or SPRAY, which are the two types of customisation that go in the wheel. Select any of the items that you have acquired and click EQUIP, and it should show you the wheel that you'll be customising; once you select where it goes, you should get the achievement.

Snack Attack!

How to get the Jeff the Land Shark achievement

Jeff the Land Shark MVP Animation Image Marvel Rivals

"As Jeff the Land Shark, swallow 4 enemies with a single use of It's Jeff!"

This is where most of the character-specific achievements will begin popping up, with the first one being the notorious Jeff the Land Shark himself. It's a pretty straightforward achievement, as you'll need to use your ultimate to get four enemies; don't confuse "swallow" for having to kill them, as merely having them in your mouth momentarily should work.

With Jeff's achievement, I suggest doing it in any Domination or Convergence map rather than Convoy (unless you're attacking). Considering the aforementioned modes have a capturable spot, you'll have plenty of space to swallow enemies as Jeff. It's even easier in Birnin T'Challa's Warrior Falls. Since it's a pretty secluded area, and enough destruction can block off most escape routes, you should be able to get it either when attacking or defending.

Tip: Though you can cast Jeff's ultimate from far away and move the circle to the right position, this gives enemies a fair warning. If you're trying to do this in a very vertical map, characters that have high jumps can escape you after you do this. To prevent enemies from flying up, if you get in the middle of them in a team fight (preferably whilst his "Hide and Seek" ability is active), you can ult and then spam the attack to do it on the spot, removing any possibility of reaction time from the enemy. I don't recommend this in normal matches due to the vulnerability you'll place yourself in, but it's a good way to quickly swallow all enemies around you.

At this point, I'd like to mention that the character achievements only pop after you finish the match and arrive at the MVP. If you swallowed four enemies, you will have to wait until the end of the match to know whether it worked; for this purpose, I suggest you dedicate the entire match to trying to get an achievement per character rather than switching when you think you've got it. Reason being, if you think you got it, it means that you might have a "good" enemy team to get the achievement with, so it's better to be safe than sorry than go back to running match after match waiting for the right opportunity.

Grip of Hunger

How to get the Venom achievement

Venom  MVP Animation Image Marvel Rivals

"As Venom, ensnare 4 enemies with a single use of Cellular Corrosion."

This one is pretty simple. Cellular Corrosion is a standard Venom ability, and as a pretty heavy diving Vanguard, you should be able to acquire it accidentally. "Ensnaring" doesn't mean anything aside from just having foes in range for your ability to trigger once, as it doesn't have to activate the damage.

The best course of action here is to do it against defending enemies. Jump high in the air and land with Frenzied Arrival on a cluster of foes, then immediately activate Cellular Corrosion before anyone uses their escape abilities to get away from the range. Another alternative route is to walk on the walls and land on enemies with Frenzied Arrival (you can do it while hanging onto a wall) so they don't see you swinging around with Venom Swing and get alerted to your location.

Rising Star

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"Reach level 20."

The best tip I can give you for Rising Star is just play to have fun. You'll eventually get there, but levelling can significantly slow after level 10 when you unlock Competitive, so just work on the other achievements rather than focusing on this one — some of the harder ones can take a few hours, so you'll get it with time.

Vengeance for the Milano!

How to get the Star-Lord achievement

Star-Lord MVP Animation Screenshot

"As Star-Lord, land 10 KOs with assists from the Guardians of the Galaxy."

This achievement is situational and it'll be the exception to the rule of "play a character per round" (alongside a few other exceptions). If you're wondering "Which are the Guardians of the Galaxy?", then we've got an easy list for you to follow:

  • Adam Warlock
  • Groot
  • Mantis
  • Rocket Raccoon

This achievement is worded a bit... weirdly. The parameters aren't entirely clear, but from what I've understood, you need to land KOs while there's a Guardian of the Galaxy in your team. Different from Assists, you should be able to get it whenever they are present, as assists are fickle and only are granted when you provide a direct buff to the player getting the kill. This remains true for every achievement like these henceforth: just focus on getting kills while eligible characters are in your team. And when there isn't a Guardian of the Galaxy in the team, consider just changing until a future round unless you want to practice the character.

West Coast, Best Coast

How to get the Hawkeye achievement

Hawkeye MVP Animation Image Marvel Rivals

"As Hawkeye, partner with the Avengers to land 10 KOs"

Alright, I hear you: who the hell counts as an Avenger? Even Moon Knight himself admits having been part of the team before, but does he count? Well, no, but here's a full list of the Avengers characters at the time of writing:

  • Captain America
  • Black Panther
  • Black Widow
  • Doctor Strange
  • Hulk
  • Iron Man
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Thor

Much like the Star-Lord achievement, all you seem to have to do is get kills while these characters are on your team. Especially for a sniper like Hawkeye, it's unlikely that you'll get many "assists" in damage or abilities (especially since none of the Avengers are Strategists currently), so just play whenever any of these are in your team. It should be simple enough to get in one match, but if not, just keep an eye out for any Avengers and switch out unless you want practice with the bow and arrow.

Flawless Design

How to get the Iron Man achievement

Iron Man MVP Animation Image Marvel Rivals

"As Iron Man, hit 4 enemies with a single use of Invincible Pulse Cannon."

This achievement can be a bit tricky — Iron Man's ultimate is notorious for being predictable and easy to avoid, and as the audience wisens up, it'll become rarer to get. There are a few maps that I'd recommend doing this one, notably while attacking on Convergence or when you don't have the point in Domination.

The trick to Iron Man's ultimate is to do it in the middle of a team fight and from behind the enemy. As a character who can fly in the air, make sure you get to their flank and fire it whenever they can't see you, as it'll make it harder to predict the trajectory, and if you do it mid team fight, the enemy might be too busy to properly dodge. Enemies of Iron Man get a highlight of his ultimate incoming to give them an idea of the trajectory, which is why you'll want to do it while you are behind them to prevent that from being as visible as possible.

If you’re really struggling to complete the achievement, you can try to synergise with ally ultimates. Invisible Woman and Iron Man can make the Invincible Pulse Cannon appear out of nowhere, making it harder to dodge, or teaming up with a well-placed Groot ultimate could make for an easy, unmovable team to blast away.

Punishment of the Moon

How to get the Moon Knight achievement

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"As Moon Knight, hit 4 enemies with a single use of Hand of Khonshu."

Despite how common this achievement is, I had a bit of a struggle acquiring it. Moon Knight's Hand of Khonshu is a relatively large area-of-effect ultimate, but it has a big warning to the enemy when you cast it, and it's not big enough to cover a large area. I had the best luck getting it while defending on Convoy, as unsuspecting attackers who were pushing the objective didn't have as good of a reaction time to avoid the attack.

It's also worth noting: don't get discouraged, as the achievement states hit, not kill. It's a notable difference, since a lot of characters can get away from the attack without dying, but even landing a single blow should count them, so the best thing you can do is place it in a cluster of foes and hope they get hit once.

Multiverse Tour

How to get the Luna Snow achievement

Luna Snow MVP Animation Marvel Rivals

"As Luna Snow, complete a match on 5 maps with different themes."

What this achievement means is essentially to play Luna Snow in different maps.I'mnot entirely sure whether different mode versions count, like the Galactic Wakanda Convergence, Convoy, and Domination variations, so it's safest to just play in different maps. The full list of these are:

  • Klyntar
  • Yggsgard
  • Tokyo 2099: Spider Islands
  • Hydra Charteris Base
  • Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda
  • Midtown

Just play Luna Snow in each of the maps. Booting Luna Snow and changing immediately likely won't count, so you'll have to play a substantial amount — I can't confirm how much, so I'd recommend playing at least more than two-thirds of the round.

Way of the Butterfly

How to get the Psylocke achievement

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"As Psylocke, contest the mission area for 60 seconds in a single match."

This one is one of the ones I found easiest. Whenever in Convoy, when attacking, just make sure you stand beside the Convoy at all times to push it forward — I'm unsure whether it works on Domination whenever you've already claimed the point, as I got the achievement whilst attacking on Convoy. Regardless, just make sure you engage with the objective as much as possible.

Watch Your Step!

How to get the Peni Parker achievement

Penni Parker Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Peni Parker, blast 3 enemies with a single use of Arachno-Mine."

There's a cheese for this achievement that is the way I'd most recommend to do it. Essentially, you need to land your Arachno-Mine — a single one — on three enemies. The easiest way to do this is when you're defending on Convoy; get to the point as quickly as possible and plant all of your Arachno-Mines at the base. Enemies will walk out without thinking and get hit by them, so it's a great way to cheese it and the easiest way to acquire it (I didn't know of the cheese by the time I was doing it, so I had to do it the old fashioned way).

Spider-Sense Tingling!

How to get the Spider-Man achievement

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"As Spider-Man, detect an enemy with Spider-Sense and land a winning counterattack."

Honestly? The Spider-Man achievement felt random for me. One of his passives, Spider-Sense, activates whenever there is an enemy nearby; to get the achievement, you have to kill the enemy after you've had your Peter Tingle trigger.

The best way to farm this out would be to hide in an area where you know recently deceased foes will walk through, especially someone you can easily one-shot. Once the Spidey sense activates, you can walk forward to try to kill them. If you don't play Spider-Man (I sure don't — at least not successfully), I'd recommend using the Get Over Here into Amazing Combo, a few attacks, and then hit them with Spider-Power or Web-Cluster to finish them off. I didn't actually have to go out of my way to farm the achievement in any way, as I managed to get it by playing a random Spider-Man match, but it felt entirely haphazard.

I'd suggest practising Spider-Man for a while and seeing if you manage to get the achievement by just swinging around madly and killing a few enemies while you get the hang of his highly complex kit. Once you do know the ropes, it might be easier to ambush an unsuspecting, low-health DPS for the achievement.

Smart Is New Smash

How to get the Hulk achievement

Hulk Bruce Banner Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Bruce Banner, land 1 KO within 3 seconds of calming down from the Hulk to Banner."

This achievement can be a bit tricky, as the wind-down animation can take a long time and give players the opportunity to prepare to kill you the moment you become Bruce Banner. Despite how complicated it might seem, it won't be too difficult, as it's definitely one of the more common achievements in the game.

My recommendation for Smart Is New Smash is to play as normal. You can try to lower enemies’ heath as Hulk and then have them turn you into Bruce Banner, but trying to get the achievement is harder than plainly playing and happening upon it. While this sounds frustrating, it can be very easy by managing to do so at the end of a team fight because since you can't willingly calm down from the Hulk, you need to have been brought down.

I managed to do it in a one-versus-two fight, where a Winter Soldier and Punisher were trying to kill me and I managed to kill the Punisher after being brought down from Hulk. To survive as Bruce Banner as best as possible, I suggest using the Gamma Grenade to move yourself out of harm’s way and find a low-health target to defeat, as there is one thing worth keeping in mind: you don't have to have damaged them much as Hulk to begin with. If you die early in a hectic team fight, grenade out of the way and find a quick kill you can take advantage of. It's just an achievement of perseverance, and happening upon an easy kill to yoink.

No More Mutants

How to get the Scarlet Witch achievement

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"As Scarlet Witch, take down Mutant enemies 10 times."

This achievement is a bit more complicated than Star-Lord or Hawkeye, as instead of having to have the characters on your team, they'll need to be on the enemy one. In the other two, you can have a friend play other characters, but here, you need to happen upon enemies choosing to play Mutant foes, and worst of all? Not every Mutant will be "preferable".

Here's why:

  • Storm
  • Magik
  • Wolverine
  • Psylocke
  • Namor
  • Magneto

The line-up of mutant characters can be a bit difficult for Scarlet Witch to handle on her own. There are two options you have for this: either play in the backlines and help your team by doing continuous damage or find a mutant that you can duel reliably.

Magik and Wolverine might be a tough match-up due to their great sustainability, but if you manage to get range on them, you should be able to handle it (sort of, since they both have very reliable gap closers). Meanwhile, Magneto is too much of a behemoth to handle alone, especially if he's activated his Team-Up. So your only "choices" are defeating Storm (which is the easiest by far), Psylocke, who can have pretty high damage if you don't manage to dodge her abilities, or Namor, who counts as a pseudo sniper and works as a possibly good option for you to pick on.

If you're really unconfident about your skill, you can stick with the front lines and try to pick off diving Magik or Wolverine alongside your team, but your best bet is find a vulnerable Storm or Namor to pick on and try to win those fights.

Again, similar to the others, it's not worth playing Scarlet Witch if there aren’t Mutant enemies unless you're trying to get some practice in. 

Might of Fuxi

How to get the Iron Fist achievement

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"As Iron Fist, land 3 KOs with a single use of Living Chi."

As a melee duelist, Iron Fist's achievement might be a bit tough for those who aren't used to playing close-range characters in hero shooters. Though, his Living Chi ultimate is incredibly powerful, giving him the opportunity to attack from farther away.

It should go without saying, but the easiest way for Iron Fist to get the Might of Fuxi achievement (which isn't too hard, might I add) is to focus on enemy Duelists or Strategists who won't be able to respond and won’t survive too many of your hits. The long channel time of Living Chi won't give you the opportunity to cast it right before getting a kill, but it does last for 12 seconds, giving you about four seconds per enemy you need to defeat for this achievement.

Arm Race

How to get the Winter Soldier achievement

Winter Soldier Marvel Snap MVP Animation

"As Winter Soldier, land 3 KOs with a single use of Kraken Impact."

Winter Soldier's achievement is simple, and it might take a fair few tries before you get the hang of it, but it won't be too complex. His ultimate, Kraken Impact, marks enemies for "Culling", which means that if their health falls below a certain threshold, they'll instantly perish and it'll replenish your ultimate for a limited time. You have about eight seconds after defeating an enemy to activate the recast, so make it count and don't let it go to waste, as it will just go back on cooldown.

It's worth noting that the Culling threshold remains the same across the board. Say you ult someone who was already within the threshold (or would fall to it when you hit them with their ultimate), it'll immediately return your ultimate for a second cast and count it as one of the three kills you need. All the enemies need to do is die to the Kraken Impact Culling, but it's fine if the damage from the ultimate itself doesn't land the killing blow.

It's also worth noting that you can hit several enemies with one cast of Kraken Impact. Don't miss out on the chance to hit a lot of foes when they're bunched up, and following up a Cloak & Dagger ultimate will certainly help you in dwindling their life down to get them to the Culling point.

Deadly Bites

How to get the Black Widow achievement

Black Widow Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Black Widow, land 3 KOs with critical hits in a single match."

Black Widow's achievement is simple: kill three enemies by hitting them in the head in a single match. It's not too complex, but there are a few tricks to make it even easier, if you're not an adept sniper and don't know how to properly take advantage of range.

First, her ultimate, Electro-Plasma Explosion, creates an area where enemies walk extremely slowly after taking some damage. With this, you can easily set yourself up for some easy headshots and get at least a few of the critical kills that you'll need for the achievement.

Second, the map matters a lot. Some places are pretty anti-sniper that make it harder to play the characters. Here are some of the best maps to play as a sniper:

  • Birnin T'Challa
  • Spider Islands (any — Convergence or Convoy variations are great)
  • Yggsgard Path (only when defending — attacking can be very anti-sniper)

Finally, your target matters a lot, too. Characters like Jeff the Land Shark are all head (literally), so getting a critical hit on him should be easy enough, so try to pick Black Widow when you see someone playing him. Likewise, flying characters can be easy to pick off if they're not paying attention, so Iron Man and Storm are easy picks for you to take advantage of. All of these combined should make it easier to get all of the Critical Hits you need to complete the achievement.

Aquatic Assault

How to get the Namor achievement

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"As Namor, summon Monstro Spawn to land 10 KOs in a single game."

Despite its rarity, Namor's achievement is actually one of the ones I'd deem to be the easiest. To get this achievement, you're going to want to summon Monstro Spawn as often as possible, and once you do, hit enemies with your Wrath of the Seven Seas. Your Monstro Spawn should be able to help you one-shot most Strategists if you land it, and it should work towards getting this achievement.

It is worth noting that this needs to be done in a single game, so the best practice is to ensure that you play Namor the entire match and are consistently spawning the Monstro Spawn. They might get kills on their own by complete accident and make it a much easier achievement than it originally appears to be.


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This achievement isn't very difficult to get, but it's more of a long grind while you do get there. Generally speaking, you should just try to get all of the other achievements first, as this will arrive with time. If you don't, it's always much better to just play Quick Play matches rather than Competitive, as they are about half as long as most of the latter ones anyway. This is, of course, if Mantis and Cloak & Dagger's achievements don't take as long as this one.

Terror of the Ten Realms

How to get the Hela achievement

Hela Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Hela, land a 3-player KO streak in Yggsgard: Yggdrasill Path."

As one of the few achievements that are location-focused, Hela's Terror of the Ten Realms is an achievement I recommend starting to try to farm early. Though it's not nearly as difficult as the other in this bunch, it's worth trying to get it out of the way since there is no way to actually select which map to play, making these some of the hardest achievements to farm out.

The best way to acquire it is while defending. Though you could reliably do so with her basic attacks, considering Hela does so much damage, you'll have a much better chance at doing it during her ultimate. With her Goddess of Death ability, she goes up in the air and is able to do massive damage to enemies below; just focus on the squishies and hope they don't have a Doctor Strange to stop by face-tanking with his shield.

If worse comes to worst, you can ask for her Team-Up with either Loki or Thor, which will give you an extra damage boost and make getting the triple kill easier to get.

Vicious Vines

How to get the Groot achievement

Groot Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Groot, imprison 4 enemies with a single use of Strangling Prison."

Groot's achievement is connected to his ultimate, where you'll need to grab four enemies with it in a single cast. It's actually not too difficult to acquire, but it's a pain every time you fail it since you'll have to recharge your entire ultimate to get a second shot at it.

It's much easier to do it whilst attacking, as defending groups tend to group much more.

Victory in Bloom

How to get the Mantis achievement

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"As Mantis, assist allies in achieving a team wipe."

This is where some of the more challenging achievements start popping up. What a "team wipe" means is that, essentially, you have to defeat every enemy at the same time. When "Ace" appears on your screen and Galacta says "You've got them all!", that's a "team wipe".

There are a few things to know about this achievement. For starters, you'll need to ensure you get assists for this achievement to pop. If you don't get assists (I don't know exactly how many — many) you actually won't get the achievement despite your team achieving a team wipe.

The best way to ensure that you get the achievement on Mantis is by using Inspire on your allies as often as possible. Since this increases your ally's damage dealt, it'll ensure you have more damage to complete a specific fight, but with the team wipe achievements, it's more of an endurance battle than anything else.

The second thing to keep in mind: you have only 10 seconds to kill every enemy, or they'll resurrect and not count towards an Ace. This means that so long as you can avoid it, do not dally on killing the rest of the enemies. Mantis is a very aggressive Strategist who benefits from getting Critical Hits, so make sure you're taking advantage of her full kit.

Final thing to mention about Mantis' achievement is that whenever she's ulting, she can still attack and use her abilities, unlike Luna Snow. Any extra damage that you deal is damage working towards getting that team kill.

Don't get discouraged if it takes quite a while — I had six hours of Mantis gameplay before I unlocked the achievement. It definitely feels luck-based to get a team good enough to secure an Ace, but it's possible and just requires patience.

To Me, My X-Men!

How to get the Storm achievement

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"As Storm, assist X-Men members 10 times."

Storm's achievement is relatively simple. You need to play with other X-Men allies to defeat enemies. There are fewer X-Men than there are Mutants, but it can still be an easy nab if you team up with a Magik or Magneto. The full list of X-Men are:

  • Magik
  • Magneto
  • Psylocke
  • Storm
  • Wolverine

Symphony of Light and Dark

How to get the Cloak & Dagger achievement

Cloak & Dagger Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Cloak & Dagger, assist allies in achieving a team wipe."

Much like Mantis' achievement, Cloak & Dagger requires you to get a team wipe, but notoriously, this one's much easier than Mantis' (despite the fact that it is rarer in the overall global leaderboards). The thing about this achievement is that Cloak & Dagger's ultimate is much more efficient at helping towards team wipes.

Much like Mantis, I heavily recommend that you get accustomed to Cloak & Dagger. Due to their more aggressive nature, thanks to Ty's skill set, it can be a bit easier to deal with enemies and get a team wipe. But bear in mind that the way team wipes work discourages trying to get early picks, so avoid using Ty to kill enemy healers too early, as otherwise they'll respawn before the enemy is killed.

Don't forget that Ty's Terror Cape ability can narrow enemy sight and amplify their damage received; one of these abilities, well-placed, can discombobulate the entire team and give yours the advantage. It’s worth keeping in mind that Eternal Bond causes damage to enemies around alongside healing, so casting it before the team fight and positioning the ability to remove core things from enemy play, like Penni Parker's Bionic Spider-Nest or Loki's clones.

Demon's Roar

How to get the Magik achievement

Magik Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Magik, land 3 KOs within a single transformation into Darkchild."

Magik's achievement can be relatively tough to get depending on your expertise with melee characters. Her Darkchild transformation (which is her ultimate) severely slows down her attack speed, making it easy for enemies to try to flee from your attacks. Furthermore, as her passive gives her a shield equivalent to the damage you deal, it can be a bit difficult to build up a proper shield to protect yourself.

Since Magik announces when she's ulting, it can put everyone on alert, but the long cast time can lead to getting picked off if you do it before your first kill. Due to this, like in Iron Fist, you should ult before you head into battle, and preferably, it should be in a team fight so tanks can be soaking some of the damage and healers can be giving you aid to ensure your lack of shields don't become your downfall.

As for her attacks in Darkchild, the easiest way to deal some quick damage is by using Stepping Discs with Eldritch Whirl. This is one of the quickest ways to ensure that you can deal some damage, get some health back, and possibly burst an enemy or two.

The combo, then, would be to ult into Darkchild, see if you can get an enemy with Umbral Incursion, auto attack once, and then use Stepping Discs, Eldritch Whirl, and weave auto attacks between each of your attacks. Getting anything over a triple kill will work, and truthfully, with squishy-enough enemies, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Go Get 'Em, Guardians!

How to get the Rocket Raccoon achievement

Rocket Raccoon Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Rocket Raccoon, revive the Guardians of the Galaxy members 5 times."

To get Go Get 'Em, Guardians, you will need one of the aforementioned Guardians of the Galaxy in your team and revive them with B.R.B. (the Battle Rebirth Beacon). The thing about this achievement is that you can't be sure that a Guardian of the Galaxy will be the one to die and resurrected, as it merely revives the first person who dies, so it'll take a bit to ensure that it works.

For the sake of completeness, the full list of Guardians of the Galaxy is the following (since it was mentioned quite ways back in the article):

  • Groot
  • Mantis
  • Rocket Raccoon
  • Star-Lord

Your best bet to get this achievement is doing it alongside either a Star-Lord or a Groot, as those two are some of the most die-happy guardians, considering the others are Strategists, and thus, usually in the backlines alongside you. Place B.R.B. close to the battlefield, but ensure that it isn't within vision so that it doesn't get destroyed and it reliably revives allies.

It's not as difficult of an achievement as it is tedious due to the nature of the randomness of who dies first. Especially in the case of Rocket Raccoon's achievement, perseverance is key, and it's not worth playing him outside of having a Guardian of the Galaxy in the team, since this isn't as much of a skill-based achievement as it's more racking up points.

Family Ties

How to get the Adam Warlock achievement

Adam Warlock Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Adam Warlock, forge a soul bond with 3 allies from the Guardians of the Galaxy."

The final Guardian of the Galaxy, Adam Warlock will need to form a soul bond with three allies from the same faction. Adam himself doesn't count into the three, so you'll need three other Guardians in the team to ensure that you can get the achievement — consider pinging for his Team-Up ability to nab a free Star-Lord and Mantis and hope someone decides to go Groot or Rocket Raccoon.

"Ahhh, those tiny claws!"

How to get the Squirrel Girl achievement

Squirrel Girl Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Squirrel Girl, land 3 KOs with a single use of Unbeatable Squirrel Tsunami."

Squirrel Girl's achievement used to be one of the hardest ones, but after a patch implemented later on after release, it has become much easier to attain. Using her ultimate, you need to land 3 KOs; in order to do this, you'll want to use her in maps with closed spaces so that the Unbeatable Squirrel Tsunami jumps around as much as possible, resetting damage on enemies who have previously been attacked by it.

My favourite place to do this achievement is by far in Midtown. Due to the closed spaces, the first and final sections of the map are perfect for the Squirrel Tsunami to jump between the buildings, dealing heavy damage and bringing down enemies easily. Just try to reset your ultimate as quickly as possible and do it a few times if you're feeling unconfident, but don't forget to continue shooting towards your enemies after you ult to deal extra damage and require fewer passes of the squirrel rampage.

Homo Superior

How to get the Magneto achievement

Magneto Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Magneto, assist Mutant allies 10 times."

Assisting Mutant allies is a relatively simple achievement. Truthfully, I'd recommend trying to get this achievement by requesting a Team-Up, as many players will be delighted to have an excuse to play Scarlet Witch. Using your Metal Bulwark on your Mutant ally is a great way to secure assists, and doing it while Scarlet Witch ults is a surefire way to get at least a few kills under your belt.

Rinse and repeat, and it's one of the easier achievements, especially with how famous many Mutant characters are.

Divine Justice

How to get the Thor achievement

Thor Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Thor, strike down 4 enemies with a single use of God of Thunder."

Thor is a bit of a strange character due to his Thorforce resource that's unique to him. Thankfully, having to know how to play him isn't a necessary part for getting the achievement, but ensuring you hit four enemies with a single cast of your ultimate can be slightly taxing.

My recommendation is to fly in with a fully charged Storm Surge whenever the enemy team is defending and utilising your ultimate. Depending on the enemy reaction time, waiting a little bit can be beneficial as your allies catch up and you can use their abilities as a way to ensure hitting your ultimate isn't too hard, but squirrely characters might then get too far away too quickly. For that matter, I suggest just ulting straight away and hoping for the best due to the long charging time.

God of Treachery

How to get the Loki achievement

Loki Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Loki, land one KO by stabbing from behind."

Loki's achievement is to stab an enemy with his Backstab ability. If this sounds absurdly difficult, then you wouldn't be mistaken... sort of.

My suggestion for this achievement is to do it in one of two scenarios. Either find a Strategist who doesn't have self-protection abilities or a way to heal themselves (Adam Warlock for the most part) or pick on a Hulk when they're turning back into Bruce Banner and try to get it through that.

There are a few other characters you could backstab if you feel like it, but the easiest "no-brain" way to do it is to pick on the aforementioned or Jeff, even though he does have some escape abilities, because his self-healing ability requires him to either remember his bubbles or dive into the ground. Regardless, a few stabs here and there should get the job done.

The achievement isn't as egregiously difficult as it might seem (it took both me and my wife only a few matches to get it). Just persevere and try to find low-health targets to steal from Duelists and you should be golden.

Perilous Portal

How to get the Doctor Strange achievement

Doctor Strange Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Doctor Strange, land 1 terrain KO with the portal."

A terrain KO essentially means trying to get someone to jump through your portal and be yeeted off the map. There are two situations in which this is feasible: in Convoy Defence or Convoy Offense.

In Defence, you want to make sure you arrive at the point as quickly as possible and, much like Penni Parker, prepare a portal to throw enemies off the world. You can reposition the portal by pressing it again and then moving the first and second faces of the portal to ensure it's pointing out to kill enemies, and then wait until there is about a second before the doors open to cast the second portal. Those who aren't paying attention might fall for it and get you the achievement.

The second is in Attack. Whenever you're going to make a big push with your team, place a portal in the escape route of your enemies; a lot of players walk backwards to continue shooting foes whilst they make their escape, and this is the perfect opportunity to nab a portal kill.

In both cases, portal placement is important. Practice it a bit on the Practice Tool (I mean it) to learn how to make a portal that people don't have to jump into, and simultaneously, so you don't make a portal that accidentally lets the enemy team flank you.

Justice for All!

How to get the Captain America achievement

Captain America Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Captain America, land 3 KOs with a single use of Freedom Charge."

Interestingly, Captain America's ultimate says you need to land 3 KOs, but this isn't accurate. Assists count towards your total count, and you only really need one of the kills and two assists to secure this as an achievement, which isn't too difficult when you have a team that's willing to dive with you.

I recommend using Captain America's ultimate before getting your first kill, not at the start of the fight. Lower enemy HP and then cast your ultimate, then try finishing them off with Vibranium Energy Saw or Liberty Rush to start with a kill, then allowing your team to get assists (or try to steal them if you feel uncomfortable) in the others and securing the achievement.

It might take a few tries due to the duration of Freedom Charge, but at the same time, if you do it in a round-ending team fight, when everyone is gathered and doing a final push, it might give you the edge you need to finish it.

King of the Dead

How to get the Black Panther achievement

Black Panther Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Black Panther, land a 3-player KO streak in the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda: Hall of Djalia."

Black Panther's Hall of Djalia achievements is one of the hardest in the game, and this is due to two reasons: one, Black Panther is a rather difficult character, and two, it's impossible to pick your map.

For this reason, I recommend always playing Black Panther whenever you have the opportunity at the Hall of Djalia, as you never know when your next one might be, and depending on how long you play, this could mean waiting for another day.

The important thing here is that you do need a triple kill for this achievement to pop. The best thing you can do is try to utilise your abilities, notably, your Spirit Rend, to steal kills whenever possible. Don't try to go at the enemy all by your lonesome, as sometimes Strategists will band together to hold you back, and the last thing you want to do is become predictable.

If you're struggling too much, consider a front-to-back method. Attack the tanks and work your way to the healers whenever the time is right — you'll need a fair bit of practice on Black Panther to ensure you can get the triple kill, and since you only get one shot every time you get this map, it's worth making it count.

I suggest familiarising yourself with Black Panther and learning how to do his combos and highest-damaging abilities early so you don't have to suffer learning in your few tries in Hall of Djalia.

Rage Uncaged

How to get the Wolverine achievement

Wolverine Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As Wolverine, land 3 KOs with a single use of Last Stand."

This was one of the harder achievements for me, but the worst part? It felt like it popped randomly.

Wolverine's kit can be difficult to master, as he doesn't have the reliable movement the way other characters and flankers have. Since you have to kill enemies with one use of your Last Stand, I recommend damaging your enemy first and having your Rage accumulated so that you deal as much damage as possible.

Pick an immobile target that might not be able to easily duel you and make them the "first" kill. Deal damage to them, max out your Rage in this fight, and then use your ultimate right before they die and use the second cast in the location where there are other squishy Strategists or Duelists.

Strangely, this achievement popped without Galacta saying "triple kill", so it might not need to be done in the single cast.

Smoke Screen

How to get the Punisher achievement

The Punisher Marvel Rivals MVP Animation

"As the Punisher, land 3 KOs amidst the smoke of Scourge Grenade in a single game."

Punisher's achievement is the rarest in the game, and truthfully? It kind of deserves that spot. To get it, you need to land 3 KOs whilst amidst the smoke of Scourge Grenade, but there's a catch here the game doesn't clarify: you don't have to be in the smoke.

Find a Duelist you can reliably fight and bring their life down with either Adjudication or Deliverance, and then use your Scourge Grenade right before you get the kill. With the enemy being in the smoke section, and Punisher's Warrior's Gaze giving you an easy way to track them, you can kill enemies within the smoke screen relatively simply.

You can consider waiting in the path to kill snipers with Deliverance, but I personally found Adjudication to be a far more reliable tool. Deal damage, cast the smoke grenade, and finish them off — then do that two other times, and you'll be able to finish it. It only took me about six tries to get the achievement once I understood that the enemy could be in the smoke screen (not me), so it isn't too difficult.

This is the end of our full guide! Think of something we missed? Let us know in the comments — it's great to gather tips in a specific area. Good luck with your achievement hunting, and may you have good graces in your Mantis and Cloak & Dagger attempts.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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