How to Get the Shield in TUNIC
So you have decided to try out TUNIC! Chances are it's because of the adorable fox hero, or because it looks a lot like a game from the Legend of Zelda series; either way, you are in for a challenge! In the beginning, your only weapon is a stick, so you feel quite weak until you discover your first sword. I died a lot more than I care to admit while I was exploring the land figuring out where I had to go next.
Once you find the sword you realise how handy it would be to have a shield to protect yourself from enemy hits, but where do you find the shield? I had to do a lot of exploring to find the location, so I figured that I would help everyone out and let you know where you can find it and the required steps you have to take.
- First off make sure you gather all the loose pages from the Instruction Manual that are scattered around the world. There is one page that shows the map of the overworld which will be incredibly helpful on your journey!
- Inside the windmill, if you walk towards the back of the room there is a small passage; go in here because it takes you to a ghost fox merchant. It sells handy things like dynamite and an extra bottle for health potions. If you don't have explosives already, buy some because you will need them.
- From the windmill go down and to the right to find a ladder; crawl down and on the side of the cliff you will see a door for the Old House. The shield is inside here but you will need a key to enter.
- Head to the left and fight the spiny enemies and guards you come across, further down there is a golden dais that has a platform in the middle and a manual page; grab it and head left until you find ramps that take you down to the lower level.
- Here you will find a stronger blue guard and more of the spiny enemies that shoot projectiles at you; if you don't want to fight you have the option to dodge and run. Don't forget that the enemies will continue to follow you, so try to get them to spread out and use that opportunity to take them out.
- Continue to follow the path that goes around the corner and to the right; you find more enemies here to defeat. There is another page of the Manual in the centre of the pool that you can't reach right now so it will have to wait until later.
- Head down the stairs to the level below, this is where you find the key for the Old House; the problem is it is being guarded by an incredibly strong green guard armed with a spear and shield. If you get too close it will swing its spear at you, so this is where explosives come into play. Go into your inventory and equip the firecrackers and throw one at the guard's feet. The explosion will destroy its shield leaving it vulnerable to attacks from your sword. I was low on health so I opted to throw another firecracker I didn't want to risk being hit and starting over again.
- With the guard defeated grab the key and head back up the stairs and go right to a spiral staircase. These stairs lead to a wooden gate that has a metal bar across it; you will have to lift this bar to get through. Keep an eye out for a sneaky guard that is hiding just inside the gate and to the right because it would suck to die when you are this close!
- Go past the well (that you can't enter yet) and head back to the Old House. Use your golden key to open the door and find a chest; this isn't the shield though, you have to go through a doorway below red drapes that are on the left side of the room. Go through here and you find a long hallway with symbols glowing with purple light; walk to the end and into the large room, walk across the wooden plank and grab the shield.
Now that Tunic has a way to defend itself and the ability to parry with a shield swing, the game will get easier right? At least it will make battles with your enemies feel a lot fairer!
If you have been playing TUNIC what do you think of it? Let us know what you think below in the comments!