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How to Get the Stormy Stone in KINGDOM HEARTS FINAL MIX

How to Get the Stormy Stone in KINGDOM HEARTS FINAL MIX

  • Where can you get it? End of the World
  • When should you farm it? You have literally no choice in the matter — it's right at the end of the game!

Welcome to the Stormy Stone, the very last Stone you can farm in the game! If you've been working your way to the Ultima Weapon, then you know that the Stormy Stone will have been elusive thus far, and with every other world having a unique Stone (aside from Olympus Coliseum and Atlantica, though that one technically has the Serenity Power), there's nowhere else for it to be than End of the World.

If you haven't already, I highly suggest that you get every other stone in the game and wait until Stormy Stone, Energy Stone, and Gale are the last materials that remain. The stronger you are for these two, the easier it'll be to get them, and the Stormy Stone specifically is no real contest or struggle, and it'll be more of a stat battle and regular encounter than pretty much any of the other Stones thus far.

Once you've already got everything and are geared to the max, you can start farming the Stormy Stone — head over to the End of the World and select the Final Rest fast-travel point. Instead of walking forward and triggering the final boss fight (do not interact with that door!), walk back and head into the room before this one, where there is a chance for several different types of Heartless to spawn.

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If you haven't already farmed out the Gale, you can choose to fight the numerous Heartless that spawn here, even if it's not Neoshadows.These enemies are likely to drop Gale, and it's a good thing to try to be farming two things at the same time so you don't have a "bad" encounter. If you aren't farming for Gale, then you're going to want to have Encounter Plus equipped because the plan is to walk back into the Final Rest and out again until you encounter the Neoshadows.

Who are the Neoshadows? It's simple: it's the regular, black Heartless (named Shadow) after they've entered puberty and begun their angsty years. These tall, Shadow-like Heartless behave pretty much the same as the regular Shadow Heartless, and all you have to do is hack and slash at them until you've killed all of them. It's relatively simple, but the higher your stats are, the easier this whole fight will be — with the Final Rest right there, you'll also be able to replenish your HP and go back to the fight with each reset of the room.

It's not difficult, and there isn't an extra science to this — finish killing them all, and the Stormy Stone will spawn. Do this enough times to have all of the Stormy Stones you'll need, and you'll bed one with this one! The only reason I recommend waiting for the end of the game is that all of the others are set in lower-level areas, giving you time to farm levels, materials, and more to equip yourself and make this quicker than not!

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Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

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