How To Not Have Dumb Children in Crusader Kings III
Do you want a good heir in Crusader Kings III? Are you sick of playing an asinine game of roulette? Have all six of your sons turned into disappointments? Have no fear, there are ways to fix it or, at the very least, increase your chances of not getting sucky offspring.
First off, it’s important to state that there are more in-depth, quite literal mathematical equations you can run to get the percentages of each educator. They’re great and the person who cracked the code deserves applause, but personally I’m terrible at maths. If you want a quick and loose way to swing the odds in your favour, this is the guide for you.
As a gentle reminder: this does not apply if you’re playing an adventurer. You’re simply shit out of luck unless you magically have someone good in your camp.
1. Look Outside Your Court and Top Realm
You can send your children out to be educated by almost anyone in your diplomatic range. A lot of times, you can find someone much better suited to be an educator than whoever is in your country — especially in the early game. It is important to note that your kid does have a higher chance of dying when using this method, as depending on what DLC you have, your child will have to travel to their educator’s court and travel back once they hit age sixteen. They also have the chance of being captured, murdered, or killed by the 50,000th round of measles going around. As they’re not in your court, you can’t control if they go into isolation. I personally think it’s worth it, especially with second sons.
2. The Genius Trait
If the educator has the Genius trait, the chance of your child ending up with a four-star education will increase. The Intelligent and Quick trait will also up your chances, but Genius is the best. Shrewd will also give you a bonus.
3. Check the Educator’s Personality Traits
You know those events that pop up when you’re someone’s educator? The ones that give you three trait options for your ward’s personality? Those will get fired off by the AI and decided by your child’s guardian. If you’ve noticed, the options you're given are based on your own traits. Again, the same thing will happen to your child’s educator. As such, make sure to check out their traits and that you like them, as you have a higher chance of your child inheriting them.
4. Check the Educator’s Personality Traits
There are two numbers you really want to look at for guardians: the skill number of whatever the Education trait you’re aiming for, and their Learning skill. The higher the learning skill, the better, but a lot of times you have to find a compromise between the two.
5. Make Sure They’re Not Infirm
The Infirm trait will tank your educator’s abilities. Quite simply, if you notice your child’s educator gains this trait, it’s likely a good idea to look for a replacement.
6. Keep an Eye on Your Court Tutor
If you’re a high enough rank, make sure your court tutor position is filled and is filled with someone actually good. This will also increase the chances of a better education.
Follow these basic guidelines, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll have a semi-okay kid.