MCM Impressions: Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online
Featuring the same beloved and adorkable cast (maybe), the Neptunia franchise continues with more weird gags, humour, and fanservice galore. Most of the basic systems experienced at the event had the same, if not similar systems from the Hyperdimension Neptunia series. What makes this different from the previous games is the use of real-time combat instead of turn-based combat. Aside from the usual weird spin-off storyline, nitty gritty of min/maxing and any new powers they get.
Exu! CALIBA!!!
The build at MCM felt like the actual game, as opposed to a demo build. I was able to jump right into the beginning and get to grips with the opening section in terms of combat/exploration. The game featured a hub like world with branching points in the overworld map with areas to explore, grind, and loot, as you progress through the game. In the hub, you can chat with the local townspeople and do your usual trivial needs, such as buying items, selling them, and gearing up. The combat being in real-time felt nice but a bit loose at times. The controls felt just right. Interesting things to note about the combat was that MP is restored with normal attacks. The special moves featured two menus allowing for eight different shortcuts. Perfect blocking is a thing, which would perform a counter and looked like it gives you invulnerability during the attack.
All in all, most of the cliches within the Neptunia franchise have been retained which is a positive from me. Although, in terms of experiencing it at an event like MCM, reading lots of text is less than ideal. The exploration and combat feels just as good as previous games. My only gripe right now is the combo system feeling a bit awkward. But I’m sure it probably needs to be experienced more before a better judgment can be made. Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online is out already on PS4 and soon to be on PC sometime in 2018.