MCM Impressions: Demon Gaze II
The build at MCM was a bit of a weird one, aside from the technical difficulties, I left more confused than understanding what makes Demon Gaze II different from any other anime-like game.
To begin with, the game at the show looked like the actual game, not a demo build. So I had roughly half an hour time with the game’s beginning, but having read into the game, there’s a lot more than what lies on the surface. The description reading similar to games like Monster Monpiece and Criminal Girls, I can see how far it could develop said features. Unfortunately, I never experienced that and only got to explore the first tutorial dungeon-like section that featured more instructions than gameplay.
That guy looks well and truly stoned.
The only issue I experienced whilst playing was moving around in the dungeon acting slightly funky. The right joystick moved the player forward and backwards, which is normal. But in order to move left and right you have to rotate on the joystick by flicking left and right. What makes this slightly worse is that the left joystick moves in the direction based on the camera, meaning you strafe. It took some getting used to and not walking into a corner and trying to gauge what just happened. From there I only experienced one battle which used the staple battle system. So nothing good or bad, just okay.
But what about the story? I have no idea other than what the trailers said. This is somewhat negative, but I wish I could say who was who and why I liked them. Due to how brief the interlude was, before I had to jump off and let the people behind me play. I only know I have amnesia and that my previous adventures with my group of rebels are busting me out of jail(?). I have the legendary fabled Demon Gaze that captures demons I defeat and that I have a pegasus sealed within me now. People are being turned into energy through something that sounds like a Hadron Collider and something about the current king has said Demon Gaze as well. I’m confused and morbidly interested in seeing what happens. Demon Gaze II is out now on PS4 and Vita.