MY.GAMES Showcase Overview
Recently, we were invited to an exclusive event showcasing the new publishing label for MY.GAMES and a few of the titles that will be releasing under that new publisher! We decided to create an overview of everything we got to see, such as a new release, a world premiere, and more! Here's everything you need to know!
MY.GAMES New Premium Label: Knight's Peak
The first topic that was touched on was the change to the MY.GAMES label for premium releases. Now, they are going to be publishing under the name Knight's Peak! This entire presentation focused on a slew of titles that would be published under the new publisher, as this was the major point of focus!
Starship Troopers: Extermination Update 0.80 — Carnage on Planet X-11
Starship Troopers: Extermination took a large part of the presentation, and one of the highlights was the upcoming Update 0.80, dubbed the Carnage on Planet X-11. This new update brings a slew of changes to the title, including new in- and out-door areas for you to fight against on Planet X-11, and also something the team has been really excited to bring: enemy weak spots.
Now, with proper aiming, you'll be able to target enemy weak spots and deal extra damage to the bugs, adding a new layer of strategy to the title. This system adds new nuance to the game, giving you more reason to bolster your aiming, learn new weapons, and find the most vital points in maps for exceptional positioning.
Starship Troopers: Extermination Full Release
Finally, one of the most exciting news for Starship Troopers: Extermination that Knight's Peak had for us was the fact that the game is coming out to its 1.0 release this on the 11th of this October! Not only will the full release finally appear, but there will also be an Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 versions!
Additionally, all of these will feature crossplay, meaning that you should able to enjoy the game with others who enjoy it on a different console. This should also bolster the player base, ensuring that there will be more troopers for multiplayer sessions and filling lobbies easier!
Starship Troopers: Extermination Single-player Mode
This was the final bit of information we got regarding Starship Troopers: Extermination — it's going to feature a single-player campaign mode! Players will be able to embark on 25 missions with Casper van Dien as the general, giving you a new way to experience the title.
The new single-player mode will come alongside the full release of the title on the 11th of October 2024!
Nikoderiko The Magical World
Get ready for a nostalgic adventure that’ll pull the heartstrings of gamers who have loved and played classic side-scroller platformers! Nikoderiko: The Magical World is an upcoming title by VEA Games that brings back to life the cartoony and colourful goodness that so many of us loved from older Nintendo games.
Play as a likeable mongoose as you explore a magical world brought to life by the music from David Wise — the composer of the music in Donkey Kong Country and Yooka-Laylee! You’ll run through a magical world full of animals (and befriend creatures along the way to ride!) that is very reminiscent of the ever-famous Donkey Kong Country franchise. This “jump’n’run” title will also feature co-op either online or split-screen co-op.
Embark on an epic journey to recover the relic of the ancients from the evil corporation that has taken it to save local tribes! Recover freedom and joy when Nikoderkiko: The Magical World releases late summer of this year (2024) for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC!
Mandragora’s a 2D soulslike title where players will be able to explore a gothic world as they light their way through the Witch Lantern! These lands — named Entropy — are chock-full of all sorts of monsters, from very angry dragons and terrifyingly huge bat beasts!
The developer Primal Game Studio — a group of 50 developers — is partnered up with Knights Peak to bring this fantastical title to everyone on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC! Keep an eye out for the release date announcement. In the meantime, make sure to wishlist Mandragora on Steam!