My Time with PSVR
So PlayStation VR has been around for a year, and I recently got one, so what's a better way to celebrate the year anniversary, than by giving my general impressions from what I've played.
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 7 was recommended to me last year, however I hadn't played it until I got my PSVR. So when I did get the game I went into it completely blind and in VR. This was one of the best VR experiences I have had thus far. From the creepy creaking floors, to the giant boss fights, this game has it all. And I found myself actually shaking once I got through to the part with bugs, the headset performed perfectly here, I had no tracking issues, no motion sickness and the game looked beautiful. Resident Evil 7 is one of the only AAA games that allows you to play fully in VR. And I'm glad this is an option because I will remember the experience for the rest of my life.
Batman Arkham VR
Batman Arkham VR is another AAA VR title for PS4. However this time it isn't a huge 10 hour experience, it's a rather small one hour experience. While the experience was short, it still felt amazing to feel like you're in Batman's world, seeing the Wayne manor in what feels like real life was another experience in not going to forget for a while.
Until Dawn:Rush Of Blood
Do you like scary games? Do you like jumpscares? Do you love rollercoasters? Then do I have the game for you! Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is a very intense game, or at least it tries to be. However it just resorts mostly to jumpscares, while this may have been fun if I hadn't had tried RE7 first, but unfortunately I had and I was spoiled to atmosphere that builds over time. in Until Dawn: Rush Of Blood, there isn't any tension it's just jumpscares, shooting bad guys and riding a wooden coaster while doing so.
This game was also the only game that I experienced any tracking issues in.
RIGS: Mechanised Combat League
RIGS is an interesting game, it's intense, fun and enjoyable all at the same time. While there is no online multiplayer any more due to people not playing it, the single player is still fun and enjoyable at least for a while. I say this because after a few matches the novelty of being in a giant robot, in VR is going to wear off and for me it wore off pretty damn fast. While driving a robot and killing other robots is fun, RIGS just didn't have enough content to keep me playing, with only a few maps, 3 modes and 4 types of robots there really isn't a whole lot to keep you playing.
Keep Talking and nobody explodes
Have you ever wanted to be a bomb defusal expert? Well this could be the game for you. do you know how to read? Do you have friends that can defuse bombs with you? Then you're in luck because you can experience your dream job right now. Youre the only person who can see the bomb, so It's up to you to describe to your friends what the bomb looks like, so they can look in the manual and tell you how to defuse it.
There are also a lot of “VR experiences” that you can download from the store, some were free and some cost around £8 GBP. I didn't try any of these but it's worth noting that they exist, some of them seem pretty cool, from seeing a tiger right in front of you, to seeing a shark right in front of you.
Thanks for reading my PSVR article, what games are you looking forward to in 2018? Let me know in the comment section below.