Red Faction Armageddon Diaries Introduction
This is my ongoing exploration of the Red Faction Universe. Whether you’re a newcomer or an old-goer, I hope to make this something you can read along with and enjoy. I am moving on to Red Faction Armageddon.
I think I mentioned this at the start of these diaries, that I had never played Armageddon. I avoided it because despite how much I liked Guerrilla and had fond memories of the original, I just didn’t trust the game case. The back showed a couple of cutscene shots, and a vague description. It was hardly the amount of detail I was willing to spend £30 on -- though I can’t say that the case which Guerilla came in was any better, as I simply don’t remember it.
Online modes are my kryptonite
Honestly it looked more survival horror than I like, and I really do not like them. So I literally know next to nothing about the game -- it’s in the future of Red Faction Guerilla, there’s some kind of aliens coming from inside the planet… That’s it. I imagine it’s third-person, but apart from “it’s awful” I haven’t even heard that much about Armageddon.
I suppose we’ll find out together, as I assume the role of Darius Mason and go kill things on Mars once more. Hopefully the Nano-Forge (it didn’t have the hyphen in Guerrilla) will destroy rock as well as structures, but we’ll soon find out. Yes, it really is a big deal to me...