RWBY Cast: MCM Interview
RWBY is a YouTube animated series produced by Rooster Teeth and features the characters Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long. Voiced respectively by Lindsay Jones, Kara Eberle, Arryn Zech and Barbara Dunkelman. Attending Beacon Academy, they proceed to train and learn to become Huntresses. Guardians of the world that is Remnant against the creatures of Grimm that seek to destroy humanity.
I just want to open up and say that it’s pretty awesome to have the chance to meet all four of you in person, I remember finding the main series out in 2014 and following from there. I have to ask, how much travelling have you done?
Yeah, I was in Germany earlier this year. I was also in Scotland earlier this year. This is taking me to Australia. I’ve been all the globe because of this show.
This is the first as a whole team, all together, at a convention other than RTX. So other than the fact it’s our first convention, and it’s in London, is amazing and it’s been a lot of fun.
We’re very fortunate to be able to travel all over the world and meet fans. I just hope we get to continue to do that.
We’re already doing a lot of travelling alone with Rooster Teeth, Barbara and I especially. But just to go to places because of RWBY alone is phenomenal.
Have you had the chance to go sightseeing yet?
No, I haven’t had the chance to.
Not really, but I’ve been to London before. So I get to go: I’ve been there and seen it.
I got to sightsee from the airport to the hotel because the driver took a detour purposely so I’m taking selfies with Big Ben like outside of the car trying to get that, and got to go by Buckingham Palace and stuff. Yay, Ice Queen and real Queen maybe we could meet. Yeah, right, it’s not going to ever happen but a girl can dream right?
Now this is a really oddball question, but, what food would best describe you?
Our characters or us?
Ice cream for both, cuz I can be sweet.
That makes sense for you.
Probably pizza.
Sushi? Sushi.
Yeah, a buffet.
[Yang Voice] A buffet.
I feel like that's a bit of a easy answer.
No, I just want to eat everything. Cookies, yeah I like cookies and ice cream. It can be cold or soup.
The voice work has been improving constantly, season three blew it out the park for me personally. You mentioned earlier with Season 1 that it was a bit awkward seeing your voice coming out of a different body. Do you see yourselves doing projects outside of Rooster Teeth, like dub an anime and AAA videogames?
Yeah Barbara's already dubbed in Fairy Tail.
Yeah I actually do a voice dub for Fairy Tail, the English dub, I do Cosmos for that show. That actually came about because of RWBY. You know we have the reputation of that. So Funimation asked us to come audition for some stuff and I got a role with them, which is cool.
I’m also appearing in a game called Freedom Planet 2, yeah. Same thing, RWBY connections got me an audition.
Yeah, I’d love to.
I just moved to LA last year and I’ve been doing auditions for a bunch of shows like Legends of Tomorrow and that kind of thing, so I’m kinda leaning towards film but I’d love to do voices. A few of my friends are voices, I think, in the new Gears of War.
[To Arryn] Oh that’s awesome.
Yeah I’m super jealous, so I’m trying to like weasel my way into that.
What type of project would you go into just to say “I was in this” or was just a passion project. For me I could see the four of you in a Tales game for instance, I think it would just resonate the way you perform.
I’d love to be in Borderlands. I don’t know why specifically, but Borderlands or a Bioshock. That would be cool.
I want to be in Skyrim, I took an arrow to the knee.
I’d want to be a new Disney princess, I’d create a new queen.
Pixar and Disney would be amazing.
Yes, I’d agree with that. I played Tales of Symphonia as a kid a lot. So that would be fun to be part of a Tales group.
Last question, do you think that RWBY will get another game considering how positively Grimm Eclipse did on Steam?
There’s a chance, we now have a whole games department at Rooster Teeth. Where before it was really one guy who developed the original Grimm Eclipse game and a whole team that turned it into what it is now. But, it’s definitely a possibility now that we have people around it.
Yeah VS, like Dead or Alive. I’ve been playing that too much too.
There’s been fan clamour, nothing official, they’re interested in a kinda Mortal Kombat style game or just a fighting game.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
Of course, no problem, thank you.