So I Tried... Assassins Creed Origins
In this edition of So I Tried, I am trying to play Assassin's Creed Origins for thirty minutes to see what it's like and whether it's an improvement on the already established formula.
What I thought it was:
I was very open minded when going into Origins since the series had taken a year break to focus on the quality that the series had been neglecting. From the E3 gameplay I had seen I was expecting it to be more of what I loved about the series; sneaking around and assassinating people in unique and fun ways.
What it actually is:
Origins takes the series back to its roots and then demolishes most of the stuff that you know the series for. The assassinating is still there, however, each game element has been adapted to fit into an RPG style approach to the game. This has its good points and its bad points however it feels very different. The new upgrade tree has perks that help you as you progress through the game, which I’d say is a good addition. The game takes place in early civilization Egypt. This is an interesting setting and looks beautiful, climbing pyramids is awesome and killing historical people is even cooler. It has an interesting story with some twists that I found incredibly unforeseen.
Will I continue playing?
Yes, I will continue playing Origins until I have beat the campaign at the very least, however, I don't feel as though I will look back in Three years with great fondness. It just didn't feel fun enough for me to replay once I have beaten the story, I don't even think I'm going to buy any DLC.
Wensleydale - 11:34pm, 20th January 2018
So... not better than Black Flag, then?
Tnekarma1289 - 11:43pm, 20th January 2018 Author
In my opinion no it's not very good but I don't go very in depth so I would totally recommend checking out the review on the site it would be a lot more useful for you!