So I Tried... The Deadly Tower of Monsters
In each edition of So I Tried… I will try a game that I have never tried before. Will I find something new to love? Will I find something new to despise? I'll take a full half hour, no matter how bad it gets or how badly I do, to see if this is the game for me. This time I went for the PS4 version of The Deadly Tower of Monsters.
What I thought it was
I’ll be honest with you dear readers, I had 100%, absolutely no idea what this game was. I’d never seen promotion for it, never seen gameplay of it and never even heard it mentioned through the grapevine. Judging a book by it's cover though, I hazard a guess that it was about a tower of some sort...with varying degrees of difficulty...contacting or harbouring a certain type of creature or another…
What it actually is
What should be the game of the year for 2016. The Deadly Tower of Monsters is a top-down twin stick shooter that’s set firmly in the world of B-movie camp. The worldbuilding and storytelling in this game is incredible! The plot centers around a fictional director who is doing DVD movie commentary about the game that you, the player, are playing. However, the game itself is a sci-fi action flick that you go through while the director comments on how he brought the movie (or game) to life. It’s ridiculously clever. Speaking of which, one of my favourite moments when playing was when I started running around in a circle to test my characters jankiness, to which the director spoke up and replied “Oh, that’s actors for you, always running around in circles, making the most of the scene…” I literally stopped playing and just sorta looked at the screen for a minute I was completely caught off guard.
Will I keep playing?
Definitely. This is one of those games that completely baffles you for the best reasons. All in all, this title is deadly.