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So I Tried… Unravel

So I Tried… Unravel

With each edition of So I Tried… a GameGrin writer takes a small look at a game they've never played before. The game has 30 minutes to impress me, or disappoint me. Today, I’ll be taking a look at Unravel on the Xbox One.

What I Thought it Was

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Despite the positivity of the ColdWood dev’s crowning achievement at E3, I didn’t think too much of the game outright. I thought it would be some other generic puzzle game, and be forgotten among all the rest of the lost souls of videogames over the years.

What It Actually Was

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An absolute beauty. This game is a puzzle platformer that uses some very creative mechanics, since you are a cat made of yarn, you can use your yarn to reach areas you wouldn’t normally be able to, but you “unravel” yourself each time, wearing yourself thin each time, until you find some more yarn to wrap yourself up in. The yarn mechanic was used very cleverly, and simply put with no spoilers, the story isn’t exactly as it seems when starting out. You collect little pins that were sewn with yarn, which symbolize the memories of your creator and her family, throughout the game.. The visuals were all out amazing, it seems as though they shelled their money into the graphics and their time, effort, and imagination into the gameplay. It was perfect for what a puzzle game needs to be, and dare I say alongside Portal 2 for the best puzzle game of all time. I loved it, honestly, and I think it will be remembered. For all the people at ColdWood, and the shy dev on the stage at E3, I say thank you for such a remarkable experience.

Will I Keep Playing It?

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Yes, yes, a million times yes. My one complaint with puzzle games though is, the replayability is virtually non existent except for speed runs. But since I only played half an hour of it, I think I’m in for a wonderful, yet relatively short journey. Please ColdWood, stick to puzzle games. You did a fantastic job.

Luke Walsh

Luke Walsh

Staff Writer