Star Trek: Elite Force II Diaries Part Ten
This is my exploration of Star Trek: Elite Force II where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. Now let’s continue Star Trek: Elite Force II…
Lieutenant Munro’s personal log, Stardate 57075.1. We had arrested Omag, the Ferengi who Krindo claimed could lead us to the Exomorph master control facility. I was in Cpt. Picard’s ready room with Lt. Tuvok as En. Chell reported all traces of the data we wanted had been purged from Omag’s shuttle. Without proof that he knew the Exomorphs were a weapon of mass destruction, Picard would have to free him. Under Federation law we couldn’t hold him for long, so I suggested we use the “laws of Acquisition” and I don’t know why. I think I was trying wordplay, but it just made me look like a jackass, because everyone knows it’s the Rules of Acquisition…
"Lieutenant, wtf are you talking about?"
But anyway, I offered to interrogate Omag, which Picard was hesitant to grant permission for since it wasn’t part of my training. He did agree, however, if I violated any policies or bargained with Omag I would receive strict penalties.
In the brig, I told Omag that I wanted to deal, and we spent 15 minutes quoting Rules of Acquisition at each other and him trying to bribe me. When I reminded him about 125: “You can't make a deal if you're dead”, he told me that his buyer had agreed to never send the Exomorphs to a Ferengi planet. This confession that he knew the technology was a potential weapon of mass destruction meant hard prison time for Omag, so he bargained that we’d let him go for some vague information. This backfired on him when we suggested that we might put him down on the next planet that the Exomorphs attacked.
So, he finally told us that it was a Romulan commander named Suldok, and his secret base was just outside of the Neutral Zone. Picard headed to his ready room to explain the situation to Starfleet Command, and I went to see Korban in the armoury after he called me. He had been checking out the Tetryon Gatling Gun that I had picked up, and it was now ready for me to test on the holodeck. Just after finishing in there, Tuvok summoned me to the briefing room, so I took the turbolift to Hazard Operations.
Picard briefed us on how Enterprise was heading to Suldok’s base utilising a spoofed warp signature obtained by a Romulan informant. I was to take En. Gonzales with me, disguised as Romulans, and rendezvousing inside a facility to meet the informant. We would then access the main computer, obtain coordinates to the Exomorph master control facility, then beam out. Trying to sound confident, I replied with an “aye sir” that I’ll admit sounded kind of angry instead.
I headed to sickbay for some cosmetic surgery, then beamed down into a cave just outside of the outpost. Upon reaching the door with one inept guard standing watch, I scanned my Romulan tricorder on the door panel. The guard told me to report to Subcommander Khoal, then happened to mention the bio-scanners that were set up to detect aliens. Using the bio-scan setting on my tricorder, I dodged around the scanner beams to reach a second gate with another guard and place to scan my credentials.
Now inside the base, I made my way to who I assumed was Khoal and scanned in my credentials again. He was only minorly concerned that I had orders to go to Sector T which was shut down days ago, but upgraded my clearance and sent me on my way. I really should have spoken to someone, as when I tried to open a door it asked for an access code, and I must have looked very curious as I made multiple attempts to guess the code before finally managing to do it.
Just through the door and behind some crates I found my contact — Operative 93 — who had a personal cloaking device. She gave me a disruptor rifle and directed me to the communications room where I was to destroy the comm unit to create a distraction, which would let me sneak into the building housing my objective. All I then needed to do was locate an access code to download the data, then find the computer. I did still need to find Gonzales, as we were supposed to have met up by now, but she didn’t have any news on him.
Following the path around, I entered the communications room and blasted three comm units, which set off alarms and Romulans began transporting into the room. I fought my way out, then back the way I had come to enter the main building where Operative 93 was waiting for me. She warned me about more bio-scanners, and told me that Gonzales had been captured. It took some convincing but she agreed to help me get to him.
The corridors led me to a room with a console which I used to open a service tunnel, and found myself near two Romulans who were discussing the captured human. They were placing bets on how long it would take to break him, but as soon as they spotted me they became alerted so I shot them, then the Romulans in the hallway outside. The room across from me contained the console and the access code, so I strolled in and got the code before leaving, not even realising that there were bio-scanners which I somehow managed to avoid tripping.
At the far end of the hallway was the equipment room, though at first I couldn’t see a way out due to the steam pipes. I had to leap across to a crawl space which took me to the main computer room, which had two Romulans inside. Once I shot them, I hacked the computer to complete my main objective. On my way out of the room, I spotted another crawl space with a panel behind it which deactivated the security grid. That was good, because the scanners I had spotted moved fast and at awkward angles.
Operative 93 met me near an elevator and took me down to where she said Gonzales was being held. The detention facility was a short distance from the main area, likely because there was a landing pad there, which meant a higher risk of escape. There were 12 cells, some occupied, with Gonzales right where Operative 93 had said he would be. He thought that we were more interrogators, but the moment I spoke to him, he exclaimed that Operative 93 was a counter spy!
No longer hiding it, Operative 93 proclaimed that we were now prisoners of The Empty Crown, a secret society inside the Romulan Star Empire. Or, Gonzales was, and I would be once she defeated me. It was a good thing that she had given me a weapon, as I fought her and won despite her cloaking advantage and calling in reinforcements. During the fight, she seemed to think that Gonzales and I knew something more about the Exomorphs than they did, which was weird because they controlled the master facility.
I retrieved Gonzales from his cell when a bunch of Romulans suddenly beamed in, surrounding us. This included Commander Suldok, who my universal translator made sound like that Vorta from records of the Dominion War, and come to think of it a couple of the Attrexians did too… Suldok wanted our knowledge of the Exomorphs, which we didn’t have, and planned on using our infiltration to help spark a coup by The Empty Crown, and then justify a war against the Federation.
To make matters worse, the coordinates I had obtained from the computer were fake, leading to a planet ringed by cloaked mines. And when Suldok began to exposit to his new prisoners, another Romulan stopped him. He ordered us taken away, so Gonzales tackled Suldok, knocking the PADD from his hand. I dove to grab it, and Gonzales was shot just as the transporters activated, taking me back to Enterprise. I had eliminated 680 enemies with 38% accuracy, and lost another member of my team…