Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Diaries Part Two
This is my ongoing exploration of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. This time I will continue Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
Having defeated Rahm Kota on my own, I had just been dispatched to kill Kazdan Paratus…
Arriving in the Rogue Shadow, PROXY reported that there were “too many” communications coming from the area from thousands of droids. It claimed that this was where all droids went to die…
Letting me out relatively close to the target location, Juno Eclipse returned the ship to low orbit, telling me that I had to get through a hyperdrive core so that I could access a temple constructed out of junk. This involved hitting some retro boosters with Force Lightning (which I could now use) to send them smashing into the wall of said core. There were a few scattered around the area, which was a swamp created from scrap metal and toxic sludge, and I soon came under attack from Rodian scavengers, some of whom may have been cyborgs? Those ones were able to use some kind of beam to lift things and throw them at me, the rest had blasters or Gatling lasers.
Once the hole had been created, I went inside where I found some Jawas attempting to be threatening with some kind of welding torches, so I hacked them down and jumped up to the next level. There was a rotating part of the drive apparently still active, and I was able to get onto that, and once at the top, I used The Force to throw some people to their deaths.
Exiting through another hole in the wall, I encountered two more Rodians who posed little challenge before Force Pushing a twisted bit of metal out of my way, then killing some more Jawas and Rhodians. A lot of sparks from metal welding were raining down and impeding my progress, but The Force allowed me to twist metal into a canopy. Exiting the walkway I’d created, I found droids attacking the scavengers, though they didn’t appear to be a type of droid familiar to me. For one thing, they were tough as old boots and could vanish into the ground, appearing elsewhere. What’s more, they seemed resistant to The Force, as a Force Push didn’t move them very much.
With the area clear, I used The Force to lift, well, something that I could use as a platform, then smashed an exploding barrel into a window which gave me access into a crashed ship. It had a handful of Rhodians inside, but I killed them and dropped out through another broken window.
PROXY radioed to say that the “droids” didn’t have power signatures, and I suggested that they were being powered by The Force. It goes without saying that there were more of them for me to destroy. The direct route was blocked by a lake of hyperdrive plasma, so I had to go around and Force Pushed my way inside another ship, this one full of Jawas. You know, until it wasn’t because I still had a lightsaber and they were Jawas…
The windscreen of what I took to be the bridge was badly damaged, and through it, I could see more fighting between “droids” and scavengers. Taking a moment to choose some upgrades (Force Focus, Defense Mastery and Sith Slash), I Force Pushed the windscreen to give myself room to exit the ship to join the skirmish. With the way clear, a door needed some Force Pull to open, but I realised too late that it was a trap!
The area was crawling with scavengers, so I Force Threw things all over the place to do some long-range kills; and managed to destroy a gazebo made out of scrap. There were still plenty that required hacking down, and I was happy to oblige them. Luckily for me, a laser gate prevented me from going the way I needed to, so I used that to kill some of them too!
An elevator took me down a level into a cargo hold, which fed out into an open area full of viable targets, as well as the power source for the laser gate. With the area clear, I was able to move a piece using The Force, which disabled the laser gate, so I went back up in the elevator (after killing some reinforcements).
More scavengers awaited me on the upper level, so I got to murdering before heading past the previously-gated area. Two drones started sucking The Force from me, so I used Force Lightning before I lost the ability and cut them down. A chasm of junk stood before me, so I reasoned that I would need to create a bridge, but before I could make any progress I was attacked by “droids” and drones, so I needed to destroy them first.
A large booster was rooted in place, and aimed at what might have been a wing, so with liberal use of Force Lightning I was able to activate and move it towards the other side of the chasm to pull the wing down into place. However, before I moved too far a large “droid” pulled itself together in the middle, blocking my way!
It took a bit of doing, but I defeated it and pulled the wing down to use as a bridge, though some “droids” appeared to hassle me while I was trying to move some metal into more of a platform shape. More “droids” waited for me on the other side once I made it across, along with another big one when I dropped down into what I could only assume was supposed to be a killing floor.
I Force Pushed a door open and found it peculiar that there seemed to be nothing in an area with AT-ST cockpits just waiting to be thrown at people. So I used one as a stepping stool to jump onto the upper level, and found some Holocrons! I’d not mentioned these before now because I worried that it was tedious last time. Suffice to say that I’d previously grabbed a few, including Gold Lightsaber Crystal and Compressed Yellow Lightsaber Crystal. As well as some Force Points, one of the Holocrons was Power Crystal: Firkrann, which I equipped right away since it gave my lightsaber a chance to deal extra electrical damage!
Using the elevator, I found my target, Kazdan Paratus. They wore some kind of apparatus that gave them two mechanical arms and two mechanical legs, allowing them to move around more swiftly. Their lightsaber was basically a polearm which gave them a wider reach, but through liberal use of Force Lightning and Force Pushing, I had them on the ropes! As we fought I couldn’t help but notice them talking to the assembled mannequins as if it was the real Jedi Council, so clearly, living alone on a junk planet wasn’t good for their mental health…
To evade my lightning, Kazdan started climbing up the pillars far out of my reach. They started throwing things at me, but luckily that also meant that I could throw things back! Unfortunately for me, it was confirmed that Kazdan was the one creating the “droids”, including the big ones which they did twice before I finally won the battle. Kazdan apologised to the “masters” before a bolt of lightning struck them much to Galen’s surprise. Rather than question it, however, he called Juno for extraction.
In the mission summary, I completed the “Force Points” bonus objective, killed 134 assorted enemies, and collected 9/15 Holocrons.
On the ship, whilst using The Force to reassemble his lightsaber, Galen was interrupted by Darth Vader’s breathing apparatus. The Dark Lord said that one test remained: facing a true Jedi master. He was sending me after Shaak Ti, formerly of the Jedi Council. Upon accepting the mission, the hologram faded, revealing PROXY as having been transmitting Vader’s visage.
As the Rogue Shadow found a place to land on Felucia, the cutscene showed Shaak Ti telling her Padawan Maris Brood to go into hiding at the graveyard. As Maris departed, Shaak reassured a mask-wearing alien that the younger Jedi had not been corrupted. Not yet…