The GameGrin GrinCast! Episode 65 - Sony Says No to Fallout 4 Mods, Star in Mass Effect: Andromeda and Newbs in Games
In this week's GrinCast we have a mini cast and discuss console mods, dream of becoming a star in Mass Effect: Andromeda and talk about newbs in gaming - which this week's host totally knew exactly what we were talking about.
Expect the usual gaffs, hilarity, and forgetfulness. And smug mode also gets engaged as Ace reveals his dominating top score on the leaderboards of Shadow Blade: Reload.
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Emseypenguin - 11:06pm, 15th September 2016
n00bs is the correct spelling...just saying.
Calmine - 11:17pm, 15th September 2016 Author
I was trying to be nice. Saying newbies instead haha trololol n00bs!
Emseypenguin - 11:21pm, 15th September 2016
Such a n00b thing to say...
Calmine - 11:29pm, 15th September 2016 Author
Yes I am such a n00b and that's why I won't play WoW.