The Indie Challenge: Guns of Icarus Online - Week 7
I'm not the sort person who is fond of Indie games. I like my big name titles, my polished graphics and my big budgets. I dislike titles that I can't add to Steam or that can't use the processing power I've lovingly paid out for in my gaming rig. I am, for lack of a better term, a gaming snob. For this reason, I have given myself The Indie Challenge.
Each week, I will be playing at least one lesser known Indie game. I may not have enough time to complete said game, but I will at least try it. I'm doing this to attempt to expand my gaming horizons and stop being so focused on a small selection of game types. There is a whole world of gaming out there ready and waiting for me to come across.
I'll be posting a weekly blog following this challenge and detailing the game I've been playing as well as the game I will be playing next week. If you want to follow along with me, I'll be posting a link to the game.
Previous weeks:
Week 1 - Receiver
Week 2 - FTL: Faster Than Light
Week 3 - Reus
Week 4 - Thomas Was Alone
Week 5 - Home
Week 6 - Gunpoint
This week, I’ve been playing Guns of Icarus Online from Muse Games. Now, this is a game that’s been around for quite some time and we’ve reviewed in the past. However, it’s a game I haven’t played for ages and I’ve been wanting to get back into.
Guns of Icarus Online puts you onto a zeppelin with three other crew members. Now, this is no hindenburg, these puppies are suited up with guns galore and are built to damage. You are pitted against two or three other crews in team deathmatch or capture the flag styled gameplay. You then have to work as a team to destroy the other team or capture the points faster than the other team can do to you.
This is a fantastic game and has been given huge amounts of accreditation throughout the gaming world since it’s creation. It’s a game that requires a huge amount of teamwork, communication and the skill to adjust tactics. These tactics are usually barked out from the Captain of the ship.
You can play as one of three different classes: pilot, engineer or gunner. As I’m sure you can guess what they all do, I’ll skip that explanation. You can also change out the equipment of your class for instance, the pilot can have kerosene to make the ship go faster or a parachute to increase vertical drag.
My editor-in-chief put it best when he said “The thing about this game, it just get’s better the more you play it” and he was right. The more you get used to the game and play it, the better you get at it and the more fun you have. Not only this, but you start to learn things you didn’t even know existed. It’s this multilayered gaming experience which really sets Guns of Icarus Online aside from other titles.
If you'd like to try your hand at Guns of Icarus Online, visit their website here: http://gunsoficarus.com/
This week I will be playing Papers Please, an internet sensation from Lucas Pope. Papers Please is due to release on Steam this summer after it was greenlight so I thought this was a perfect chance to try this out. In Papers Please, you act as passport control at the border of Arstotzka.
If you'd like to play along with me, you can find Papers Please for free here: http://dukope.com/
FatTonyBBX - 03:15pm, 18th July 2016
Apologies for the necro, but I've just started playing this and it really is great. Any tips for little nooblets?
Kaostic - 03:15pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Fantastic game :D. 1: play with friends and communicate via comms. It's a lot more fun. 2: 2 engineers, 1 gunner, 1 pilot. 1 engineer focuses purely on the hull, the other runs around and fixes everything else, occasionally jumping on guns if needed. 3: test out the ships, see which suits your play style more. 4: fucking communicate! 5: watch some tutorials and other gameplay videos.
FatTonyBBX - 03:15pm, 18th July 2016
Fantastic game :D. 1: play with friends and communicate via comms. It's a lot more fun. 2: 2 engineers, 1 gunner, 1 pilot. 1 engineer focuses purely on the hull, the other runs around and fixes everything else, occasionally jumping on guns if needed. 3: test out the ships, see which suits your play style more. 4: fucking communicate! 5: watch some tutorials and other gameplay videos.
Thanks :) so far I've been playing exclusively as a gunner since I am apparently fierce as feck on a gatling gun. It gets surprisingly hectic for a game about bloody blimps!