The Reasons People Hate Black Ops Part 2
If you have missed part one of this blog, you can find it HERE
Last week I focused on the players of Call of Duty: Black Ops themselves; highlighting how 90% of them are what is wrong with the online game. However, although 'typical COD players' themselves put the game in a negative light for many players, Treyarch haven't really helped their case by allowing players to do certain things mid-game that's actually hindering a decent playing experience.
I give you, drop-shotters!
It seems to be something that is implemented time and time again for every Call of Duty game, be it Treyarch (World at War and Black Ops) or Infinity Ward (Modern Warfare 1/2/3) who make the game. And why? Why even make such an annoying, cheap-kill-accumulating game mechanic? Oh, that's right, because people can get kills from it and without it, the game would be too hard for someone below the mental/physical age of 12 to play.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then take a look at this typical Black Ops gameplay video.
Drop-shotting is where someone quickly goes 'prone' (lying on the floor) as they are shooting someone else - generally when they are 1-on-1 with that other player, making it harder for the opposing player to shoot at their target. Shown in the video below there is also something called jump-drop-shotting where a player can strafe-jump and then immediately go prone as they touch the ground. It's extremely frustrating when someone does it in front of you and is, in my opinion, one of the most annoying game features in BLOPS as well as in all the other games in the Call of Duty series. You won't see that sort of thing on any other recently made game because it's simply bonkers and Activison (or one of the other two developers) have to sell more copies than their rivals, rather than giving their players the optimal gaming experience.
Look at this video and you will see just how unbelievably stupid it looks.
I mean really, create some sort of time delay between jumping and going prone because this is ridiculous. The worst part is that people are saying that it should be quicker AND that it requires skill. SKILL?! All you do is hold your mapped prone button as you are firing at your enemy! I don't even know what to say to that. People even go as far to show 'tutorials' on how to perform the move, many of those videos averaging thousands of views, pointing out the sheer number of f*ck-tards who opt to use this 'tactic'; if you can call it such. "I get kills, therefore I am good!" NO. Learn to play a real game.
I'ma firin' mah noob-tube
Grenade launchers are an acceptable form of warfare. However, having them in a game where the maps aren't big enough, shouldn't be allowed. Yes, I know Battlefield allows the use of grenade launchers in many of their games, but with good reason. They can be used as a legitimate tactical weapon and yes, people who use them are still deemed noob-tubers but have you seen the size of the maps in those games? They aren't surrounding small, built up areas, plus if you were stupid enough to use a 'nade-launcher in one of the blind-corner places in Battlefield, you would knock yourself to the ground as well, silly fool.
But I digress; noob-tubers in BLOPS aren't just annoying for the FPS connoisseurs, they get on the digital nerves of loyal Black Ops players. And of course, naturally those opinions are expressed over microphone, enraging players to mouth-off at other players which sparks another row which then forces the original victim to use grenade launchers etc. etc. vicious cycle.
My point is that they don't need to be there. They cause more aggro than they are worth and the people that use them are either trolling all the other players because they know getting killed by them is bloomin' annoying or they are using them because they don't even grasp the simple concept of firing a standard weapon to get kills, rather than spraying explosives everywhere in the hope of getting someone on the off-chance.
Do you have any positive, negative opinions on these game features? If so, leave a comment below. And if you like this blog then come back for one, maybe two more because you will only find them here, on GameGrin.
TGK - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016 Author
I think I'll be doing one more of these. Not entirely sure what on though!
bustercapinme-1428100930 - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
claymores, no skill required, i can't stand them!!! Good articles btw
TGK - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016 Author
claymores, no skill required, i can't stand them!!! Good articles btw
Don't you just hate it when you are on a mega skill-streak and get f*cked over by a claymore? So much FFFFUUUUUUU. Also, thanks very much :)Culgejerilyn-1468851177 - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
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