The Reasons People Hate Black Ops Part 1
Warning: Some Language in this blog isn't appropriate for children.
Love it or hate it, Call of Duty: Black Ops is one of the biggest selling video games of all time. With over 20 million players worldwide, Activison and Treyarch have created something massive, unrivaled and envied by many in the industry. However, they could have made it bigger. While the ignorant, younger generation of gamers (and when I say young, I mean 5-16, those of which who aren't even old enough to play the game) continue to be engrossed by the hugely successful multiplayer experience, many of the older game 'connoisseurs' if you will, refuse to play the game. But why? How could a game of such magnitude and popularity have such a negative impact on many other gamers? Over the next few days, I'll be sharing my opinions as to why I think some people and Black Ops Online really don't mix.
Young, mouthy kids...
There are many reasons as to why Black Ops will never be seen as legendary by people who actually appreciate games for their core mechanics but there is one thing that seems to crop up and be the source of almost all the trouble that goes on in the game, annoying little children.
Point it out to me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the majority of all online players are young, gobby children that find it absolutely hilarious to make your game a living hell, especially over the microphone. Playing music down the microphone, team-killing, not completing the objectives (something I'll bring up again later) and nonsense swearing are all matters that equate to the perfect d*ckhead player on Black Ops. It's like Treyarch have invented an obnoxious, idiotic nectar of a game that draws in all the horror children from all over the world, the UK especially. No other game does this better and that's why so many people are pushed away from playing it. Who wants to play with a bunch of 11-year-olds that have nothing better to do than repetitively flashbang you, right at the beginning of the game, and run around tea-bagging the entire server population? Simple answer, the alike or people who have not got the mental capacity to play a game that requires true skill and attention.
Let's play Search and Destroy, so we can get verbally abused
It's not just the younger ones that find it impossible not to hurl abuse at you throughout your playing experience, it's many older ones too. It's frustrating for many reasons, one of them being that it gives us gamers as a whole, a bad name. If a parent of a spoilt 12-year-old whom screamed and shouted until he got the game he wanted, walked into a room whilst they were playing BLOPS and heard some twenty-something using every curse word under the sun to describe what an incredible arse he was, then they’d understandably be appalled. They would then tell their friend, who tells their friend and by the end of the week the Daily Mail has a front page story stating how “Older men are verbally abusing minors on Xbox” Of course, that's the extreme case, but you can see where I'm coming from.
It's generally in Search and Destroy where this sort of thing occurs because most people playing that mode are using microphones. Jump into any game yourself, say hello to someone and enjoy getting “faaaaaaaag, gaaaaaay, you f*cking douchebag” or something to that affect, sent back in your audible direction from either an immature 23 year-old basement lover, or the whitest sounding child who thinks saying the word 'n*gger' is the best thing since nineties rap music.
This is just a couple of the many reasons Black Ops is at times so unplayable. Tune in over the next couple days to read more on my thoughts showcasing what makes Black Ops terrible, only on GameGrin.
Platinum - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
I may be being blind here but I cant see where on that page I click to share the article on Facebook / Plus ect?
kingpoubar-1468851170 - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
Warning. Inc KingPoubar rant! You've missed the point entirely. I loathe and dispise this game series for the following reasons: Console gamers seem to think this is the greatest FPS of all time. It isn't, its a mediocore series. It is a game designed to be nothing more than "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LOOK AT HOW BIG MY **** IS! CAN YOU SEE!!??". To eleaborate on this point, it looks pretty. That. Is. It. Now we throw activision into the mix. Someone lights a cigar and says "hey, ya know that shooter you have thats really popular with all the console gamers cause they dont have decent pc shooters, whats it called, uh, call of duty, thats it, it bought me a boat, get me moar sequels". STOP BUYING THIS DOUCHEBAG MORE BOATS!!! HE HAS ONE, WE DON'T NEED A THIRD TURD OF A MW GAME!! OR A FOURTH, OR THE FIFTH, OR THE TWELVTH!! (This is activison). Call of Duty 1/2 were the only ones in the series worth while playing. Why? Because they actually brought something unique to the table. That being a immersive singleplayer version of Battlefield 1942. What has Modern Warfare brought to the table? Well, the water effects are pretty when you sink in that boat at the start.. Kay what else? urmurmurm, theres the nuke going off thats quite pretty? Anything else? No. Exactly. They even went as far to damage Battlefield, by making them try to compete with Bad Company (or Bad Codpany as i effectionatly call it). Call of Duty is the Steve Jobs of gaming. It must be stopped before it gets out of hand.
Kaostic - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
I may be being blind here but I cant see where on that page I click to share the article on Facebook / Plus ect?
Not been added yet. Soon.TGK - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Warning. Inc KingPoubar rant! You've missed the point entirely. I loathe and dispise this game series for the following reasons: Console gamers seem to think this is the greatest FPS of all time. It isn't, its a mediocore series. It is a game designed to be nothing more than "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LOOK AT HOW BIG MY **** IS! CAN YOU SEE!!??". To eleaborate on this point, it looks pretty. That. Is. It. Now we throw activision into the mix. Someone lights a cigar and says "hey, ya know that shooter you have thats really popular with all the console gamers cause they dont have decent pc shooters, whats it called, uh, call of duty, thats it, it bought me a boat, get me moar sequels". STOP BUYING THIS DOUCHEBAG MORE BOATS!!! HE HAS ONE, WE DON'T NEED A THIRD TURD OF A MW GAME!! OR A FOURTH, OR THE FIFTH, OR THE TWELVTH!! (This is activison). Call of Duty 1/2 were the only ones in the series worth while playing. Why? Because they actually brought something unique to the table. That being a immersive singleplayer version of Battlefield 1942. What has Modern Warfare brought to the table? Well, the water effects are pretty when you sink in that boat at the start.. Kay what else? urmurmurm, theres the nuke going off thats quite pretty? Anything else? No. Exactly. They even went as far to damage Battlefield, by making them try to compete with Bad Company (or Bad Codpany as i effectionatly call it). Call of Duty is the Steve Jobs of gaming. It must be stopped before it gets out of hand.
Oh mate, I've just touched upon the surface. I'll be writing a few more editions of this, possibly up to four more but I feel the thing that annoys players most is simply the immaturity that seems to plague players online. You would NEVER find such idiotic, tiny minded people on such games as Battlefield because you do need some sort of general knowledge to play the game. Core game features and functions are something I will be touching on, don't worry about that. //EDIT Also, I'd like to point out that if there is no 'real' innovation in the next 2-3 inevitable games, then the series is going to die quicker than a slug in a salt pot.kingpoubar-1468851170 - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
Ah thats ok then. I just get full of rage when it comes to CoD. As my last plost clearly entails.
icaruschips - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
You would NEVER find such idiotic, tiny minded people on such games as Battlefield because you do need some sort of general knowledge to play the game.
Unfortunately this is now wrong. Consolers who were once happy with only Call of Duty are now praising Battlefield as the next big thing (having never played any of the previous editions, or even knowing of its existence, I'd bet). Since Bad Company 2, which, while good, I'm still not going to call a Battlefield game, I've seen a surprising amount of console only players willing to shell out for gaming PC's to play BF3 when it's released. We can look forward to just as many 'tards there than in Warfare. They'll probably be disappointed when they play it, then treat it as a run 'n' gunner.TGK - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016 Author
I think gamers should make a secret game that only civilised people can play. One where you have to take an IQ test to take part in.
Platinum - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
I've seen a surprising amount of console only players willing to shell out for gaming PC's to play BF3 when it's released. We can look forward to just as many 'tards there than in Warfare. They'll probably be disappointed when they play it, then treat it as a run 'n' gunner.
But this is good no? More people gaming on the PC?, Especially for FPS's?icaruschips - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
I would prefer less players if it means less chance of coming across some of the folk I've met on consoles, personally. I know they're not all bad, but online gaming on consoles (especially my couple opf attempts at FPS') left me with a bad taste in my mouth, not a particularly pleasent experience.
ExcessNeo - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
I would prefer less players if it means less chance of coming across some of the folk I've met on consoles, personally. I know they're not all bad, but online gaming on consoles (especially my couple opf attempts at FPS') left me with a bad taste in my mouth, not a particularly pleasent experience.
The issue is, low PC sales have led to the current issue of us not getting the same treatment as we used to. We get stung with DRM written by *******s like SuckuROM, no mod tools, no dedicated servers and other pleasantries. More PC sales and we may start seeing more games that push PC hardware to it's limits.icaruschips - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
Fair point, but with the popularity of consoles these days, I can't actually see PC gaming becoming top-dog again, at least not for a fair while. It doesn't matter what PC devs do to make PC games great, you'll always get the same nonsensical views from the majority of console gamers, like "I want to play on my couch on my TV," or "I want to play with a controller," not realising - or not caring - that both are available to do on PC's too. On that note, I don't think modding tools are getting released for BF3, so likely no Reality project for it.
ExcessNeo - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
On that note, I don't think modding tools are getting released for BF3, so likely no Reality project for it.
No, it looks like there wont be as the Frostbite engine is quite complex and last explanation received (on frostbite 1.5) said to release mod tools for that would require rewritting a lot of licensed middle ware and GPL code because they don't want to release all of the source code for things like the editor. Theres also the fact that it took 48-72 hours to rebuild all content for Bad Company 2 on a decent workstation machine and this was required at least every 3 weeks as the files cached are deleted after 3 weeks, the result of that was they had 2 machines at all times rebuilding the game to keep the cache upto date and current though the actual build of those were discarded. Effectively in order to modify Bad Company 2 (and subsequently Battlefield 3) you would need a small developer startup rather than a number of people scattered about the world. They have said Frostbite 2.0 is much improved but still not suitable for external use.icaruschips - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
Fair play, I guess with the destruction alone creating maps would pose a challenge. Still gutted about it, though.
ExcessNeo - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
Fair play, I guess with the destruction alone creating maps would pose a challenge. Still gutted about it, though.
It is indeed a shame, but it's a sign of the times. Games need to be developed from early on with the intention of releasing mod tools otherwise it is time consuming and expensive to put together something workable.TGK - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016 Author
I think we have come off the point here lol, however I do think that the PC population is both more mature and a lot older as a whole. I think if you want any sort of decent, normal gaming experinece for Call of Duty, you need to play it on the PC. Avoiding all the annoyances of the console immaturity.
kingpoubar-1468851170 - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
I think if you want any sort of decent, normal gaming experinece for Call of Duty, you need to play it on the PC. Avoiding all the annoyances of the console immaturity.
Or just avoid playing it all together in hopes the series dies. :Picaruschips - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
I think we have come off the point here lol
It makes your blog look more popular when there's loads of off-point comments, rather than a couple on-point comments. :u01TGK - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Oh I know that mate! Don't worry, not complaint, just bringing it back on point :D
Platinum - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
I see your point!
POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
To be fair I have encounted mouthy people on all sorts of games, not just COD, and all I do is mute them. They are usually on console games but I guess that is because consoles are easier to pick up and play than a PC game. There are still loads of great people I have met but sadly they are the minority. The only thing I've really enjoyed in recent COD games is the co-op aspects i.e. the Special Ops or Zombies. I find the graphics average and the campaign tries to be different but I never get much excitement out of it (maybe I shouldn't be doing them on veteran!). Can't say I'm a fan of BFBC either - I love the graphics and sound but I hate how long it takes to get decent guns and I only ever get frustration out of it. At least on COD you can buy the guns you want with points. My favourite FPS is now BF1943 - it's got good graphics and sound, is set on open islands so there is nowhere to camp and there are only three classes and nothing to unlock. Shame it is only on the consoles!
TGK - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016 Author
You are quite right, Zombies mode does tend to have better players on it but when you want to play a tactical game of COD, muting the Mic makes it impossible. 1943 is an incredible game. If BF3 is anything like it then we are in for a treat.
Betty_Swallocks - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
Shame it is only on the consoles!
Indeed. The *******s promised it would come out on PC then screwed us over.