The Rise, Fall and Rise (?) of Deus Ex
In the year 2000 - or 'Y2K' as the cool kids called it, computers and electronics all over the world became sentient, Skynet finally won and there was panic everywhere. Deus Ex was also released, and it was more exciting (it also actually happened). Allowing players to tackle their objectives in any way they saw fit, it was released to critical acclaim; offering a fantastic story and nicely integrated RPG elements, long before it became cool to add RPG elements to everything and anything.
I honestly couldn't praise Deus Ex enough, I'd be happy to write page after page about how brilliant it is; and to be honest, once I was done I could probably think of more good things to write about it, it's just that damn good! However, this piece is more focusing on the series as a whole, and what I’m after considering the soon-to-be-released Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
The first game was a success, on this we can all agree; originally released for the PC, it is still played by many today. It was also ported to the PlayStation 2, which during my limited time with, seemed to be pretty sub-par and not at all a good representation of the classic I had been raving about to my console-playing friends. This was all well and good, though, I just went on my way, replaying it over and over finding new ways to complete levels and awaiting the inevitable sequel, which finally came in the shape of Deus Ex: Invisible War.
Despite the brilliant sounding title, the game, quite frankly, stank when it was put side by side with its little brother. It had less depth, less charm, the lead character Alex D had nothing on the originals JC Denton, and the story itself was less immersive than the original. Oh, it also had pretty good physics and graphics for the time.
Contrary to what you might think though, considering what I've just written; Deus Ex 2 wasn't a bad game, it just wasn't a good Deus Ex game. On its own merits, and had it just been called 'Invisible War,' it may have had more success with its critical fanbase. A sequel to one of the most beloved FPS/RPG's ever released is never going to be an easy thing to live up to, but they didn't drop the ball, they threw it away. This is where Eidos come in.
Human Revolution acts as a prequel to both previous games, and this is already a staggeringly better – and simple - choice than Invisible War's sequel status. It means there's no need to shoe-horn previous characters or name-drop them, or events that occurred previously; thus not alienating new players to the series, and most likely the majority of console players - since their only experience is the dreaded sequel, or a sub-par port of the original. Free from the bonds of the first game, they are free to create an entirely new world for us to explore, create new characters for us to interact with and new scenarios for us to run through.
Assuming they keep the same gameplay features that made the original so successful (and don't drop things that made it so successful as happened with Invisible War), then Eidos should have no problems creating a fantastic experience for us all. As some know, I tend to avoid news and previews about games I'm looking forward to, and this is no exception, so I'm not sure if upon character creation you can allocate skill points like the original, or if it will just be a case of Biomods being your only source of upgrades. I hope it's the former, as this adds a second layer to customisation and upgrading which was missed in Invisible War.
From the screens and trailers I've seen the game looks pretty damn good, with an orange tint covering everything, much in the same vein of the original games blue tint. A simple thing, but something that may remind long term fans of the original.
Gameplay wise, I can see a need for a little updating as far as mechanics are concerned, such as aiming down sights when shooting. However I hope it keeps to its RPG roots when it comes to shooting, meaning you can't just head-shot everything from a mile away from the get-go without sinking some points or experience into your shooting skills. This might piss people off like it did with Alpha Protocol (which I loved, by the way), but hey, it's my wish list so shut up.
Basically, if they can even half-way repeat what Ion Storm achieved with the original game, they're onto a better Deus Ex game than Invisible War was, and if they manage that, I'll have their babies. Or buy their game, or.. something. It started off fantastically, then it went downhill with the sequel, so here's hoping the prequel can get things back in order and take Deus Ex back to the top where it belongs.
POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
Superb blog DA, really enjoyed the read. I suppose it helps that I have the same views as you about the Deus Ex games ;) Having played Human Revolution at E3 I have high hopes that it can be a really good game in its own right.
icaruschips - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Cheers, POB. I have the game pre-ordered, so I'm hoping by Friday night I'll have a solid opinion on the matter. I'm going to write a nasty letter if they've ****** it up again! :(
Platinum - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
Bit Tech gave it 90%, and from what I am told its getting rave reviews all over the shop, Cant wait till Friday :)
icaruschips - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016 Author
It [I]will[/I] be awesome!
Si^ - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
I have my version pre-ordered and ready to ship!! roll on Friday!
POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016
This arrived today! But because it requires Steam (even with teh DVD version) it won't unlock until Friday. I remember the good old days of getting a game delivered a day early and being able to play it :(
icaruschips - 03:12pm, 18th July 2016 Author
I'm away out most of tomorrow, so I'll be picking it up before I head out, then live knowing it's sitting at home waiting all day. My trip through to Edinburgh may be much shorter than originally planned. :D
POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
I'm away out most of tomorrow, so I'll be picking it up before I head out, then live knowing it's sitting at home waiting all day. My trip through to Edinburgh may be much shorter than originally planned. :D
Haha yeah I haven't wished my time away like this for ages :) Now I think about it though I'm not around to play it tomorrow either! Grrr I am tempted to stay up past midnight and play it then, though knowing Steam it probably won't go that smoothly!icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
The last time I pre-purchased something with Steam, I think it was about 1.40am I was finally able to play it. I was sad enough to try every ten minutes until it let me play. :(
POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
The last time I pre-purchased something with Steam, I think it was about 1.40am I was finally able to play it. I was sad enough to try every ten minutes until it let me play. :(
You've obviously never taken part in a Trackmania Beta key competition? Lots of posting and refreshing pages. 506 forums pages in under 5hrs: [url]http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1627[/url] Now that's sad :Dicaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Holy ****! I got nothin' else. Just, holy ****!
POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Holy ****! I got nothin' else. Just, holy ****!
For a moment there I thought you had just unlocked and played Deus Ex HR, but then I remembered you hadn't got your copy yet :( I just checked and it still wants me to pre-load, and I'm not downloading 8gb when I bought the DVD! Someone on my friends list is in-game DXHR now which is making me paranoid.icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
American? Either that they've done whatever it is you can do to unlock it on the spot. TotalBiscuit who I watch on YouTube done something to unlock his copy early.
Si^ - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
1 minute until unlock :)
ExcessNeo - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
American? Either that they've done whatever it is you can do to unlock it on the spot. TotalBiscuit who I watch on YouTube done something to unlock his copy early.
He probably gobbled a developer's ****.Si^ - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
American? Either that they've done whatever it is you can do to unlock it on the spot. TotalBiscuit who I watch on YouTube done something to unlock his copy early.
A VPN to america would allow you to unlock your game early. You could then switch your steam to offline mode and then play single player.POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
No unlock yet, hope it isn't a 1am jobbie!
Si^ - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
No unlock yet, hope it isn't a 1am jobbie!
It better not be!!Si^ - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Feck that am installing from cd now! go go go
POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Feck that am installing from cd now! go go go
Whooooooooooooya! Bloody complicated trying to install this from cd though, keeps wanting to download! Fingers crossed the reinstall button does what it is supposed to do.Si^ - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Whooooooooooooya! Bloody complicated trying to install this from cd though, keeps wanting to download! Fingers crossed the reinstall button does what it is supposed to do.
Mine seems to be going nicely. what edition did you go for pob?POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Mine seems to be going nicely. what edition did you go for pob?
Yeah seems to be 100% now, just validating :) I got the limited edition one from Game, so somewhere inbetween normal and augmented I guess. What you get?Si^ - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Yeah seems to be 100% now, just validating :) I got the limited edition one from Game, so somewhere inbetween normal and augmented I guess. What you get?
I went all out and got collectors edition. Looks awesome and the figure is pretty sweet. Saved a bit of cash using shopto as they sold it for 77 quid rather that 100 like normal. Still get all the free stuff from augmented edition as wellPOBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
I went all out and got collectors edition. Looks awesome and the figure is pretty sweet. Saved a bit of cash using shopto as they sold it for 77 quid rather that 100 like normal. Still get all the free stuff from augmented edition as well
Fair do :) I just want to play the game, which is never bloody easy on Steam. It's decided to crash on validating and go from 100% to 1% and start downloading again :/ I'll keep trying though, you having any luck? edit: deleted local content and started a new installation. This time it appears to be installing from disk properly. Just 20mins to go now..Si^ - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Fair do :) I just want to play the game, which is never bloody easy on Steam. It's decided to crash on validating and go from 100% to 1% and start downloading again :/ I'll keep trying though, you having any luck?
1 minute left for install are you using the autoplay on the disc or trying to do it via steam?POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
1 minute left for install are you using the autoplay on the disc or trying to do it via steam?
I've done it all from the autoplay, but I think it's playing nice now I deleted the bodge it made on Steam and started again :)Si^ - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
I've done it all from the autoplay, but I think it's playing nice now I deleted the bodge it made on Steam and started again :)
Coolio there is a day zero patch to help with some of the problems that the americans have been having so make sure you get that before you start should smooth out some issuesPOBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Coolio there is a day zero patch to help with some of the problems that the americans have been having so make sure you get that before you start should smooth out some issues
Doing it now :) I'm going to get it all setup and ready to play then call it a night/morning in case I can't pull myself away. Have fun mate!icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
*****. :( BUT, my Edinburgh trip tomorrow is cancelled through lack of funds. So, as soon as I can go pick it up I can hamer it all day! Tomorrow is a good day! And by tomorrow I mean today. I just realised what time it is.
Si^ - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Doing it now :) I'm going to get it all setup and ready to play then call it a night/morning in case I can't pull myself away. Have fun mate!
Hey Pob, I got to the menu screen and realised the time and though "**** I've got work tomorrow so called it before i started otherwise I would of probably would still be playing it now"*****. :( BUT, my Edinburgh trip tomorrow is cancelled through lack of funds. So, as soon as I can go pick it up I can hamer it all day! Tomorrow is a good day! And by tomorrow I mean today. I just realised what time it is.
Have Fun Chap! You doing a play through on this one?icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Gonna be going to get it soon. Basically, go to shop, pick up game, go into Tesco, get some noms, come home, play game 'til sleep. :D Might record it as I go, or I might playthrough it once to get a feel for it and know I won't be stuck in any one area for too long, then record a second playthrough.
Platinum - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Looks like I wont be able to play properly now until Sunday :(
icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Installing. :D
icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
5 hours, one mission complete, exploring like a mo-fro and throwing cardboard boxes at everyone. <3
TGK - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
5 hours, one mission complete, exploring like a mo-fro and throwing cardboard boxes at everyone. <3
All of the above with added win.icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
The guards, they're smarts. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjBxqaYEuxY"]Deus Ex: HR - You die because you're stupid, guards! - YouTube[/ame]
TGK - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Hahaha, love that video Kev. Hillarious!
POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Have to admit I am loving this so far (about 4 hours in). Yes the guards are funny for the wrong reasons, but for the first time since MGS the stealth aspect is actually very satisfying. Ignoring the 6 or so objectives and still finding other stuff to do is always brilliant. No I do not care to elaborate (that's quite a subtle hint, if you know what I mean ;)) Also, back to the original point of your thread, overall to me it's feeling like a Deus Ex and the combat, which I was rather worried about, is proving stronger on the PC. Now, if you would excuse me, I have a conspiracy to unravel :D
icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
^ Just as I was reading that, "POBmaestro has started playing Deus Ex" Now I'm going to do the same. Damn bad guys aren't gonna sneak past themselves!
Si^ - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
8 hrs in and ive done shed loads of side quests and am just about to leave for the next location. I have been having way to much with this. Ive noticed that stealth has been my friend in this game but ive almost got enough augs now not to give a ****.
Platinum - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Arch of CRT's, Win! :D
icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Final Fantasy 27. :D
POBmaestro-1428097466 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Ha I didn’t notice that arch was made from CRT’s! I did notice FF27 though, and I'll be leaving a note about that in my pocket secretary for 2027 to see if they use the same poster :D I too am about to leave the first location. My unusual highlights so far are the hacking (0.24s is my closest shave record so far) and leaving the entire police station asleep in the vents.
Platinum - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Whislt I have hacked loads of things so far I am still not sure what your really supposed to do?
icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
For hacking, your goal is to get to the circular node at the end which I'm sure you've gathered. But the box like nodes are data cache's containing either money, or a virus collectable, so try and get those if you can. The lines, if solid mean you can hack either way, but if they're lined and have an arrow through them you can only hack in that direction, so if the arrow is pointing downwards, you can't be underneath and hack up towards it, if that makes any sense... If you can though, always try and get to the red nodes and hack those, as that lets you into the system AND gives you all the bonuses whether you've hacked them or not, and it's sometimes faster. It's a good hacking mini-game, especially compared to most, but it's a tad annoying to get used to. Also, I've just completed it, right now, obviously I won't give anything away, but watch the credits to those that have played the original; another nice piece of fan service afterwards that made me smile like a retard.
Platinum - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Just had a look through the achievements and I have missed loads already :( Looks like this game will have multiple playthroughs :D, Been on it all day and still in Detroit, only just got to my apartment.
icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
I'm starting my hard playthrough tonight lol. Absolutely bloody love the game!
bustercapinme-1428100930 - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
about six hours in so far, my solution to most situations so far has been to kill everyone, every time i try and sneak i get caught!
icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Nigerian scam mail of the future FTW! [IMG]http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/595820718191560663/6D1B0A0EA11FD04FA76D59BD1480A3BC2A4C5631/[/IMG]
Platinum - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Yea saw that as well, made me lol :)
Platinum - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
icaruschips - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Hah that was basically me against the first boss.
Platinum - 03:13pm, 18th July 2016
Same here, only had about 6 upgrades and they were all to hacking / stealth.