Top Five Destiny 2 Waifus
Destiny 2's next big expansion, Forsaken, is sounding like it will change up the videogame in many ways. With a few weeks left until it releases and more details coming out all the time the hype train is picking up speed.
With that in mind it seemed like a good time to visit all the lovely characters within the world of Destiny 2 and put together a list of the best waifus. So, without any more delays lets see who is the best waifu.
5: Ikora Rey - The librarian
She is a member of the Vanguard and the leader of the Warlocks. She trained under the legendary Osiris and is, without a doubt, a total badass. With a focus on the biggest picture and always looking for answers, Ikora is the one who you might encounter in the library or even in the Crucible. Long walks, history tours, and enjoying a good book are sure to be on her list of interests. It won't be a walk in the park to win this lovely lady over though, as she is a proven warrior and could easily break you. With a shotgun in hand, she is used to getting up close when it comes to fixing problems so be careful. Of course, following the events of the main campaign, she is now in a state of exploration and looking for answers to many questions.
Side note, she totally owns Cayde. Like, as property. Just saying.
4: Petra Venj - The 'sporty' one
Making her return in the upcoming expansion, Petra is part of Queen's Wrath and after the events of The Taken King was made acting queen in the Reef. Loyal, tough, smart, and skilled with a blade, Petra is the one you will find out in the battlefield racking up kills or in the gym keeping in shape. Don't ever ask what her kill count is because it will be higher than yours, and if you want to impress this lady then you best be able to keep up. Lazy guardians get left behind in battle, and on dates, so make sure you are in good shape. Likewise, maybe work on your hand-to-hand combat skills just in case her knife takes a liking to you.
She also has a cute eyepatch.
3: Failsafe - The long distance one
An artificial intelligence construct and the only surviving member of the Exodus Black colony ship that crashed on Nessus, Failsafe is a total sweetheart. Sure, she might have a bit of a split personality, but that just adds to her charming nature. Still suffering from the loss of her former crew, she is keen to see more of the world and you might be the guardian to help with that. Due to her limited physical form, Failsafe is more of the long distance relationship type who will keep you company over a call or video chat. Explore the world, share experiences with her and maybe pay no attention to the one or two dark comments she comes out with.
Due to being an artificial intelligence, it is totally possible for Failsafe to be non-binary or genderfluid which is kind of awesome.
2: Anastasia Bray - The science one
Okay so she has a cape, is a powerful Hunter, loves technology, and helps you take down a God. Yeah Anastasia is rather awesome. Mostly hanging out on Mars, she was introduced during the Warmind expansion, and is now there keeping an eye on Rasputin. Always looking for the next thing to tear apart and put back together, she is as skilled with a weapon as she is with the sciences and engineering. Her quick thinking not only keeps her alive, but ensures no problem is too great for her. She has a bit of a family issue what with trying to learn more about her past and is, at least until Warmind, thought to have been dead by members of the Vanguard, but that doesn't dampen her spirits. If you don't feel up to killing a god Guardian, then you won't have a chance here.
She is also one of the first main characters in the Destiny series to be a female, Asian lead so that kicks ass.
1: Tess Everis - The Mistress
Who doesn't love a successful business woman? Tess runs the Eververse Trading Company and deals in all things beautiful and awesome. She has a strong, confident personality that makes us wish we could get closer. Of course, Tess strikes as the one that would be taking charge and putting you to work. Maybe if you work hard enough for her she will reward you. But should you mess up, she will be sure to get rid of you. Of course having a lot of Glimmer to your name might help change her feelings, but she will have the final say. As for her uniform, I'm sure she is hiding some rather adventurous underwear under it.
Please step on me Tess.
Honourable mention: Eris Morn - Yandere
Our honourable mention might not be in Destiny 2 just yet but this lovable, somewhat creepy lady is due to make a return at some point. Sure she spent a few years underground with the Hive, has glowing green eyes, and is the most likely on this list to kill you in your sleep but who could say no? Eris is clearly just the yandere of the list, but so long as you don't cross her, I'm sure you'll have a long lasting, happy relationship.
So there you have it. The top five Destiny 2 waifus. What do you think? Agree or disagree with this list? Let us know in the comments below.
Ofc.Sas - 11:45pm, 20th June 2019
Let me get this straight. You listed the damn AI but omitted the Queen? And tess beat Bray? Nuh uh
JudgementalWaifu - 09:33am, 21st June 2019 Author
The great thing about this list is it's just my opinion. You should list your five in the comments so we can compare :D