Trials of an Adventurer in Final Fantasy XIV Part 2/2
Final Fantasy 14 is a MMORPG set within the world of Eorzea, and being an RPG, I donned a cloak and became the wizard I strived to be. So began my journey as a White Mage, well conjurer, I didn’t realise I needed to talk to people about it after I joined a weird cult trying to save the world. Having level capped in the game, I decided that I needed a change of pace with healing to killing. Joining the arcanists, I let forth my power ruin (with very little impact).
Having been given a weird stone that lets me have access to White Mage magicks, I realised I couldn’t actually do that much. Continuing on as a White Mage wouldn’t do, so like the Disciple of Magic I am. I learnt not my Black Mage’s art, but that I shouldn’t be adventuring on my own. Summoning forth a companion to see me through, I brought into creation a weird blue creature called a Carbuncle. Honestly, it hit like a wet paper bag but it was something at least.
Clearly there's a serious clothing problem around here...
And as if by magick, I discovered a hidden organisation that dealt with battling against the forces of darkness. Apparently I’m incredibly gifted, although I’d beg to differ with my current death streak. Their leader Minfilia is a bit of a smooth talker though, and reluctantly I joined these bunch of weirdos called the “Scions of the Seventh Dawn.” As they sought to defend the realm, I went on my merry way to deal with the more weird occult maniacs. Amidst my crusade as an arcanist, I joined the Grand Company Maelstrom. Their red uniforms sold me. And being a bit of a profiteering nut, I quickly rose ranks until I ranked Corporal. But my prize was their best uniforms, because if my eventual goal is to be a Red Mage. I’ve got to be Red-y as possible, this means dying all my clothes red. With normal red dye, or the blood of my enemies. With my Chocobo named ChunChunMaru and my blue sparkle pet, we struck further on and even crafted up a storm. Okay, maybe I got a little bit side-tracked.
Stopping in Uldah, I met a bunch more people after my interlude into Limsa and finished joining Maelstrom. I conversed with some specialists in tradecraft and finally figured out what to do in regards to my spare time. So instead of using a book to bonk people after I deplete my magic, I used it to learn how make my own clothes. Working the land proved more stressful though, these organisations that oversee the Disciples of Land and Hand know how to stress you out. Several hours of foraging and crafting, I finally progressed their ranks and even made some gil by supplying Maelstrom some goods.
Right, I have clothes now. Now to get back to adventuring, clothed this time.
Alas, my side-tracking had to be postponed. A primal being was on the verge of being spawned. Gathering my gear, I made haste for what would be my first Trials. Fearing for the worst, I donned my White Mage attire and made sure to ensure no one died on my watch. The hellfire of Ifrit was intense, but no matter what it threw, my Cures and Medica undid its chaos. And as the chosen ones by the light of the crystal, we defended Eorzea against its first of many more formidable plights. But how far this problem had ingrained itself into Eorzea could very well involve unrooting a flowerbed for this weed.
Haukke Manor was my next significant adventure, with a new light party. Our adventure whilst successful proved eventful for myself, drawing the enemies aggro a few too many times I nearly perished at the tank’s in ability to be in the frontlines. Traversing Brayflox’s Longstop was an even worse dungeon run, with the poison stacks drowning the immobile tank and heavy hitters. And in the name of cheese! And bribery, we succeeded in killing the poison spewing dragon. In doing so, the rabbit hole of traversity continued. Being ready to don my robes for achieving Summoner and Scholar-hood, I knew my adventure only really just begun. For not only myself, but future friends and allies. At least I saved up the gil bank, adventuring around Eorzea isn’t exactly cheap.