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What Can We Expect From My Time at Sandrock?

What Can We Expect From My Time at Sandrock?

Ah, My Time At Portia. I remember the game so fondly, in part because I kept calling it My Time at Portia Bay for the longest time before I learned my lesson after my wife nagged me because I kept being a moron, but also because it’s a game I booted expecting to play maybe 20 hours, and ended with well over 150.

Pathea Games truly did an outstanding job with My Time at Portia’s gameplay, although the game has some ugly sides to it for sure. With god-awful voice acting that I had to mute, and just some of the worst audio designs I’ve ever experienced, it still holds a place in my heart because the gameplay was truly something I adored.

I was ecstatic to hear that My Time at Sandrock was being developed. Not because I care much for the Sandrock region, but because of the trust I have that Pathea Games will blast my ears with horrifying voice acting that will make me want to go deaf once more, and I cannot wait.

Graphically speaking, it has been proven that My Time at Sandrock is going to be a significant improvement. You can already see it in action, too, with the Steam page teasing anyone that just refreshes it daily in hopes for a release date soon. I hope it’s not just me doing that.

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We will be spending time in Sandrock (if you couldn’t tell by the name), a region that seems to be more mechanically advanced, and you will play as a fledgling builder. Sandrock is very sandy, with a lot of rock, and a lot of the pictures showcase it in all of its yellow glory. Although not the prettiest aesthetics, and possibly not holding a candle to Portia’s beautiful green lands, I am very excited to delve into the new landscape.

Gameplay-wise, you can see that they intend to make several improvements to the original game. For one, we can expect multiplayer thanks to the Kickstarter goal that was surpassed. And although it makes my heart ache that multiplayer marriage was never achieved, one can always dream. It will feature similar gameplay to My Time at Portia, but with a twist of sandy goodness, there even is a picture from the Steam page showcasing the player fishing on sand. I don’t know how that works, but I’m in. I was already sold at the multiplayer aspect that it will feature - anything I can experience with my wife I will accept wholeheartedly.

Sandrock Picture

It does seem that My Time at Sandrock will attempt to innovate on the combat of its predecessor, which I’m all in for. I found the combat in My Time at Portia to be one of the weakest links the game had (and probably would have been the weakest if not for the ear-bleed-inducing audio. Can you tell I’m still upset about that?), and if Pathea Games intend to improve on this, I will accept these changes with open arms.

As for a release date, the only form of information the Steam page squealed after being hit by F5 every day for the last couple of months is early 2022. And I shall not await this so patiently.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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