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What Can We Expect From Starfield?

What Can We Expect From Starfield?

Starfield is the upcoming game by Bethesda, the developers responsible for many open-world RPG titles and bugs that had fans either cackling or raging.

Tons of fans, both of Bethesda and the sci-fi genre, are on the edge of their seat awaiting the release of the title. So that it's easier to join them, I've compiled everything we know about the upcoming Starfield.

Graphics & Gameplay


Although we haven't been able to see gameplay for Starfield just yet, Todd Howard (the game's director) has been verbal about some aspects; most notably, the game's exploration and RPG inclinations (as with most Bethesda titles).

The open-world RPG adventure that the title will feature will allow players to create their own characters and even go as far as choosing their own "background", as he stated in an interview with The Washington Post whilst talking about the game.

Players will be able to explore the solar system and land on new planets as they meet new factions to understand the backstories of and make alliances with.



Starfield's music has been kept very secretive. That said, we know that Inon Zur (the music composer for numerous Fallout games) is composing the music and that in Skyrim's 10th Anniversary Concert we got to listen to "Starfield Suite", the first OST we've been able to hear from the game. It was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and the London Voices.

Watch the video below for Skyrim's 10th Anniversary Concert: "Starfield Suite" starts at 48:34. Alternatively, listen to the song on Spotify or iTunes.

Story & Setting

Another obscure element around Starfield (since Bethesda is being very secretive with the title) is the story and lore, although we've learned quite a bit about it through videos. We know that the game will be set in the year 2330, but we know a lot more about the events that transpired 20 years before that thanks to a video titled "The Settled Systems", including a war known as known as the "Colony War" where two major factions participated: the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective.

In the present time, players will take the role of a character that has recently joined the organisation known as "Constellation", the last group of space explorers. Featuring 150,000 lines of dialogue, Starfield dwarfs both Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, as the former has 110,000 and the latter a measly 50,000.

We also know of three areas within the game thanks to the Location Insight videos: Akila City, the capital of the Freestar Collective; New Atlantis, the capital city of the United Colonies; and the pleasure city of Neon, where people from all over the universe come to experience Aurora, a drug deriving from a fish with psychotropic properties.

Release Date

Starfield Image Steam

We're all ready to explore Skyrim: But in Space (Todd Howard said it, not me), however, when will we be able to? The good news is that the game has an official Steam site which could mean that it’s on track for its release date on the 11th of November of this year.

Are you as excited for Starfield as we are? Let us know in the comments below! We have a couple of months more before the game releases, though with how big the hype for this title is, we might have to start camping outside of GAME soon. Who’s bringing the marshmallows?

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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