What We're Playing: 14th–20th February
Alana Dunitz, aka retrogamergirl
Andrew Duncan, aka Acelister
- Anthem
- Azur Lane
- Blue Archive
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- Dreamscaper
- Forza Horizon 3
- Guild Wars 2
- The Simpsons: Tapped Out
- Star Trek Online
Charr Davenport, aka †Prince†
Chris Wootton, aka Mister Woot
Erin McAllister, aka Erinisfrustrated
- Ben 10: Power Trip
- Circa Infinity
- CrossfireX
- Danger Scavenger
- Exo One
- Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death
- Monster Train
Jinny W, aka TheSphericalCat
- Fortnite
- League of Legends
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus
- Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Joshua L, aka Shnook
Kyle Nutland, aka JK Ferret
Luke Greenfield, aka Sikopathic
Mike Crewe, aka MickSaveMOYF
Pezh J., aka PayslipsDinero
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- League of Legends
- Session
- Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Steve Greenfield
- Back 4 Blood
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
- Days Gone
- DIRT 5
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
- Mini Motorways
- Royal Match
- The Simpsons: Tapped Out
- They Are Billions
- Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction