What We're Playing: 15th–21st August
Alana Dunitz, aka retrogamergirl
Andrew Duncan, aka Acelister
- Noah's Heart
- Saints Row (2022)
- The Simpsons: Tapped Out
- Star Trek Lower Decks Mobile
- Star Trek Online
- Tower of Fantasy
Anna Duncan, aka CraftyAK
Chris Wootton, aka Mister Woot
Erin McAllister, aka Erinisfrustrated
- Babylon's Fall
- Genshin Impact
- Ghostwire: Tokyo
- Tribes of Midgard
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
- World War Z
Jase Taylor
Kyle Nutland, aka JK Ferret
- The Binding of Isaac: Repentance
- Hollow Knight
- The Jackbox Party Pack 3
- The Jackbox Party Pack 5
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Luke Greenfield, aka Sikopathic
Luz Victoria, aka Artura Dawn
Mike Crewe, aka MickSaveMOYF
Niall Cawley, aka NOVEMBERcharlie
Pezh J.
- Drawful 2
- The Jackbox Party Pack 4
- League of Legends
- MultiVersus
- Nosgoth
- Stardew Valley
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
- Two Point Campus
Steve Greenfield
- Mini Motorways
- The Simpsons: Tapped Out
- Tribes of Midgard
- Vampire Survivors
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
- World War Z