What We're Playing: 6th–12th February
Alana Dunitz, aka retrogamergirl
Andrew Duncan, aka Acelister
- Hardspace: Shipbreaker
- Hi-Fi RUSH
- Lost Judgment
- Persona 5 Strikers
- Shadows of Doubt
- The Simpsons: Tapped Out
- Star Trek Lower Decks Mobile
- Star Trek Online
- Troublemaker
Anna Duncan, aka CraftyAK
- Coffee Bar Renovator
- Dead by Daylight
- Hello Engineer
- Snow Plowing Simulator
- Star Trek Lower Decks Mobile
Bex Prouse
- A Story Beside
- All of Us Are Dead...
- Fall of Porcupine
- The Many Deaths of Lily Kosen
- Mr. Saitou
- NecroNomNomNom: Eldritch Horror Dating
- Persona 3 Portable
- Pokémon Puzzle League
Erin McAllister, aka ErinIsFrustrated
Jason Taylor, aka Jase
Jon Wilson
Kyle Nutland, aka JK Ferret
Luke Greenfield, aka Sikopathic
Mike Crewe, aka MickSaveMOYF
Niall Cawley, aka NOVEMBERcharlie
- Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- Evil Dead: Regeneration
- Evil Dead: The Game
- Hogwarts Legacy
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Red Dead Online
- Warhammer 40,000: Darktide