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Where is the Best Place to Farm the Bright Crystal, Shiny Crystal, Power Crystal, and Lucid Crystal?

Where is the Best Place to Farm the Bright Crystal, Shiny Crystal, Power Crystal, and Lucid Crystal?

  • Where can you get it? Many Worlds
  • When should you farm it? Whenever after Hollow Bastion

On your journey to finish the Ultima Weapon, you're going to encounter the Bright Crystal, Shiny Crystal, Power Crystal, and Lucid Crystal items that, before Hollow Bastion, you'll have exactly zero of. The reason for this is quite simple: this is a loot drop from enemies that you haven't encountered up to this point.

Once you've made it past your first visit to Hollow Bastion, it's time to start farming these four items, but they're all dropped by four different enemies: the Darkball, Defender, Wyvern, and Wizard. You'll pretty much recognise these as the late-game Heartless that you encountered in Hollow Bastion, and you're going to have to familiarise yourself with them — they appear a lot after your first visit, and you're going to need items from them to finish the Ultima Weapon.

Now, I could go into specifics of where you can get each of the Crystals and the place with the most abundant enemies per type... but that's not constructive or useful at all. I farmed Dark Balls to the point in which they were one of my most-killed enemies (600+ kills), and I still hadn't unlocked the necessary Lucid Crystals to finish my Ultima Weapon. In fact, by about the 300 mark, I hadn't even received one; I started questioning my sanity and whether I needed to go to the End of the World to get it, but the truth is that... I still don't know.

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I farmed the Lucid Crystal in Halloween Town, where you'll be able to find a lot of Darkballs in the Moonlight Hill area, but truth be told, despite killing literal hundreds, I didn't drop my first one until I gave up farming it individually. Instead, I went over to Gizmo's Shop in Traverse Town and decided I'd try to find all four items, and in here, they dropped abundantly, which was a change of pace considering I’d been farming it for hours.

Here, within the hour, I'd found every material and had enough to finish all the Synthesis items that required it. Truth be told, I don't know whether I encountered a glitch in Moonlight Hill or whether the drop rate is reduced due to the spawn rate, but I wouldn't recommend farming the items individually; it's far more logical to try to get them all by heading to Gizmo's Shop, where several of all four Heartless will spawn. With Encounter Plus, you'll just need to defeat every wave, go out, come back in, and repeat the process.

It's grindy and it can feel long, but it makes more sense to do it like this than trying to single them out — you'll finish much quicker because you'll have chances to get all materials than a chance to get only one of them.

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Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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