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Which Characters are the "Easiest" in House Party?

Which Characters are the "Easiest" in House Party?

House Party is a complex sex game in which you'll have to complete numerous questlines to get in the pants of the character you like the most. These characters vary drastically in difficulty, and today, I decided I'd try my hand at rating them all! So here is the complete list of characters you can have sex with, ranked by their difficulty!

For the sake of brevity, I will be focusing on the easiest route to achieve with each character rather than each individual route that leads to sex. It is also worth noting that this isn't a guide for how to have sex with each character but rather a ranking for them. This list will exclude the oral-only scenes, as these are typically easier to get, and it would make Frank rank way higher. So as a general rule of thumb, we only included the sex scenes that ended with a cinematic.

#1 — Patrick (female protagonist)

If you've played House Party already, this should come as no surprise to you. Whether you played through the ORIGINAL STORY with the male protagonist and realised Patrick is a sleazy dirtbag or played as a female and saw the opportunity to say, "Wanna fuck?", you know damn well that Patrick is a pervert.

#2 — Brittany (female protagonist)

Brittany’s questline should be simple enough, even for those that don't know much about the game. Confessing to Brittany can happen in the second set of dialogue you can have with her, and then all you need to do is be kind, and presto manifesto, you get the sexo!

#3 — Derek (male protagonist)

Your best buddy, the one who invited you to the party, is looking forward to kicking back and drinking some beers with you to reminisce about the past. After learning about your wild history with him and then learning about even wilder situations, things get a little... frisky. Interestingly enough, Derek is the only character you have to get drunk to get in the pants of, so at least there's a good use for your natty lites!

#4 — Ashley

Finally, the first character that doesn't require a specific gender, Ashley is ready to untie that loose top of hers (after you promptly tightened it... hopefully) and get down and dirty with you. Much like Brittany, Ashley thoroughly enjoys kindness, though she is keener on getting with someone that's kind to her than others. She doesn't have any outlandish requests aside from siding with her against Madison, which is a no-brainer, since Madison's wretched, but that's for another article!

#5 — Frank

When I first stumbled upon Frank's sex scene, I was befuddled. Although I understood what steps I'd taken to get there, I was still too much of a noob at House Party to really piece together what I'd done to unlock it. Now that I'm more adept, I found that it isn't as hard as I thought it was. Although it does require knowing how to make most characters reach "Good Friends", it doesn't have any tall orders outside of that.

#6 — Katherine

To be honest, I thought Katherine was going to be either the easiest questline or the hardest, because typically the aggressive dom-esque character tends to be hard to get, but the taken character doesn't throw too much of a fuss to cheat on their boyfriends. Although hers is pretty straightforward, it does require a bit more knowledge of the items scattered around Madison's house and having listened in to Katherine's chatter to know how to proceed.

#7 — Rachael

The first time I almost got laid by Rachael (keyword "almost"), I got stumped after starting the dares. You see, when I first sent her the dare from "Vickie", I thought their little game meant she did one dare daily. So after having her tell me she had a wet dream about me, I got stuck. Rachael's questline makes it to the harder half of the list because you need to interact with a lot of different characters and lock out other paths to get her.

#8 — Leah

When I first saw Leah, I thought she was going to be one of the hardest to complete. She seemed too focused on her job, and quite FRANKly, I didn't know how to begin her opportunities. You'll definitely not finish Leah's questline first, as you'll need to get pretty far ahead in others before you can even unlock Leah's, which I thought was fitting for #8.

#9 — Amy

Amy's difficulty varies on whether you play as a male or female, but regardless of the two, she's challenging to complete. You'll first get stumped asking for her second scavenger item (the condom) as a male or her fourth (the panties) as a female. Despite how much you might want to, you can't lose your House Partyginity to her, none of them, as a matter of fact. Her scavenger hunt is challenging for beginners because Madison's house and items are an enigma.

#10 — Vickie

Vickie makes it near the top for numerous reasons. For starters, getting her to the party can be a bit difficult, and it requires locking out Rachael's route and advancing in others. Second, you need to create an obscure item that's difficult to decipher (the blue flower). And finally, she completely depletes your orgasm stamina and demands you raise it, with only a vague explanation of how. You'll need to use some of the scarce alcohol present around the house and masturbate several times before you're ready to take this pornstar.

#11 — Stephanie

Who would've thought that Stephanie would make it so high on the list? My first attempt at getting laid with Stephanie was by getting her criminally drunk, as I was trying to see if I could get her to strip completely and give me her panties to give them to Amy. After that failed, I was stumped. The truth is, you need to guide her through her medical profession by poisoning Katherine, which you only learn you can do after Amy randomly triggers a dialogue hinting at you to do it. How to get Amy to tell you about poisoning Katherine? I have no idea!

#12 — Madison

Madison made it surprisingly high on my list. Although I avoided her like the plague (she's vile, I had sex with her last, okay?!), once I actually tried to have sex with her, I found it to be surprisingly complex. Her blowjob scene isn’t necessarily simple to get either, so it isn’t as simple as opting for the easy path. Although Amy (sort of) guides you on how to make the masterpiece, Madison's scavenger hunt can be befuddling for others, much like Amy's. Aside from that, once you've finished making your masterpiece, there is still so much more to do! I won't spoil it, but this was a long quest.

#13 — Lety

Ohh Lety, the funniest ending to House Party, and easily the most complex questline without any guidance. Not only do you have to find out how to invite her (which, admittedly, is easier than Vickie), but you also have to babysit her once she arrives. Protecting her from Leah and Patrick (while also protecting Derek from her) requires you to know what to do in different scenarios, and sometimes, you have to do... questionable things. I found Lety's questline to have the vaguest descriptions on how to progress by far, making it very hard to complete.

There's our listicle of House Party characters ranked by difficulty! Which one did you go for first? Which one did you struggle with the most? Let me know in the comments below!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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Rokkr - 01:41am, 31st October 2022

Nice post. I really find it easy to get each character individually (I only have tried the girls though), but I'm yet to find a walkthrough that maximizes a playthrough (the most possible in a single one) and shows which character order is the easiest. If you have any tips, I'll be glad.
