You Know You’re Addicted To The Game Boy When…
It’s that time again for another edition of You Know When You're Addicted To! Today we will be talking about the Game Boy and how you could be addicted to them.
It has been 30 years since the original Game Boy was made, we must have all had one in our lives whether it was the original, Pocket, Color or even the Micro. One of the very first games made for the Game Boy was Super Mario Land back in 1990 for Europe, but it came out the year before in Japan. Now, did you know that 1049 games released in total for the Game Boy? Neither did I.
I believe my very first Game Boy game was Tetris, now everyone loves Tetris. It was fun and addictive, even the tunes it played while you tried to complete each level were addictive, too. There were over 100 levels in free mode, and I remember playing up to around 99 driving my parents mad with the music.
Personally, I ended up owning the Advance SP and the Micro. But my all time favourite was the original despite it being heavy and needing four AA batteries, at the time it was fun to use.
Anyways, here’s a list I compiled of “You Know You're Addicted To the Game Boy When....”:
- You hum all of the Tetris music all the time
- You keep fistfuls of AA batteries on you for “just in case”
- You can't tell which cartridge it is because the sticker has worn off
- You know everything that comes up on the loading screen when you turn it on
- Your vision is in four colour grayscale and blurs on movement
- Analogue sticks scare and confuse you
- You rearrange your furniture at right angles
- You make slightly racist attempts at Mario's voice
- Backlit screens hurt your eyes
- You make the 'loading' noise randomly
- You can play a game in bursts of light from street lamps whilst in the back of a car