Gamers, Fit & Social
Article - 8th Dec 2008 | By JoziiGamers, Fit and Social
Gamers, Fit and Social
Synergy is a co-operative mod for the Half Life 2 saga, which allows you and friends to play through the story together as well as a variety of other maps. Given the recent…
Wii Fit Experiment - The Conclusion
When most people think of the Adventure game genre, they think of things along the lines of Beneath a Steel Sky, Sam and Max or Monkey Island. However, the genre was brought to…
Interview with Battlestar Galactica's Colonel Saul Tigh - actor Michael Hogan
In 8th or 9th grade, ages ago it seems, I wrote a paper on videogames and whether or not they cause violent behaviour. Do violent games really make us more aggressive?There are…
Do videogames cause violent behavior?In 8th or 9th grade, ages ago it seems, I wrote a paper on videogames and whether or not they cause violent behaviour. Do violent games really…
With Halloween just around the corner we take the chance to look over some of gaming's seriously scary titles. These are the ones that had you hiding behind the sofa, leaving the…
Silent Hill is widely regarded as one of the most terrifying games ever and with very good reason. Whereas other survival games focused on shock moments, established horror…
Zombie Panic Source is a free mod built using the Source engine, which offers players the chance to try and either survive a zombie outbreak or to prevent others from doing so.…
The weekend of 25th/26th October saw the latest MCM (Movies Comics Media) Expo event, this time held at the ExCel exhibition centre in central London. The events, held…
As part of the London Games Festival, visitors to the London MCM Expo today set a new World Record for "Largest gathering of people dressed as video games characters"…
It is hard to believe that Half Life was released almost 10 years ago. In the decade that has passed it has influenced countless games and even today its' impact is far reaching.…
Almost all of you out there have at least heard of Sony and its PlayStation franchise, and many have heard of the Play Station Portable, more commonly known as the PSP. What you…
I was sitting with a friend a couple of days ago, we were talking about the new game releases and how magnificent the technology of game making has advanced through the decades.…