Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Sixteen
Article - 11th Jan 2025 | By Andrew DuncanDay 2, 12:17 hrs
Day 2, 12:17 hrs
Would you like to know more? Erm... no, not really.
You can buy and eat a burger! 1989/90 game of the year!
Microsoft is revolutionising gaming by bringing Xbox features directly to Windows PCs.
“WHERE’S MY DRAGONATOR!?” - Commander, circa 2018
The boundaries between games are increasingly blurring.
AKA Battle Fighters Garou Densetsu 2
We've kicked off the new year by playing DARK SOULS: REMASTERED, Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition, Ghostwire: Tokyo, and more!
I can promise crying, not so sure about the devils though
Fresh ingredients!
Will Nine Sols be an engaging side-scrolling platformer, or will it be one that I will cast aside and never return to?
Day ?, ? hrs
Resolution for 2025: get a life.
Instead of spending time with loved ones, we've been playing DIRT 5, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – amongst other games!
It’s time to colonise Mars!