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Website www.amnesiagame.com
Developer Frictional Games
Publisher Frictional Games
Platform Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
Where to buy Amnesia: The Dark Descent on Steam
Genres Action, Adventure
Release Dates
8th September 2010 Windows — World Wide
22nd November 2016 PlayStation 4 — World Wide
28th September 2018 Xbox One — World Wide
12th September 2019 Nintendo Switch — World Wide
Score 9/10

What Christopher Wakefield thought:


“ Included with the game is an interesting commentary mode, clearly inspired by Valve's speech nodes in their latest titles. It is a nice feature and offers some replay value to the title, allowing you a glimpse into the mind of the development team and the challenges they faced as a smaller developer. There really is little to fault here, aside from the visuals and Amnesia: The Dark Descent is an incredibly solid title. However, the real highlight is the exceptional atmosphere that Frictional Games have managed to create. The low retail price of £12.99 is sure to appeal to potential buyers and as such it is difficult not to recommend this game. If you can stomach the intense and genuinely frightening atmosphere then Amnesia is one of the survival horror highlights of the past decade.    ”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review