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Website www.magesofmystralia.com
Developer Borealys Games
Publisher Borealys Games
Platform Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
Where to buy Mages of Mystralia on Steam
Genres Action, Adventure
Release Dates
18th May 2017 Windows — World Wide
25th August 2017 Xbox One — World Wide
22nd August 2017 PlayStation 4 — World Wide
29th January 2019 Nintendo Switch — World Wide
Score 6½/10

What Nathan Lakritz thought:

6.50/10 6½

“Mages of Mystralia is a beautiful looking game containing balanced gameplay surrounded by solid folklore. The spellcrafting system is one-of-a-kind, but contributes to puzzle-solving much more than it does combat. Either way, the puzzles are varied and fair in terms of difficulty, but weak character development and jumpy pacing will surely throw you off.”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review