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Website www.teamfortress.com
Developer Valve Corporation
Publisher Valve Corporation
Franchise Team Fortress
Platform Linux, Mac, PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360
Alternative names TF2
Genres Action, First-person Shooter
Release Dates
14th February 2013 Linux — World Wide
10th June 2010 Mac — World Wide
11th December 2007 PlayStation 3 — North America
23rd November 2007 PlayStation 3 — Europe
23rd November 2007 PlayStation 3 — Australia
9th October 2007 Windows — Japan
9th October 2007 Xbox 360 — Japan
10th October 2007 Windows — North America
10th October 2007 Xbox 360 — North America
18th October 2007 Windows — Europe
18th October 2007 Xbox 360 — Europe
Score 9/10

What Christopher Wakefield thought:


“Team Fortress 2 is art. A quick look at the definition of art gives the following: "The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colours, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty," In short, Team Fortress 2 is simply astonishing in all of these areas. ”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review
Often/commonly misspelled as TF 2,Teamfortress 2,Team Fortress Two,Teen fortress 2