snakebyte Gaming:Seat Review
Hardware - 22nd Jul 2018 | By Luke GreenfieldLuke sees the hype for expensive gaming chairs, and gives us his view on them
Luke sees the hype for expensive gaming chairs, and gives us his view on them
Blue-toothed, this is a mouse that can go ANYWHERE and take a hearty bite into any task you throw at it.
With gaming capabilities and requirements constantly evolving and advancing, tech companies are forced to adapt and design better hardware to stay on top of the competition,…
Roccat heard you like AIMO, so they put it on a headset.
“I can't believe I've no control, it's all deranged...”
How's it handling, a year after being announced?
Is there really stuff that Dominoid doesn't know about games already? Yes, as it turns out.
War, what is it good for? Keeping objects off the table apparently.
Dominoid looks at Huawei's attempt at an iPhone beater.
My first experience with a gamepad attachment for the iPad went differently than I expected.
Today I am taking a look at the Frostflow+ 280 from ID-COOLING, a 280mm AIO.
A bit of a Roccat and mouse.
This is one headset that is going to impress
Misnamed product.
Now you’re playing with nostalgia!