E-WIN Champion Series Ergonomic Computer Gaming Office Chair Review
It's easy to say that I'm not one to splurge. I've looked at several gamer chairs and tried out quite a few in stores, but it's hard to commit when you're a penny pincher. Finding the right style, the right fit, and for the right price is a challenge.
When E-WIN reached out regarding their gaming chairs, I was most definitely interested. I recently moved and when I did so, I left almost all of my furniture behind. Up until recently, I had been using a dining chair until I finally purchased a very basic office chair. It was comfortable enough, but as a person who has broken their tailbone in the past, comfort is occasionally a challenge. Note to readers, don't break your tailbone.
I have wanted a gaming chair for a while, and to get the opportunity to try out one of E-WIN's quality was a chance I couldn't pass up. After getting my measurements, they were happy to send over a chair from their E-WIN Champion Series. It was wonderful to find one that even fit my aesthetic, one with a bloody handprint on the front and back and with the word "bloody" printed on the pillow. I do love horror games after all, why not play them in a horror-ish gamer chair!
The delivery arrived quickly and was in a rather large box. After letting my dogs sniff around the new arrival, I set into putting the chair together. It was amazingly easy and actually faster than putting together the cheap office chair I had bought only two weeks prior. Finally all set up, I was looking forward to giving it a try, and try I did.
Seeing as I had work to do, I set the chair at my desk and went to work. After adjusting to the pillow at the base of my back, I realized it was incredibly comfortable. Where my other chair had made me feel a bit stiff after sitting in it for a while, I didn't feel fatigued at all with this new chair. For computer gaming chairs, this one was incredible, especially considering how it allowed me to sit. I'm one who tends to sit crossed-legged in my chairs, curled up while I type, do research, or play games. This chair fits not just the normal style of sitting, but definitely fits me sitting like the curled up odd person.
Over the next few days I worked through the adjustments, changing the angle of the reclining back as well as adjusting the arms. I was pleased to see the arms adjusted three different ways: sliding in toward the chair and away from it, sliding forward and backward, and lastly up and down. This has made it so that I can find the exact height and angle I want the arms at so that my elbows can rest comfortably while I work or play. The buttons are easy to press and figure out, and for the first day or so I felt like I kept finding a new armchair button feature! The headrest pillow was also a wonderful surprise, especially on nights where my head started to bother me. I've never had a more comfortable chair and I'm extremely happy to have this one now.
As a slightly vertically challenged person, I worried about the lowest height setting on the chair. Granted, my feet aren't on the ground the vast majority of the time, but I do have to sit a little closer to the edge for my feet to hit the ground on the lowest setting. That's not all that bad, though, as the comfort of the chair is more than enough to make up for that occasional issue. As a former orchestra student in school, one gets used to sitting on the edge of the chair and old habits die hard.
All in all, the E-WIN Champion Series may be my first in the world of computer gaming chairs, but I already feel I will turn to them whenever I need another. I have had my friend's mother and father even try them due to looking for a chair that will be comfortable and it hugs just like a glove. E-WIN puts a lot of work into their chairs and it shows with not just the design and craftsmanship, but also the feel. If you're in the market for a gaming chair, definitely give E-WIN a look, as they are worth it. Want to give them a try? Use Code "gamegrin" for 30% off the purchase of an Ewin Gaming Chair and see for yourself! Any of their chairs would make a great gift this holiday season.
E-WIN Champion Series Ergonomic Computer Gaming Office Chair Review
This chair is incredibly comfortable and easy to put together. On top of that they're very nice looking and will be a great addition to anyone's gaming gear.